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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Oh yea, I'll suffer playing GoWR on PS4 Pro... Jesus christ, listen to yourself dude
  2. They're better versions than the PS4 versions.... idiot
  3. God you're an idiot. The res and framerate and extra features add value to it. It's a better version of the old game.. therefore it is worth more. You know when Switch gets a version of an old game like.... Alan Wake... and instead of being better than the old versions.... it's actually worse... The PC version is the opposite of that... You're getting a BETTER version. Now... for a NEW game... the value comes from the fact that you've never played it before. Like if you and I both buy a PC game.... my PC game runs that game WAY better th
  4. The game was made for PS4. I've literally just said I'm not buying a PS5 for GoWR LOL Imagine buying a PS5 for a game when I can already play this shit on my PS4... which will just be best on PC anyway I'll play the shitty version of GoWR no problem. Unlike Jerky... I'll actually play it
  5. No. Those games are shitty on PS4... My money goes towards Sony bringing more games to PC, and making cows and fake ones like you... really butthurt. That's definitely worth it. And as my PS library on PC grows... the console becomes meaningless. PS4 has already lost damn near all of its worth. "I can't think of any other time I have utterly destroyed you" .... I know you can't.
  6. No, I'm paying for a new game that nobody has ever played before. It's not JUST about resolution and framerate... it's about the fact that OLD games at that resolution and framerate have LESS value than a better version of those same games... However, a NEW game... is a new game. I'm not buying a PS5 to play God of War Ragnarok when I know it's coming to PC. I'll buy and play the PS4 version on my PRO and potentially trade it in afterwards for a Steam card
  7. lmfao... you are so fucking stupid.. You can't see the nuance in anything... I use it how it benefits me. I'm not MS' ideal subscriber.... I don't subscribe to it year round because it's not worth that for me personally. For SOME people... it will be.. because they don't either want to buy full priced game, or can't. For SOME people... they're idiots to subscribe year round.. when MS' own output is dry as fuck... like this year... Now for some reason you can't seem to understand that simple logic. You can't seem to understand that for
  8. No, I paid around $50 for Sony's best games... on PC. It's a price I'm willing to pay for their older titles so I never have to buy a console from them ever again.
  9. No, standards change. 1080p 30fps doesn't have the same value now that it did back then.... in fact you have PS5 owners literally CRYING because some games only support 30fps... and not buying them because of that LOL So yes, better looking and performing versions of the same games are worth more now..
  10. No.. I'm simply saying that it's not hard.. when single modders can do exactly what you're saying withouth the PS5 "special sauce".... which you continually mention as some saving grace for PSVR2.. allowing it to get shitty shoehorned VR modes in games not designed for it from the ground up. And sweetie... Sony is literally the one doing everything they can to convince those same publishers to do it....
  11. Nope. You said they were worth $60 when they were new... and now only worth $10-20... and I said that's because they're shitty old versions of those old games now. Obviously new games are different... because they are new games never experienced by anyone else before. Never said full price. But certainly worth more. Wasn't Sony charging for upgrades? And he doesn't realize that I'm already having a field day with HIM
  12. Where do I say you should stay subscribed to it? And Jerky is learning that me and other people are different... and yet I can still see the value in it for some people. And yes, some people are idiots for staying subscribed to it. There's lots of good MS games on the service... that doesn't mean that *I* should subscribe to it. I own those games... Yes, there's plenty of perks to using gamepass to try games... I literally JUST said that in this thread. What are you even talking about... I've had and cancelled GamePass many times. Again,
  13. Who would pay more than that for OLD games at that res and framerate... New games is different. Hell, there's even 1080p modes in PS5 games So yea, I'll buy GoW:R for $60.. because it's new. Then I'll sell the console version, and get it on PC at native 4K 100+fps
  14. lmao... modders do all the shit you're talking about on PC all the time...
  15. I'd love for this to become a massive hit for them. It will be interesting to see how this affects sales and engagement of the video games. If they're smart, they'll have Factions and the PC version of Part 1 ready to go at some point closer towards the end of the season. They just announced a TLOU board game too.
  16. I agree with you that the level design in the old games completely shits on the new games. I love how they were like massive puzzle boxes. But that doesn't mean that what's here is bad either. It's just different. They wanted to do something different with this arc of the series.. and they made the right call, because the old style was getting a bit long in the tooth by the end of Ascension. I do think that a mixture of the two styles would be the perfect type of game though.
  17. Because there's no market there for them. Those smaller games naturally gravitate towards digital because they're small and can be easily downloaded and don't take up much space on the drive. When you start talking about 60-100GB+ of storage requirements... then Physical makes more sense for a lot of people who have data caps and slow internet. That's why only the biggest games get physical launches. So that's a large part of it, I think. Even more people would go digital if there was no data caps and internet was faster.. or files sizes were a lot smaller. So in re
  18. No, I'm not a fakeboy. If I defended the service, it's because I can see it's value to certain people... idiot OMG you can't even follow that And LOL you just admitted paying for PSN and PS+ was stupid OMG THANKS FOR THAT! He thought he had something going with all that red text LOL This idiot is like a bull seeing red
  19. GoW:R is a new game.. and you just said they are worth their price when they're new LOL thanks for completely owning youself
  20. Another idiot with a wrong claim Gee, it's no surprise that the two idiot butthurt bitches in this thread can't accept when they're wrong. They can't understand any nuance in any argument... and attack with "bubu you're a lemming so you must be subscribed to GP... You defended it once!!" bullshit
  21. LOL this is hard for Jerky to follow Sweetie.. I'm not subbed to it, because I have no reason to sub to it. You said I was. You were wrong. You said I hadn't hyped GamePass recently... but I just did, specifically the PC side.. which is growing. I'm CLEARLY referring to console gamers here, paying for online services, and subscription services...
  22. Because those old versions are literally shit tier now. 1080p versions at 30fps.. who would pay more for that? $40 on PC for Sony's best games... at their best... on a new platform to new consumers, with better features like Ultrawide and enhanced RT... Yea, it's worth it for the cow tears alone
  23. I just hyped the fact that PC subs were going up, because there's actual PC content on there that some gamers would like. MS haven't had any first party games in over a year... why would I be hyping it right now? Especially if you're a console player... LOL I like how I proved him wrong after he just tried telling me that I was a GP subscriber... and now he's trying to say I'm owned... by not paying MS $15 a month for games I don't want I already told this forum.. and you by extension... that I use GP as a rental service to test some games that I'm not su
  24. It's just so easy! Wait... how many of these launch games are using it atm again? LOL I LOVE how Jerky's trying to claim that instead of building AAA built from the ground up games for VR... developers should shoehorn shitty VR modes into their games because Sony gave them an "easy" way to do so
  25. It's funny seeing this fake cow claim that Sony's best games aren't worth $40
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