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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yeah no... PSVR2 is way worse off right now than even PSVR1 was when it launched. They really fucked up by not making PSVR2 backwards compatible.
  2. Yeah, but on average it's going up year after year. 8% of games on average this FY were Physical. That's dire. Over the last 3 years it's like 75% Digital. It's creeping up steadily.. which means that the people who were holdouts are folding, and it's only the diehards that remain.
  3. Like for example they're taking advantage of you.. .because you buy their games and don't play them. You also buy their VR headsets and don't play those either
  4. Nope, I saved money by not buying a PS5. And I didn't pay full price for a single one of those games. Thanks Greenmangaming
  5. Thanks for reminding me that they charged you extra for fucking MOVE controllers too No... you're seeing a completely different landscape of less people owning PS5s (way under PS4 launch aligned) and a shitty economy... plus an increased price of $150. There's NO positive to this launch that you can muster up.
  6. They are idiots. Sony takes advantage of idiots. Weren't you laughing at PC gamers that Sony was taking advantage of with their prices? Yea, they're taking advantage of you too. Except well at least PC players wont be paying for online... that comes out of YOUR pockets from increased prices Thanks for that
  7. No I'm not mad at them. Where the FUCK are you getting that from? I simply called Sony out for taking advantage of those people... and they will continue to do so, so long as revenue is up. That means more $70 games... and price increases if they continue to lose subs... since they know you'll pay for it. You're literally getting butthurt because I'm telling you what you already know Sony does...
  8. 4% of PS4 owners bought a PSVR.... 4% of 25M PS5s = 1 million Outside of some MASSIVE shift... people will have to buy BOTH PS5's and PSVR2's to play VR.... $550+550= $1100.. that's asking a LOT upfront... and the launch titles suck.
  9. Why are you getting mad about that? I'm not getting mad about Cows getting ripped off... it just is what it is. Sony are losing subscribers.. and they're making up the difference by ripping off their core customers. Nvidia does the same shit... you don't see me saying they don't...
  10. You've thrown in the towel already "here take my towel!!" he says as he's getting beaten badly.
  11. LOL he can't contest anything I said. And now he's throwing in the towel
  12. We've lost 2 million subs... but we increased the price to take advantage of our idiot fanboys! More remakes incoming
  13. I've argued them all already, and won every time. You're like a yapping dog that tries to act tough while it's "tethered" to a post LOL there's NOTHING... that positive that separates the PSVR2 situation from the PSVR1. -Less PS5 consoles out there compared to when PSVR launched for PS4 -PS5's cost more -$150 price increase -Shitty economy -Shitty launch games It's going to suck just like PSVR1 did. Which is why you've only played Drunken Bar Fight on yours while not touching ANY Sony PSVR exclusive this en
  14. 95% of Capcom's Q2 '22 sales were Digital.
  15. Increased prices which idiot cows are happy to pay. They're losing subs but bleeding the suckers dry. $70 remakes will do that.
  16. Jesus christ look at him... he's trying so hard to convince himself
  17. Total shit. Fell off soo hard too LOL "with improved specs"... yeah it's kinda hard not to improve the garbage that the origninal PSVR was
  18. Gamespot - 9/10 IGN - 10/10 Meta - 93 Main reasons will be it's "more of the same"
  19. Nobody is interested in your estimates. It sold like SHIT. And it dropped off hard. Nothing about PSVR2 points to anything changing.
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