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Everything posted by Remij

  1. This was posted on GAF, but it's in Japanese so you'll have to use a translator. https://automaton-media.com/articles/interviewsjp/20220926-220505/ Copied from GAF: Good to see things are going well for them there. Japanese developers have embraced PC gaming, and the Steam Deck could be the right product to help the Japanese gaming community embrace it as well.
  2. These ports cost Sony sweet fuck all to make. Both Spider-Man Remastered, AND Miles Morales... in less than a year of development. 2-for-1... essentially. Nixxes said 11 months... and that includes around 2 months just getting the engine ported over in that time too. Both Spider-Man games will easily hit 3 million each.. and they're damn near full price.. So that's ~6M in extra sales... 70% of that is ~$250M for something that probably cost them ~$5M to make... They're not going to stop lmao. Doesn't matter if they haven't played or bought these games before... they know the
  3. Pedro Pascal is perfect as Joel... but I'm just not sure about Bella Ramsey as Ellie yet.
  4. Yes I did test them in my hands... I simply mentioned the fact that I could lay them all out on the desk.. and the Xbox controller slides across.. the DS moves a bit.... and the Switch Pro just buzzes.. Again... I wasn't talking about the precision... I was talking about the force. And as I said... I prefer to have actual forceful rumble... than buzzing..
  5. No... all I'm saying is that I'm playing the PS4 version... because that's the version that works with the console I have... not the PS5 version.. Imagine doing all the mental gymnastics you've been trying to do... because you want desperately to believe I'm lying about not having one
  6. You're an idiot.. what the fuck are you even talking about LOL you're just saying pure bullshit to try to have me talk more and more about shit I've already explained to you multiple times... try TRY to catch me in a lie That's literally how desperate you are
  7. Jesus fucking christ... We bought two, and used them in the beginning... then as time went on we started playing the consoles less and less... Then we figured there was no reason to keep two of them.. LOL are you ACTUALLY acting like that's not a logical thing to do with things you don't use often enough? What a fucking clown
  8. God you're a fucking loser.. you can't admit when you're completely owned and wrong I proved I owned two in 2013. I proved that I spoke about my PS4 breaking in 2018... and talked about buying a Pro... I gave you a perfectly logical explanation as to why I didn't have "the other" PS4.... which is because we got rid of it... There's only one butthurt bitch here on this forum that thinks I'd lie about any of that... and he's hoping he can Jerry-go-round the topic and create some bullshit.. What an embarrassing person
  9. We got rid of it before that you fucking idiot.... Why would we keep two if we're not using them and they're in the closet??? I just literally explained it in the post you quoted.. We had 2... got rid of one because we weren't using it... and then the other broke. Hence the Pro.. to finish playing GoW
  10. I'm not directing any conversation. We had two... we got rid of one... the other broke. I bought a Pro after that. LOL Conspiracyhurey here looking for any way he can to paint me as a liar.. I love how pathetic it makes you look... how desperate you are to find something Like... WHY would I lie about having a Pro? Why wouldn't I just respond to Twinky and say... yea so what? I'm not buying a PS5 or playing that version regardless.. And look at how pathetic you're willing to get... thinking that I'd buy a PS4 version and play that on my "PS5" that I su
  11. ^LMAO this bitch got popped I proved that I had 2 PS4s.. but he doesn't want to talk about that
  12. LOL Jerky He's talking about the industry in general. How Nvidia keeps pushing tech ahead.. and yet developers aren't even taking advantage of current gen consoles... Holy shit posting this video has really come back to bite you in your ass
  13. "We've talk about how the consoles... sometimes it just doesn't feel like this generation has even started.."
  14. "It truly just feels like... we're not realizing to true power of a new console generation right now" "... and so it doesn't feel like these new cards are going to come out and change anything"
  15. Oh man, this is hilarious. As it goes on he literally starts talking about PS5.. and how most games don't utilize it's haptics well.. or at all... and how most games still have long load times.. because they're not being built with it in mind OMG
  16. There's no reason for me to mention in... how much do I talk about me playing my console in general on this forum lately? I literally said in the What are you playing thread, that I was getting a Pro because my original died... I didn't feel any need to announce having a specific model.. until it was assumed that I was still playing on an old PS4 original...
  17. No. He's saying great games don't necessarily push tech. What he said was damning about the entire industry. The fact that he specifically was talking about the PS5... and could only think of "the loading times in Ratchet and Clank" as the most next gen thing about that gen... proves that what he's saying about games in general... doesn't require this level of pixel pushing power of the 40 series.... because NO DEVELOPERS ANYWHERE are pushing visuals that would require it. LOL You've been completely smacked the fuck down this entire time dude
  18. ^JFC No I wouldn't say it with every mention. I don't say I have the PS4 Pro version of a game unless there's a reason to specifically call it out.. I call it what it is... the PS4 version
  19. No... he says "to me.. the most next gen things... are the load times in Ratchet and Clank." That's an inditement to the state of the industry IN GENERAL... He's actually saying... "there's been like 1 game so far since those consoles have come out... that actually pushes tech..." And he's mentioning Ratchet.. not because of visuals... but because of the load times and rift mechanic... In fact, he actually goes on to say talking about the current gen consoles... how there "was talk about multi-core CPUs and engines finally being built around them..... and that it... h
  20. Yes he is... Yes... and he's speaking about developers in general you clown... across the entire industry. And that's right... what games coming out PERIOD that are truly pushing the envelope? The fact is that he talks about ART being more integral to a game looking good these days than technology... because there's nothing out there from ANYONE... that is pushing NEW technology.
  21. I never gave any such narratives... lmfao you're so full of shit I bought a PS4 at launch (2 of them actually) Played exclusives mostly Got rid of one, kept the other The PS4 broke after GoW released... I went and bought a Pro. Since then, I've barely played it. It has been in the closet. Only comes out when we want to play something specific. Goes back in the closet. Now I may simply call the console a "PS4"... because that's what it is... and when speaking about versions of games... I'll say the PS4 version.. because that's the version tha
  22. No he didn't. He's talking about gaming in general... and then even goes on to say "because what's the base spec... PS5 and Series X.... this gen is going to drag out loooong... so what's the reason?" He's speaking about gaming in general. How most games are more constrained by art and assets... than technology... THAT is why he's saying that. And he said it because it's a fun game... you don't need a 40 series GPU to play fun games. Meanwhile, YOU were saying it to troll. But LOL we already know that you prefer to play Vampire Survivors over PS5 games.
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