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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes... are you retarded? They literally do that with EVERY PC THEY MAKE... Any games bought in Steam go through Valve dummy... If they made a cheap "console like" box... and put SteamOS on it (instead of Windows because Windows costs money) to sell it to gamers.... they would market the hardware to gamers as such. They aren't selling games and scraping money off every sale LOL... oh lord
  2. No.. what are you talking about? You're talking about Intel and other manufacturers not "agreeing" with SteamOS... and not declaring that "Steam and Valve hold the credit card information and pay the publishers".... LMFAO are you dumb as fuck? Steam and Valve DO handle all the transactions which happen on their platform.... Intel, Dell, Hewlett Packard.... they wouldn't be entering the video game market IDIOT. They'd sell the hardware as is.. and that's it. They would manufacture the box... and sell it for a profit. They're not handling game sales
  3. ^ It's number 3 for the month What I was said the majority of PC gamers don't care about it.... after you said it's sales reflected the "entire buying power of the PC community" This idiot trying to ignore the context Wait until you find out the majority of PS5 owners don't buy PS5 exclusives either OMG
  4. What.. the fuck.. are you talking about?
  5. I am boasting about Spider-Man PC. It's doing good for Sony. What I'm NOT doing... is making stupidly retarded comments like "the entire buying power of the PC community" to describe it Idiot... you're getting just completely outclassed... try a new angle sweetie
  6. No... I said it's doing well for Sony... You said PC gamers don't really care much about it
  7. LOL Steam Boxes didn't have any proton support.. you couldn't play fuck all on it but some linux games... SteamOS is a completely different beast now. lmfao people blaming it on hardware and manufacturers..
  8. ^ He's repeating his strawman I never said it wouldn't.. I celebrate Xbox's wins as they happen... I never once said that it would win in any long run. That's a "condition" he set... to attempt to "win" an argument that I never made This fucking idiot
  9. You're not changing what was said sweetie Sony's best games are selling 1-2 million on PC.... Other games have sold far more than that bub... So CLEARLY it's not the "entire buying power of the PC community"
  10. You're a pretty big idiot aren't you? You said the "entire buying power of PC".... I don't need to point to any game on any list. It's a simple fact that PC gamers spent more money on other games than they did Spider-Man the month of August
  11. He just did... and you JUST gave an example of him giving the condition of a year LMAO oh my god I never once said Xbox would beat PS for the year..
  12. ^ look at him trying to change his argument The majority of PC gamers don't give a shit about PS exclusives... and you hilariously got caught proving as much by trying to make a joke about it Oh and PLEASE act like Spider-Man is the best selling PC game this year
  13. Nope. That's all in your head. I never said Xbox would sell more in a year than PS. I look forward to you explaining PS losing any month it does from here on out though
  14. No... because the majority of people buying PC games aren't buying Sony games, idiot... and they don't care... like I said OMG that had to be explained to you
  15. So the entire buying power of the PC community.............. cares less about Sony exclusives than a shitty Saints Row release on consoles.
  16. Yes.. that's the point... To gloat when PS loses to Xbox... since it's "not supposed to happen"... I already told you... ANY time that Xbox wins a month from now on... what is your excuse going to be?
  17. Nobody here thinks this shit is taking over Consoles are going to die out on their own... no need to kill them
  18. SteamOS could be a real problem. A console-ized OS which plays all your Steam/PC games and makes it as seamless as possible... which can adapt to any form factor? Could be a potent combo.
  19. Yea, just make sure you get the 16GB version.. please for the love of god. That 12GB card is a joke.
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