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Everything posted by Remij

  1. You should admit that more often, fucking clown It's not a screen improvement... it's the fact that there was no custom calibration software built into the Deck at that time... They've added it... which means all units get it.
  2. LMAO you can't even respond to an entire post of mine. LOL That tells everyone everything they need to know, Jehypocrite bubu itz everyone else!! Don't look at me and what I'm doing!!! Fucking clown
  3. Look at him.... He just spent over $2000 on a PC... and he's hypocritically doing what he accused Jonb of doing... which was buying something just so he could shit on it. He bought a $2000+ PC recently... and now he's saying "THERE'S NO REASON TO BUY A $2000 PC, PROVE IT REM!!" This is that completely hypocritical shit that the forum sees right through Run along and play your PS5 then dude
  4. No I'm not. Steam Deck owners aren't acting like there's better games to play and that these games are fake OMG he though he actually had something... and he tried increasing the font to boost his confidence in posting it
  5. No you aren't. And yes, Steam Deck owners are playing Vampire Survivors the most. I didn't make fun of this game... I made fun of you... because of things YOU'VE said. In this very thread you're the one saying it's not a real game... while I'm saying it is. You're playing a (in your opinion) fake game... over any other real game you have on PS5. That speaks VOLUMES.
  6. I don't feel the need to defend anything LOL Why are you playing Vampire Survivors over any REAL game on PS5? Defend that you dumb bitch
  7. No you weren't. LOL And yes, Steam Deck owners are definitely gaming more than you are.
  8. No, I'm not admitting anything... other than the fact that YOU bought a PC for a single game despite claiming there's nothing worth building a top end PC for. LOL idiot, you literally JUST DID IT. So CLEARLY there's a REAL reason why you did that. You're also playing that PC more than your PS5... and any "real" game on there.... So again, your actions don't follow your words on here. And we can put that down to simple fakeboy hypocritical bullshit from you. And about that Crysis moment... There will never be another moment like that
  9. How has PC gaming failed when you're playing Vampire Survivors over any PS4/5 console exclusive? LOL this dumbass
  10. Ah so CP2077 was that game for you... right? LOL this idiot doesn't realize that he's claiming there's no games worth building a rig for..... and yet HE FUCKING DID IT SPECIFICALLY FOR ONE GAME
  11. Nobody builds a PC for a specific game. Well, YOU did LOL and look how that turned out And yes, every game is a real game Jerky. Literally every game on PC can take advantage of better hardware. From higher resolutions, quality settings, and framerates. Again... you'd rather play those "fake" games... than any "real" game on PS5.... we've already established that... and you're not getting out of it
  12. That's really an old issue at this point. That's something pixel purists point out because it affects things like 2d pixel art games, and UI elements which can look blurry. Like I've said, in newer modern games which are constantly adjusting input resolution and aren't fixed at all... games which also use heavy post-processing and have temporal AA or reconstruction generally look a slight bit blurrier. It's hardly an issue. Sony is even supporting 1440p on the PS5 now. Nobody in their right mind would take a 1080p resolution over a 1440p resolution when scaled to 4K... unless l
  13. You're the one angry... because TLHBO has completely outed you and has you 100% pegged for what you really are. You should cool down and go play a mobile game or something. Get your mind off things
  14. Vampire Survivors IS a real game. One that you're playing over any PS5 or PS4 exclusive. LOL You're not getting out of that sweetie. You PREFER to play that game... than to even TOUCH your fucking PS5 We already know the only way to get you to play your PS5 is if you're forced to through ban bets on this forum. Demon's Souls? I haz no patience I swear! Returnal? I need mah fren for co-op too hard GT7? Nope, 1 day was enough thanks Horizon:FW? Well, that 40fps patch came, tried it out... but nah.. Meanwhile... you'
  15. LOL he's melting down today my lord He's mad because the entire forum knows how much of a bitch hypocrite he is. Everything this clown says is bullshit and we all know it
  16. ^look at this fucking post PC has real games... which is why you're playing it over your PS5. LMFAO... bubu I wuz already playing a PS5 game... no.. you weren't. LOL idiot we can see you profile.... you go months without touching your PS5... and you only ever start doing some shit with it when people start calling you out on this forum.. time after time. And LOL no kidding you're playing mobile and PC over your PS5... you're a fucking fakeboy bitch who only bought the PS5 so he could enter himself into conversations about it and attempt to have credibil
  17. They're a product of their time... much like many other games. Doesn't make them bad. They served the market at the time and played a part in evolving the genres to where they are today.
  18. One of Sony's biggest IP... in the land of Sony... when there are no other major AAA titles releasing... LOL limited to a console with shortages.....now you're going with that? LOL. So what's the excuse for other Sony games doing well then? What is going to be the excuse when God of War shits on this? Nevermind, I'll help you.... Bundles. That's what the difference is. Why wasn't I like this with Halo? It's obvious why Halo didn't chart. UK is Sony land... and Xbox is more digital than anything... and GamePass is obviously g
  19. I already mentioned that in the OP. It's fucking Saint's Row dude... vs one of Sony's biggest IPs UK is also Sony land....
  20. When was The Initiative even announced? How many years has it been ffs.... and we still haven't seen anything other than a CG trailer Pretty pathetic... and it's their own fault for building their upcoming game studio to be AAAA... In the end I hope Perfect Dark is good.. and I enjoy Crystal Dynamic's games.. so I'm excited to see what they come up with (watch it just be Tomb Raider without the tombs lol) ... but yea, they've got to show something here. Has to be at the VGAs...
  21. Yea. Pretty sure the PC version will launch around the time the show starts up, and then after wards they'll release Factions.
  22. Before we start... many caveats: Only physical releases counted, only a couple days charting, multiple platforms vs single platform, and UK is going through some shit right now.. so a $70USD re-release of an old game likely isn't a luxury many people would bother with in this climate. Now.. It's still unfortunate, but Sony priced this game simply too high. TLOU is one of Sony's top franchises.. even being on just one platform their game should easily smoke top spot in UK land. I understand these production values cost money.. but this should have b
  23. That was also before games were using temporal AA and tons of post processing. Now a game at 1440p will mostly look just a bit softer... which is also usually countered by a hint of sharpening.
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