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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I haven't played it yet because I'm waiting for the Steam version... but yes it's good from what I've heard/seen from friends.
  2. If there was ever any question after Nioh 1 and 2... there likely wont be anymore. The combat looks amazing, visuals look ace, setting is sick... Let's fucking GOOOO! TSHBR too
  3. Not quite yet no.. the foundation for that is being built though. There's still a few things holding it back, in its current form. -While most new games work right out of the box, it's not a guarantee that a game you want to play will be supported yet. They're working on this though and literally every week the list grows. -The hardware is incredibly capable.. and medium settings is EASY for most games.. but for the larger more ambitious games, you have to dial things in. It's not as convenient as a console is yet... but it's getting incredibly close. -Most of their f
  4. Yeah it's been a stupidly long feeling cross generational period. Good things are coming though... but yea, Covid really fucked Sony over considering the hype they had at the start. And yea, I'm glad to just have a single platform I focus on now. Both MS and Sony's games come to PC now... PC + Steam Deck is a seriously awesome combo. Throw in a Switch on top of that for Nintendo games, and you've got access to almost everything out there. Times are changing fast too.
  5. Neither are Sony... imagine if they demanded you play games on your PS5!
  6. That's cool. There's some good parts for sure, and I like the gameplay.. but a lot of story decisions rub me the wrong way.
  7. I feel like a complete remake would have likely messed up certain aspects of it. It's always a risk when you do those types of things. For me personally, a visual overhaul is perfect, not messing with any scenes or big changes/additions. This is a side team project.. so it also helps them get their hands wet with the console, before taking on a new project. If it had been the main Naughty Dog team themselves, then they probably would have done more with it. But anyway, nobody is being forced to buy it lol. What do you think of TLOU2 so far?
  8. It's one of my favorite PS games, so for me personally, this game with those visuals.. is worth the price. But the only reason I'll be buying it again is because it's coming to PC. It's not worth buying a PS5 for, unless you've never ever played the game in your life.
  9. Twinky still trying to make fetch happen
  10. Full 24min interview here... since I know everyone here loves Phil Spencer! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2022-08-25/bloomberg-studio-1-0-microsoft-gaming-ceo-phil-spencer
  11. LOL TLHBR Most of MS' acquisitions have been PC oriented developers really. It's clearly their biggest focus going forward. I said ages ago that eventually their console will just be a generic PC meant to serve that audience. Having Blizzard for PC and King for Mobile really does put them in a pretty good position in each of those categories. Of course COD for console awesome too. That acquisition really does target all the sectors they want to expand their presence in. Xbox really is coming full circle
  12. Yeah. I wonder if Nintendo will make use of it though, if it's proven effective. The biggest thing for them is that an entire generation of Switch hardware was easily hack-able, and you have tons of pirates downloading those games to play them on their consoles... and not only that of course, but the games are now emulated day 1 on PC.. for the most part. There's no longer a lead time of months or years... this can be affecting sales from Day 1. So if Denuvo can buy them some time like it does on PC... then they'll probably be happy with that. But make no
  13. It's not that serious of a thread. The point is that reservations seem to be growing daily... regardless of how few it is. And yea, Steam isnt going to be giving any numbers. Doesn't matter. Just a thread because I'm happy it seems to be doing well.
  14. Production is picking up speed too, and the queues are moving up quicker as well. Developers do also seem to be using it as a marketing tool for their PC games. I've seen a few "Deck Verified" confirmations result in people choosing the PC versions of certain games over the Switch version that they were considering.
  15. Exactly. For anything that you think might be well done, there's something else negative that completely offsets it. But yea, the magic effects are crazy over the top, and I like me some quick traversal.
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