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Everything posted by Remij

  1. This game really tears at me. At times it looks great, and at times it looks bland as hell. I'm concerned about the dialog... but I really like the main character. I like the idea of the story... but I have no faith in them telling a good one. I dunno. I'm going to buy it and give it a shot though. The movement and combat looks like it could be quite cool. So here's hoping it turns out good. 🤞
  2. It's going to be hilarious to see this fall flat. Someone tell Nintendo the best way to not have your console emulated is to make a powerful one that can't be emulated worth a damn
  3. No, it's not LOL... they don't pull the camera away.. they adjust the FOV so that the camera remains where it needs to be to frame the image the same way, while providing all the extra view on the sides. If they didn't adjust the FOV, then it would stretch the sides. LOL Jerky proving that he doesn't know shit
  4. "By preventing piracy on Switch while blocking unauthorized emulations on PC,"
  5. LMFAO nobody thought Halo 5 sold 20 million
  6. Nobody does that And the funny thing about this... is this entire thing is more centered around Switch owners with hacked Switches pirating games, and less about PC emulation But this is hilarious... these clowns celebrating Denuvo coming to their platform
  7. LOL Jerky's such a dumbass. Not like he'd play anything on console anyway, unless he's forced to WOW! Switch has 63 pieces of content over 75 on metacritic this year so far!! PC only has 88... LMFAO Derpy
  8. Good luck This will hurt Switch players more than anything
  9. No. LOL. Spider-man is MUCH better and more cinematic in ultrawide lmfao who the fuck you think you're kidding. Not like you'd know anyway It's not a hack implementation... they adjust FOV and alter camera angles.... and no... there's no random character standing where they shouldn't be... its hilarious seeing you try to damage control your lack of ultrawide in your shitty gaming setup that you don't use LOL
  10. Unbelievable improvement. If anyone says there's barely any difference, they're blind. And I double checked, and yes the PS4 Remastered cutscenes are pre-rendered video... compared to PS5 real-time. They re-rendered them all from scratch at 1080p 60fps Going to be so godly to experience this masterpiece again on PC in Ultrawide. I never replayed the PS4 version to completion. Gonna feel like a brand new experience
  11. Beat Spider-Man Remastered on PC. Great game. Going to do all the side shit now and play the DLCs off and on.
  12. That's fine, but games aren't designed around that. 2 is the right balance. I'm sure they did enough focus testing and found that people like you are in the minority. Two is preferred because it gives the user choice, and yet is less likely to get in the way. Though I'm basing this off of my experience with the Elite 2, and the Steam Deck. I don't have any other controllers with back paddles.. so maybe there is a configuration out there which would prevent mis-presses.. but I haven't found it yet. These paddles on the DS Edge certainly look unique, so I'm
  13. Hell no. There's a reason why there's not 6 face buttons on controllers anymore... 2 is the right balance. If you can't do what you need to do with 2 extra back button, lower the difficulty
  14. Two paddles is the right choice. They did it for a reason, and it's not because it's half-assed. It's that essentially nobody uses all 4 paddles on the back of their "Pro" controllers. 2 of them usually always get in the way and are accidentally pressed. On my Elite 2, I've detached 2 of the paddles because 4 is simply too busy and there's mis-clicks.
  15. This was your entire post clown Why did you lie? You either out right lied, or you were wrong and made a stupid mistake. Which is it? It's one or the other, and nothing else you say is going to change that.
  16. Well, stick drift is a big problem, and this looks to be their way of solving it lol. Wonder what this thing will cost? lol
  17. The things on the back are 2 paddle buttons. The things on the bottom are quick release mechanisms for the analog stick modules.. which you can swap out for new ones if they have any issues.
  18. I would have expected more from MS too, but it looks like they don't have much to show just yet and are probably waiting for the VGAs. I mean... when the fuck are we going to see Perfect Dark gameplay? Hellblade 2 trailer with 2023 release date? Fable gameplay? It's been ridiculously long since some of these things have been announced, and there's very little if anything to show for them... Something HAS to happen at the VGAs... Sony will have a Fall showcase and will have GoW:R. These upcoming games from Sony are going to be the first truly next generatio
  19. It looks good... I like the touch pad being black, should have been like that with the original. Also, they missed the perfect opportunity to fix the start/select buttons. They should have been slightly bigger and more protruded. I hate them on the original DS controller.. and they look to suck here too.
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