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Everything posted by Remij

  1. You can do it with whatever. I used the one easily provided by Jerry. God of War is a completely different game. Sure you can compare them... but there's all sorts of factors that can affect that. GoW was cheaper... it can also be affected by timing... marketing.. ect ect. Spider-Man at GoW's price would have sold more than God of War did. Even still, I don't even think it's as off as you think. Switch Witcher was full priced too right? It would have easily sold more at $39.99. It would have also obviously sold more if it released on Switch at launch, with all
  2. Jesus christ dude. I'm simply saying that I can say the same thing about Spider-Man that you are about The Witcher. I agree with you for fuck sakes.. I can compare PC Spider-Man to other versions of Spider-Man in 2022. In 2.5 months it will surely outsell what the PS4 version sells... you can't really even buy it individually for the PS5, will surely account for more than 11% of the total sales of all the versions of Spider-Man in 2022. Spider-Man on PC is selling fine for an overpriced 4 year old game that millions upon millions have played before. The comparison
  3. Which allows me to do the same for Spider-Man.... I'm sure after 2.5 months of sales Spider-Man on PC will have sold more than 11% of Spider-Man's sales on all platforms for 2022. The Witcher sold well for a 4 year old game on a new platform... and Spider-Man will too. That's my point. And yea... a bit more is an understatement.. but sure.
  4. Funny how Goukosan knew and understood perfectly... like the rest of us.
  5. This is the Jerry-go-round... you're experiencing it first hand my dude.
  6. And I'm sure Spider-Man on PC will capture more than 11% of Spider-Man's overall 2022 sales numbers on all platforms too... Spider-Man will sell well on PC. And yes, Spider-Man would sell incredibly well on PC day and date.
  7. Jesus, Jerky melting down right now LOL
  8. That's exactly what he's trying to say. It was nice of him to post a chart showing Switch pathetically fail to sell units in a game precisely 4 years later too!
  9. You didn't show shit First, he never said it would sell better than PS4.... he said it would sell better than it is now.. which is stupidly obvious. And you showed that out of 3 platforms TW3 sold on, PC sold a 3rd of sales... and Xbox failed to sell PC sold around 3M, PS sold around 4.5M. Funny thing about that chart you posted.... look at the Switch version. Hmm... why did it fail to sell anywhere close to the other platforms Jerky? It was 4 years later.. and most people had already played it PC day and date versions would s
  10. Price is an issue.. idiot. Pricing has an obvious relation to sales. I bought the game, clown. I have no issue with price... but I'm not everyone now am I... You laughed at PC gamers for having no choice but to pay full price.... except PC gamers are clearly waiting until it's the price they feel it should be. LOL So it turns out you were wrong.. again And no sweetie, I have a Switch and Gamecube. I buy and play games, and also emulate them. Cry harder
  11. Of course you'd have to actually explain that to him... as if it wasn't obvious what you meant.
  12. LOL Jerky "bubu PC gamers getting owned, being charged full price for 4 year old PS games" Also Jerky "bubu PC gamers aren't buying the games!! More excuses!" I've purchased more Switch carts than you have.. that's for sure. YOU'RE the pirate here Jerry.. You've already gladly admitted it. This entire forum knows you're a complete hypocrite.
  13. To this day the physics for this type of water racing are unmatched.
  14. It also costs $10 more than God of War... LOL Jerky... the guy that was laughing how PC gamers were getting charged full price for a 4 year old game.......... is now apparently shocked that........ PC gamers aren't willing to pay full price for a 4 year old game If it was the same price as God of War was... it would have sold better. That's quite clear. And yea... something that already has 20 million sales... is going to sell lower 4 years after the fact... I didn't try to justify stealing... it's simply what pirates will think. I happen t
  15. It didn't only sell 66K on Steam That's concurrent players dumbass... The actual amount of players that bought the game by now is easily over 500K. It's tracking about as well as God of War... which did ~1 million in less than 2 months.. And yea... releasing a 4 year old game for full price IS a good way of getting people to pirate your game. It's more like PC gamers are treating Sony exclusives as an afterthought
  16. Well I'm not saying concurrent users as a metric is retarded.. I'm saying the thought process behind a 4 year old full priced game being proof that Steam users don't/won't buy Playstation games is retarded. The only thing it's really proof of is that PC gamers wont buy Sony games en masse if they're stupidly overpriced 4 year old games. They priced this one out of a lot of upfront sales on the PC side.. however it should continue to do good numbers as sales come through over time. It's definitely generating more revenue for Sony than God of War did seeing as how it's $
  17. Remij

    I got a PS5

    LOL he's mad You barely make threads period dumbass. You've certainly talked shit about Quest 2 and PC on this forum. And like I've said... you bought those things to appear to have credibility when it comes to you bashing those platforms. We all see through your bullshit. We clearly see your hypocrisy... you're not a gamer. You don't even play your PS5. You just bought it so you could attempt to have credibility when talking about how good it is compared to everything else LOL... The proof is in your profile
  18. Remij

    I got a PS5

    LMFAO this thread And LOL Jerky coming in here talking about people buying things specifically to bash them.... LOL what a clown-ass hypocrite! He literally bought a Quest 2 after hating on it repeatedly here... He did it so he could appear to have credibility when he talks about PSVR2 and how it's massively better it will be... and lets not forget he went and bought a RTX 3090 just so he could hate on the PC platform and say his PS5 is better.
  19. MS' already knows their future doesn't include consoles as the primary platform anymore. They're literally just buying time until cloud gaming takes over. They know they lost, that's why they're moving on to the next frontier. That will be their platform going forward. Develop PC games that can be streamed remotely to any device, or locally played across all generic PC devices. An "Xbox" may exist in the future... but it will literally just be a PC. They're essentially synergizing Xbox's gaming strategy with Microsoft's corporate strategy. This is what allows them the full ba
  20. Yea. MS is likely hoping that COD being on Gamepass and cheap access to a console will convince the casuals to buy Xboxes instead of PS5s to do so.
  21. No duh. It's selling faster than Xbox one though. PS5 is selling slower than PS4. It's not 2:1 yet... and MS is hoping that by scoring COD, they can stem PS sales in the future.
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