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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm not so confident.. and on top of that their competitors are getting ready to release brand new GPUs this year, and early next year. By the time Intel has anything ready, they'll already be vastly outdated.
  2. Days Gone is great on PC! I quite liked the mouse and keyboard implementation and despite showing its age these days it still looks great.
  3. Been playing Spider-Man Remastered. Game looks a great as ever.. super clean with DLAA. Port is really damn good too. Sony was smart as hell to acquire Nixxes. They've also said there will be CPU optimization updates coming in the future.
  4. Yes! I was playing Diofield last night. Demo is quite good indeed.
  5. Roguelikes are fucking awesome. A great roguelike with awesome music = an incredible game. The Binding of Isaac is one of my favorite games of all time
  6. Just Xbox/PC. Bethesda is basically done as a PS developer at this point I think. Just stuff like Elder Scrolls Online will continue to get support.
  7. I think it's a major reason why Xbox has sold what it has of Series consoles. It's definitely a business model only companies like MS can do currently... which is why they're doing it. Hoping they can starve out the competition. Thing is... if MS augmented it with actual high quality games on a consistent basis.... they could absolutely rack up subscribers.
  8. It's honestly pretty crazy how much power and battery life you get in such a thin laptop. The M chips are fucking incredible at certain tasks.
  9. Nice writeup man. I've heard others with pretty much the same sentiments you have about it.
  10. Yea, but I mean those people are the reason why COD literally sells what it does, let's be real. It's not hardcore console fanboys.. It's the.. what's the cheapest way to play COD type people. Ok, this box + this subscription service... done. They have no allegiance. Yea, well it's the model they've settled on, and what they're putting all this work and money into... lol, we'll see how it plays out.
  11. Well, yea.. of course. Sony's going to use their leverage if not to stop them, to at least raise the amount MS will have to pay to convince developers to join.
  12. They will. Casuals don't think "oh I'm spending $180 a year"... they'll think... oh I get all these CODs and DLCs and exclusive shit... for just $12 a month... and a bunch of other shit I can try out for essentially free.. count me in.
  13. I think you're seriously underestimating the appeal to the casual market of getting a cheap Xbox Series S, along with all the COD games for a low price like that. Lots of COD casuals buy a PS or Xbox and literally only play COD and maybe one or two other games. With exclusive content and marketing... they'll get a lot of people.
  14. The big thing about this deal for Sony will be the eventual loss of marketing rights and exclusive content, and the entire series being on GamePass. They know MS ain't taking the games themselves away. Way too much money there... and we already know MS want's GP on Playstation. Sony will never budge on that..
  15. There's no way in hell they'll require the launcher. They'll continue to release on Steam/Epic as well if they do make a launcher. Essentially what MS is doing... except Sony's launcher and store will actually work and function like you'd expect one to. Basically their store will allow them to do the whole subscription thing.. which is likely what they want it for. Wouldn't be surprised to see 3rd parties on board too.
  16. Absolutely. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. MS is pulling a lot of shit to get devs onboard with Gamepass, and that's on them to convince developers it's good business... works both ways for Sony to convince them to stay the traditional way.
  17. https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/games/pc-games/?smcid=pdc%3Aen-ca%3Aprimary nav%3Amsg-games%3Aplaystation-games-on-pc What's interesting is if you look at the FAQs, there's the question "Do I need a PSN account to play Playstation games on PC?" and the answer is "No you currently do not need a PSN account...." Pretty much signals their intentions to bring PSN support to PC.. possibly along with their own launcher in the future I would imagine. I said a while back Sony will probably wait until they get enough titles out on PC and then introduce PSN, PSN Plus and all t
  18. Yes, Sony only wants to compete in the same way they always have.. and stifle new methods of competition in the gaming market.
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