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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's crazy that Sony actually has PS5s sitting around in stores now. It's not hard to find them at all currently. They're also directly selling them to people in a queue and people who buy are getting them right away. The pandemic and resulting economy have really limited what people are willing to spend $500+ on atm.
  2. I don't think they completely failed to capitalize on it. They certainly didn't have everything going for them.. lmfao wtf? Sony did... coming off the PS2. Xbox had a very steep uphill battle, and the 360 had development tool issues in the beginning. It wasn't easy, but despite that Xbox grew quite a bit in both sales and mindshare. Both with consumers and especially developers. It was the better designed system and you could do some awesome shit with it. Sony's saving grace was Amy Hennig and Naughty Dog. 100%. Without that game... Sony would have been fucked.
  3. PS5s sitting everywhere I seent them Xbox ONLY 6M behind.... with no games... while Sony released everything they got
  4. Yes it does. Mouse and Keyboard does change the gameplay. And what would you know about the mechanics, story, and features of the game? Clown... shut the fuck up and play a damn game retard
  5. What sheep besides Gouko are there? Jerky ain't a sheep...lmfao you KNOW he ain't playing this shit
  6. And you're playing that instead of any banger on Playstation Jehypocrite bubu my frwen!
  7. I didn't say that... at all. I said.... they certainly didn't have the backing and blessing of MS back then the way they do now. That's what I said. It took that much money to compete against Playstation... after the juggernaut that was PS2. They had lots of money.... but not billions to buy whoever they want... like Satya gave Phil. LMFAO this clown trying to argue anything with me. He wants to get slapped like a dumb bitch again I see... 4th consecutive night
  8. I hated Xbox back then Well not hated.. but I always wanted Sony to win. Still though, you have to respect MS' hustle during that generation. They had the better designed hardware, they had dev support, and massive franchises going full swing. Sony was coming off the success of the PS2 ffs... that was a huge uphill battle for MS, and the fact that they essentially tied them by the end of the gen was massive.
  9. Xbox at ~16M sold Sony at ~22M sold Thought it was going to be double or triple by now? PS5 consoles are also easy to find in stores right now too. Seen quite a few of them sitting around, like Xboxes. How could it be that the company that has already released literally almost every massive banger franchise they have within the first 2 years... Demon's Souls Miles Morales Returnal FF7 Remake Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart GT7 Horizon Forbidden West ...while Spider Man 2, Wolverine, FF7R2, GoW:R, TLOUP1, and F
  10. This all happened long before Phil had any say Can you fucking imagine... if the MS of the 360 era, had the financial backing from Bill Gates, that Satya Nadella is giving Phil Spencer now? Sony would have been finished lol
  11. That's not even close to as empty as your PS5 disc drive has been since you got it Hilarious thing is that you're playing Vampire Survivors on you RTX 3090 PC, instead of any PS5 exclusives that you still have yet to play This is what Vampire Survivors looks like BTW for anyone who doesn't know LMFAO and this little fucker tries to criticize what others play LOL, nope not happening
  12. Jesus christ, right on his fucking head Hope they're both ok. That's just fucked
  13. You haven't played either TLOU nor GoW.. And you weren't in any rush to play Spider-man when it launched either Jerky the 🤡
  14. No you didn't. LOL He's forgetting that's verifiable Dude hasn't played either TLOU game Think about this.... The Last of Us will have come to PC.... before Jerky has ever played it through Don't tell him about Joel guys! Keep spoilers under wraps... we don't want to spoil it for him
  15. LOL he's going to dream about finally having his own place... just to wake up and realize he's still with his brother and nephew
  16. He's tagging his boyfriend, again today, because I'm picking on him
  17. Jerky jerry-go-rounding with Substatic in 3 separate threads.... again today
  18. I like how you talk as if you've actually played it before All of these posts by Jerky can just so easily be disregarded.. because the guy has no credibility in anything he says
  19. LOL he can't respond to the fact that he hasn't played any of these games... You didn't experience ANYTHING back in 2018 LMFAO... Jerry, we've ALL seen your fucking profile dude... And you're not going to play anything.. we're certain of that
  20. He wouldn't know... he hasn't played any version of it
  21. Yes we do. We absolutely let PS gamers beta test our games. That is completely our choice. We could have bought a PS5 at any time within the last 18 months and beta tested these games for hermits... like the other cows did. Nothing was stopping us, other than the fact that we knew all this shit was coming to our preferred platform. I mean LOL, there's no way some clown who's had access to these games for 18+ months now and chose to not play them is going to call us second-class citizens... LMFAO. Sony fixed you a plate, but you haven't been eating shit... Jerky trying a bi
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