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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sweetie... Nvidia is integrating the testing program... because developers were using it for that purpose I've already told your bitch ass that they're adding more funtionality to it to make it better for developers... but the service has been used in that way for a long time now. LOL trust me... you're only making yourself look pathetic
  2. No you didn't. I posted verifiable proof that they have the pilot program.. and that has been going on for a long time now. I proved how it's used for development. There's nothing else to say. Devs are using it... and we're in a thread of such a game. And more are coming. Especially the Sony ones If the GFN leaks weren't true... developers like Sony would have come out and said... nope there's nothing to these rumors. Except they didn't
  3. I've destroyed every pathetic attempt you've made in this thread
  4. No it isn't. And no, it's in pilot... and has been for a while. Developers still upload builds to their servers for testing purposes. Nvidia are improving it and allowing new functionality for developers. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that developers can't upload builds and have other developers in other places test and watch And I'm not lying. You're the one attempting to lie here. It will never not be hilarious to me that you think all these games that are getting announced.... were just random people adding these games int
  5. No... it is up and running.. and developers use it for development.
  6. No it isn't faked information My lord you're fucking stupid
  7. No... for games in development for PC And yes, developers ARE using it to develop and distribute builds and play watching... Gee Jerky... maybe YOU should try to figure out why God of War was in the GFN servers.... while you're arguing why it's not on the service Why is it in the service... huh Jerky? LOL idiot is fucked through his own logic
  8. Because not every game developer is going to decide to use GFN for development Like... look at how fucking stupid this clown is.. OMFG
  9. You're so fucking stupid man... literally. They're being developed for PC and the developers are using the Streaming service to test the game as its being developed... It's not testing the fucking streaming service for their game moron.... It's literally... hey we have developers up here in Canada making the port... and Sony devs in Sony Santa Monica who want to play and test regular builds to make sure it's proceeding properly... Developers using GFN as a service for developing their games... does not mean that it's coming to the service retail... my fuc
  10. No... because we all know that GFN is used for DEVELOPMENT and not just streaming released products... The consumer side is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what Nvidia offers developers as a DEVELOPMENT SERVICE.... How are you this fucking stupid?
  11. No... why would they all be confirmed one after the other? They'll be confirmed... when the publishers are ready to confirm them.... like always in game development
  12. Because it was used to test the game during development... not put it in the service for consumers
  13. I don't believe that. The other thing is that that masses now mostly want to just play Battle Royale games.. so the only way to probably elevate Halo up to those games would be to follow suit. A Halo BR game would be massive.
  14. Nah. Halo is still relevant. The IP itself is evergreen.. it just needs a team to do it proper justice.
  15. LMAO the difference between the PC and console RT is laughable. Console RT looks just like SSR.
  16. Because it's fabricated... by developers of each games who put their games in the system. His dumb ass logic is so incredibly sad and pathetic
  17. Cmon now... Halo could have done amazingly if they had actually launched with an actual fucking plan and content. It's clear that people wanted to play an awesome Halo game... but 343i quite evidently just can't keep up with the demands of satiating that audience anymore.
  18. His retarded ass is literally trying to use games that aren't on the list... as a reason why the list is fake... because apparently it needs to include every PC game in development... It's like a wife giving her husband a list of groceries to get from the store and he picks them up plus a few other things that he wanted while he's there... and then her saying "you didn't follow my list!"
  19. Yes, new information, retard And that post wasn't made TO you... it was ABOUT you. Jerky is BIG MAD that I made another thread about something he was wrong about
  20. There he goes again... trying to claim that because games are releasing which aren't on the list... as a reason why the leak is wrong LOL. So instead of using the games which are ON the list... as confirmation that the list is accurate... he's trying to use......................................................something other than the list How fucking STUPID can one person be?
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