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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No, because I'm not as pathetic as you are... and I don't have to post it on my twitter timeline for you to know that.
  2. LOL he's trying to blame his inability to stop posting on me
  3. That says nothing about the game being best on PS5. We already know that VRR makes the Xbox the best console version. And Digital Foundry, as John has stated... all know it as well.
  4. See... look how Jerky won't stop. He simply can't help himself. So fucking pathetic
  5. Yea. It'd be pretty sad if Sony couldn't do better than an indie teams first game
  6. Jerky is the only constant... neither mine nor Ghostz exist without Jerky doing his Jerry-go-round thing
  7. I know that. I also felt like stating what the issue with the engine is.
  8. I stepped away, yes... because you NEED the last word. Like a pathetic kid He'll respond to this again.... and again... and again... if I allow him to.
  9. It is unacceptable. However, I knew that patch was coming before I bought the game... so I wanted to see what it was like.. and I've had a couple stutters, and outside of that it runs at 120+fps So I'm good with it
  10. Clearly not. I stopped responding first
  11. Yea, because that's what the purpose of it was. I'm not denying it. And wow... sorry I posted the fact that they're working on a patch
  12. No I clearly wasn't... because I stopped responding. 15min without any responses is a lifetime in your jerry-go-round threads. I gave you the last word... because you go until you get them... saying the same stupid pathetic shit over and over again. Did you read your ghostz jerry-go-round? Let's look at it at a snip of it. and on and on and on... You'd keep going and going too... if we didn't stop. THAT's what makes YOU specifically pathetic
  13. Single posts in 3 separate threads... vs 5 Jerry-go-rounds with 3 different posters where you're responding multiple times per minute in each thread and have to get the last word No.... it's not even in the same realm as pathetic.
  14. Kid needs the last word on everything. Every thread Jerry-go-round'd... all threads by different posters. What a pathetic fuck
  15. It didn't require addressing because nobody asked. This is a thread about it's technical features When you brought it up... I did address it. Instantly. LOL he's mad because he had to "discover" the price on his own... in a thread that had no reason to state the price.
  16. I addressed the price of the game... right when you brought it up And then I showed that Sony doesn't only fuck PC gamers... but PS gamers too. U got mad
  17. Nope. You were wrong again. I will buy whatever I like though. That option is available to me.. since they're no longer PS exclusive
  18. All of those games are better games than what you're playing. Every single last one. Notice the lack of PS5 games... LOL
  19. YOU don't need any game... since you don't play games
  20. What were you even doing in the Official "What are you playing?" thread in the first place?
  21. I literally responded to you that Sony's fucking PC gamers.... and I also told you they're fucking PS gamers worse. LOL Look how mad he's getting because I called it out! He's getting all defensive too LOL The state of PS gaming when Sony is releasing PS3 games and charging PS5 prices for them... and almost every big game that's been released so far is also on PS4
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