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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sony charging PS owners $70 for a PS3 game.... and Jerky screams "we already played that game".... which actually makes it worse What a fucking dumbass
  2. Yep Because I rightfully commented to Alex about some games having issues... which they do. OMG how dare I comment about an issue that a game has!!
  3. Not as tired as your PS5 is of not being played
  4. You didn't beat TLOU.. you played the game ONE TIME.. and stopped. Literally ONE DAY You did the same thing for TLOU2 as well You fucking HATE playstation games! They're going to sell it to you AGAIN for $70... and you'll get 4 or 5% done... as usual
  5. Who's that according to? Oh, the guy who owns a PS5 but doesn't play it? The same guy who gets more entertainment from my twitter than his PS5.. LOL it's definitely not anywhere close to that pathetic. I mean how pathetic must PS5 gaming be when you have one and don't even play it for months on end?
  6. That Unreal Engine has issues that affect a lot of indie and AA games. Yea, I did say it does. Because I'm right. And sweetie... the state of PC gaming is still far better than console gaming LOL. That's why Sony is coming to OUR house... None of us wanted to go to theirs
  7. LMFAO Jerky acting like anyone expects HIM to make threads about games Yea no shit clown... you don't play games. And NMH3 was a certified banger for the Sheep.... until it wasn't. Don't worry sweetie.... the people here who actually play games are going to decide if it's good or not.... not you.
  8. Both of those are original games.... this is a remake.
  9. Yea, Sony's fucking PC gamers by charging $60 for a last gen PS4 games with prettier graphics... ...but Sony's REALLY fucking PS5 gamers by charging $70 for a PS3 gen game with prettier graphics
  10. Not even a 9 LOL Stray got a 9, As Dusk Falls got a 9... LOL Ditch
  11. I'm running it maxed out and have had only a couple. 100+ fps 99% of the time. Looks like the PS consoles have their own stutters too
  12. Game has been running beautifully for me so far, only had 1 or 2 shader compilation stutters which weren't really a big deal. Usually in the 100+ fps Devs already commented on it They're working on fixing it, as many of these smaller indie studios have had to do before... owing to the fact that Unreal Engine's default PSO and shader compilation method is single threaded, old as fuck, and not modern at all. It works well for consoles, but not PC. Which is why a lot of these smaller studios have issues with it. They only have tech artists, they do
  13. Of course you can. It's not like Jerky is rushing to play games either He didn't buy a PS4 until the PRO launched LOL. He was waiting 3 years for a PS4
  14. LOL look at him Yes, I am running faster than a 3070. And no LOL those specs aren't with DLSS retard... lol AMD doesn't support DLSS OMFG he thought he was actually going to say that an not get checked to hell and back This has been hilarious
  15. It's not missing anything PS5 isn't missing. It's got extended RT in fact. As they've stated. LOL And yes it will. I'm running faster than a 3070 sweetie... and yes I will do 1440p at 60 fps... easily. And that's before DLSS LOL That's a fact. And LOL look at him talk about DLSS... like as if it doesn't destroy Sony's shitty upscaling methods like it does verifiably in God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Death Stranding.
  16. Just better than PS5 RT effects... that's it. My PC will indeed be running it at the very highest settings, at much higher framerates And yes, it will be ultrawide And the reason why I didn't post them, is because they don't matter
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