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Everything posted by Remij

  1. lol I think Platinum has too many projects they're tied up in right now for it to be that. But who knows.. they were begging MS to reconsider Scalebound again... so they're probably desperate as fuck? But I think Nintendo is smart enough to just make deals with them when it suits them and not take them on entirely.
  2. Oh right. I wasn't even thinking of that. I usually think Devil Summoner. So weird that it's not coming to Switch. At least not yet anyway. Companies are so fucking weird sometimes.
  3. This game is so cute. I just started though. Definitely getting The Cats of Us vibes lol.
  4. I think you guys are hating on the wrong person. The art direction in Halo Infinite is great. It's the tech teams that let the art team down. Halo Infinite probably has the best art direction of any Halo since Halo 3.
  5. Ah yes, and future Activision games releasing on Playstation could spark interest in other Xbox games you can't get on Playstation...
  6. Yea, I was just playing it again, going a bit further, and performance is all over the place. Sometimes dropping down to 30s. Seems like it also has memory leaks as well. Pretty terrible. When does it launch? It definitely needs more time in the oven.
  7. 20fps? No way? What resolution and settings are you using? I'm getting usually 40-60 maxed out @ 3840x1600. Game still looks like shit though. No matter what resolution you set it to around the barbed wires and other fine surfaces it looks like it's 1080p. Even if I force it to 7680x3200 lmao
  8. They can push the silicon harder than what they are... There's hard limits in the software which prevent pushing it further. They've limited it because of battery and thermal issues. So essentially the profile for the device is optimized and prioritized for handheld use. They're probably at the sweet spot where there's diminishing returns pushing clocks higher, and the power and thermal requirements aren't worth it.
  9. https://www.realmicentral.com/2022/07/16/microsoft-and-activision-blizzard-the-ftc-could-approve-the-acquisition-in-august/amp/ Pretty fast for a merger of this size.
  10. I never said a failure. I said disappointing. You're kind of proving my point. That God of War was in it's lowest state.. people were tired with it by that point. Sony Santa Monica literally needed a hit, or they were done for. That's well known from their making ofs and behind the scenes. God of War 2018 managed to do what it did coming off of that... while TLOU2 was riding high from TLOU1 and Naughty Dog's pedigree. I'm simply saying that TLOU2 didn't reach it's potential. The leak undeniably hurt it, and I apparently feel it hurt it a lot more than the rest of
  11. Sony had bigger expectations for TLOU2 than I did and you know it. Do you agree or disagree that the game was impacted by the negative response to the leaks and by far-right groups?
  12. He doesn't know who Twinblade is TwinkyHBR
  13. The original had the task of creating the fanbase... Ghost of Tsushima had NO fanbase just 2 years ago... and it sold 10M in 2 years. Yes PS5 counted for some of those, but not enough. GoT even doing 7M in 2 years on PS4 alone while TLOU2 doing 10M tells the same story.. The game underperformed.
  14. And God of War was coming off of Ascension... which was the most disliked God of War game. TLOU2 was coming off the back of TLOU1... the most revered and highly praised Naughty Dog game... Expectations man...
  15. It did 10M... you don't think without the leaks and butthurt right-wing crybabies trashing the game to their groups online that it would have did a lot better? I'll say it again... this was the sequel to Naughty Dog's biggest game. Everyone loved the first one. A lot of people were put off by the sequel because of the leak. Of course it could do 15M on a console with a 100M+ install base...
  16. I don't know why these guys act like the expectations for a THE LAST OF US game... weren't more than what they are for other Sony first party games... Like jesus... the hype TLOU2 had before launch was insane...
  17. Can you fuck off and not post massive stupid fucking lemming images in every one of your posts you spergy motherfucker
  18. 15M easily.. coming off the hype of the first one. Elden Ring is at 15M already and it's been only MONTHS... If you only count what PS probably sold.. 7M or so... then it's projecting to do that easily in 2 years. The game had a lot of negative reactions to the story and Naughty Dog's politics, which undoubtedly cost the game a lot of sales. That word of mouth spread really fast, even before the game came out.. because of the leak. It was massively hurt by it all.
  19. I'm making a thread about information that was just posted yesterday Stay mad, you insecure cowtart
  20. It was a new IP back then... just like GoT is now. Business has grown, and so has expectations... Why are you acting like there's not such a thing as expectations? It is the sequel to Naughty Dogs biggest game, their most prestigious game... it had massive amounts of hype that the first one didn't have the same luxury of having You're focusing so much on what it sold... and not what it SHOULD have sold. It UNDENIABLY was hurt by the pre-release leaks of the dumb shit in the game and the idiot right-wing nuts doing their bullshit. Why even deny it? Why a
  21. This is what a normal reaction is to this thread. Then you have the butthurt brigade screaming GD.. u a real one breh
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