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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Oh, and at least you admit what everyone else here knows... that you'll play exclusively on PC when Sony goes day and date because consoles suck
  2. You know I'm right Anyone that downloaded it and tried the MP, skewed the completion rate.
  3. And you're still not posting anything that indicates how PC gaming isn't my main platform, like you said
  4. LMFAO... I complain... because things could be better. Some games DO have issues... and I admit when they do... like Elden Ring did in the very beginning. Also, in my tweets I'm being overly dramatic to get my point across... A stutter here or there in a game (which also can happen in many console games) is a lot better than having constant drops in framerate and added input lag, like on consoles. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't like them to be better however.. See, I have complaints about console gaming too, dumbass
  5. look at him No a some UE4 games having compilation issues on PC doesn't mean it's not my, nor developers main platform LOL Look at how hard he's trying to cope here
  6. Yeah and It takes Two is an UE4 game Still waiting for you to post something that indicates PC isn't my main platform
  7. That's one game... and yes some have issues I thought you were going to post something about PC not being my main platform? I'm waiting
  8. Lol no.. You're coping even harder now by trying to tell me what my main platform is You're mad.. and its painfully obvious that I made the right decision to ditch consoles... Sony literally followed me as a customer. They're going to release their games on the platform *I* want to play on
  9. No, you're coping... and butthurt about the fact that their games are coming to PC. You're basically mad because I ditched consoles and went PC... and then MS and Sony followed me as a customer And no, Sony and Xbox games make up probably less than 10% of the games I play on PC. I did buy all those consoles except for PS5... Getting rid of the PC isn't an option. That's the main platform. Getting rid of redundant junky consoles and peripherals and focusing on the platform that I actually play on is the goal. Why would I want a bunch of consoles and physical gam
  10. No, you call me a port beggar as a coping mechanism for your plastic box losing all of its games... and every single fucking person knows it too And yea, consoles are a money sink you fucking retarded clown... especially for you since you buy (oh wait you rent LOL) games and never play them And no... you have me confused with DynamiteCop.. I have an Oculus Quest 2 which I got for $100 off the base price
  11. I checked the forums and they made a post stating: So it seems to me that you'll still be able to play the SP game, but you'll lose access to DLC and online features/modes. That's fine as I'd never play that shit now anyway... but there's conflicting reports about it out there.
  12. No. Any "completion" rate info that you have for Halo Infinite is massively skewed because of the free to play aspect of the game. Microsoft made the MP the main part of the package, and then the campaign was released as DLC. Anyone who downloaded and played the f2p multiplayer contributes to the lower completion rate because it's all together... there's literally 10s of millions. I wouldn't be surprised if MS did that to specifically boost purchase and player count statistics from Steam and Xbox though
  13. So why the fuck do you get so butthurt about me already reaching that point? I used to be a massive PS fanboy like you... but over the years I just started realizing that PC was better and the positives far outweighed the negatives. Consoles are a money sink that will eventually end you up with nothing. On PC you know your shit will carry forward, and there's an entire community out there archiving and cracking all of this shit for if that day ever happened.
  14. Yea I love it! I like how you can just easily hop into a game with randos and drop out. The only thing I wish was that there was at least one other type of "level".. You know outside of the traditional combat levels, and the hoverboard levels.. I would have liked to have seen them throw in at least one other type for just a bit more variety, or special stages. Something maybe like a "Super Hang On" style level where you're in the Turtle Van driving through the city and blasting vehicles full of Foot Clan enemies and then face off against a flying Baxter Sto
  15. Yea it's true for Canada, but this game is actually developed by Ubisoft Singapore, so it's contract is with the Singaporean government. It's typical of Ubisoft though to get funding from governments in every single country they operate in. And yea, governments like ours do it to bolster tech sectors in big and growing cities in an effort to stem the flow of talent to the US.
  16. Nah, I'm playing other things.. because PS games isn't the reason I play on PC... which is why soon enough means what it does
  17. Dude... any of this shit you see on the internet is bullshit. These idiots online are spewing garbage about only 2% of men having a chance with women or some bullshit like that... and if you're not in that 2% then you're destined to be alone forever and fail at life... like really... Notice the only people saying that are self-proclaimed "alpha males" who have lots of money.. They're TRYING to convince you that you have no chance with women so there's less competition for them You're ONE person... you only need to impress and keep ONE girl. There's tons of chick
  18. ^this is the kind of shit that makes idiots like you feel like they're not worthy to any women.. so you don't try. You just accept that you're a loser and never going to find someone... leaving more women for other men. Stop being a fucking dipshit who watches pickup artists and these idiots with their bullshit made up statistics and just go meet girls..
  19. So you're in denial then.. lol Look how quickly they're coming now man... They're not porting "old" games... they're porting their BEST games... Some happen to be 4 years old now... Since 2020 there's already been HZD, Death Stranding, Days Gone, God of War, Uncharted 4, Uncharted LL, Spider-Man, Miles Morales, The Last of Us Part 1 (with GT7, Returnal, and Sackboy coming shortly) announced or already released... They're pumping them out now... and they will run out of backlog games to port.. and when they do that... then their games begin releasing closer and closer
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