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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Just open your eyes dude. Information and movements start and grow at incredible rates these days... There's not much distance at all. If you disagree that's fine, but understand that people outside of America see things from a different viewpoint. Yes, you can say that we aren't there so we don't understand, but then again, you guys can also see what you want to see, and nothing else. It only takes a spark to start a fire.
  2. How about Democrats claiming "the end of Democracy if Donald Trump wins"? How about a stacked Supreme Court with the ability to take people's rights away?
  3. That shit is so fucked up It's easy to see how some radical could take it upon themselves to set that off. Like I said, I follow American politics at a surface level because obviously it affects us and the world and know more or less how the general system works, but I have no idea about all this stuff when you dig deeper. This is what I mean though.. so damn close to civil war. Some people are just looking for any opportunity to kick things off. Honestly speaking, him being a white American citizen who's also a republican is the best case scenario in avoiding fur
  4. I honestly had no idea about that. I don't follow it too closely tbh. Crazy stuff.
  5. I understand that, but what's stopping a democrat (left leaning) person from pretending to be republican and registering? Registering allows you to vote in the primaries, right? This guy was apparently 20-ish years old, so he hasn't ever even voted in a presidential election before. Until more comes out I'm not sure it's a clear case of "he's this or that" just based off the fact that he registered as republican. Of course, I'm sure there's republicans out there who disagree with Trump and hate him as well.. so it very well could simply be that Trump did something to u
  6. Hmm. I wonder if he left some sort of manifesto or if they'll ever know his motive? What does being 'registered Republican' even mean? (honest question)
  7. New York Times apparently got images of the bullet as it clipped his ear.
  8. Over control of the country
  9. I saw a pic of the guy they supposedly killed and he's a white guy for what it's worth.
  10. I'm honestly not too sure about that man. Ryse has some pretty cool moments in it. Anyway, Hellblade 2 should have easily been better and we shouldn't even be having this discussion
  11. Apparently someone else was shot as well. Whether it was the potential shooter or a bystander is yet to be known. https://x.com/PicturesFoIder/status/1812261959284171176
  12. I hope so. I just have a feeling that it doesn't matter which way it goes this election, both sides are getting desperate. The world actually needs someone from either side who can begin bringing the country together again. lol I dunno, maybe I've got it all wrong, but that's what it feels like for me up here.
  13. I think the democrat base knows they're stuck between a rock and a hard place with Biden potentially being off the ballot and nobody suitable to replace him that probably stands a chance against Trump. Makes sense that someone who is desperate would attempt this. But yea, this is bad news for democrats.
  14. I was thinking as I watched it it might be staged.. that photo is just too perfect. Either way... it doesn't really matter now.. unless someone can verifiably prove it was.. because it doesn't matter what really happened, all that matters is what about half of America is thinking right now... and IMO it basically means war.
  15. It's not even fair to compare Ryse to this.. Ryse is a much better game. Graphically still looks phenomenal, and even runs beautifully on the Deck. I wish we'd get a sequel to Ryse. Another Xbox misstep.
  16. I enjoyed it for what it was.. but yea compared to what it should have been, it's undeniably disappointing.
  17. PC/Deck and Switch for Nintendo exclusives. Between PC and Deck, probably 67/33 respectively.
  18. Well like I said before, I don't think GamePass killed their console. It probably honestly kept it alive as long as it has. As you said, Gamepass was a reaction to their console dying already as it was. MS thought that with a low price to entry, that scores of people would line up.. and typically they would, but like I said, I still believe if MS had executed on their projects better, none of this conversation would be happening. The games have had issue after issue.. development problems from bad management.. and so on. They've done nothing to address their core problems so it really doe
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