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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LOL what sacrifices? The environments look 3x better than anything in GT7.. and the cars look far better too... Just because GT7 doesn't have RT during gameplay doesn't mean it's a waste breh... it's ok to admit that (cows were sure laying it on when they thought GT7 was going to have RT during the races when FH5 didn't..
  2. GT7's trailers are mostly replays.. lmfao. Turn10 is making GT7 look last gen as fuck DF can't believe it...
  3. Well you're free to think what you want... but just know that as all this is happening, it's just confirming to me one thing.... that Forza looks so good that you're skeptical about it
  4. Jesus christ dude.. lmfao. There was a gameplay trailer... and a replay trailer. Neither trailer was deceptive... lmfao. That's what the game looks like... LOL even Richard says "duh... no shit replays will look better. " Alex is wrong on this one... Racing games have used replays for trailers for ages...
  5. I like some of the games. Kirby is fine.. but let's not act like it's a banger... Triangle Strategy is like a 7/10 strategy game on any other system.. but on Switch people act like it's some banger... it's not. Xenoblade again, 7/10 series on any other system. Splatoon lmfao... Pokemon is so tired... and these assholes talk about Gears, Forza, and Halo.... You know exactly what that list is.... it's a list of games that are fine..... for a secondary system. LMAO if that was your main/only platform... it's pathetic.
  6. Look at your fucking list.. PokeLOL Kirby Forgotten by Everyone Twinkle Strategy Xenosloga Chronicles 3 Splatturd 3 Bayoneva 3 More PokeLOLs Mario+Rabbids The best part is they're all best on PC Jesus christ how embarrassing
  7. This year has been fucking trash for Switch.. and will remain that way.
  8. No they didn't lie... The game obviously uses VRS What we saw... is what the game looks like... how's that lying It's ok to admit that Forza looks so good that you couldn't believe it was running on a console... and it looks so good that DF tried to call it out for showing replays like GT and every other racer does in trailers
  9. Because they have PC versions coming dummy Turn 10 didn't lie... We got a gameplay trailer AND a replay sizzle trailer.. I know exactly what the game looks like.. I'll tell you exactly why Alex is "calling them" out on this. He's butthurt because they showed the game running on PC, they showed the gameplay trailer AND the 1min replay trailers. His issue, is that the replay trailer has BOTH RT effects (reflections and global illumination) whereas the gameplay trailer has only lower quality RT reflections. He's mad because on PC with it's infinitely scalable hardwa
  10. No. You're completely wrong. And Sony writes "Captured on PS5" because they're differentiating from the PS4 versions and of course future PC releases of those games... they don't want anyone to be confused about which version belongs to which screenshots.. Sony's GT7 trailer They call it a mix of "gameplay" and "in-game cinematics".... Well the Forza guys just call them "in game" which they both are. Forza has 2 trailers... one which uses replay footage, and the other which is gameplay footage.. lmao they're not misleading anyone.. they're literall
  11. You're a god damn clown completely making shit up... trying so hard to "get me" with something
  12. Amazing! It's so fucking well done omfg
  13. Any of you guys seen this? I hear it's pretty awesome. Might have to sub to Shudder again and check this out.
  14. Sony literally labeled it "mix of gameplay and in-game cinematics"... So yes they do label replays as "in-game"... It's not false advertising... they literally have two trailers.. one which shows replay visuals, and one which shows literal gameplay visuals... It's not misleading at all.
  15. I watched it. As I said... what racing game doesn't use replays in their trailers? Why didn't he do it with Gran Turismo 7? Why all of a sudden for Forza does he have a bone to pick? GT7's trailer says a mix of gameplay and in-game cinematics. FM's trailer said "in-game".... That's the same damn thing... Every racing game uses replay footage in their trailers and they never denote it anything as such because it's obvious when you're looking at replay angles vs gameplay angles...
  16. They were not trying to pass the 1 min trailer off as gameplay... I mean, that's the entire reason why they have that trailer, and the gameplay trailer separate... What racing game doesn't use replay footage to make trailers? lmao.... Alex is mad because they were passing off stuff captured on PC as Xbox Series X footage.. and he's questioning if it's possible because he doesn't think it is. Which speaks more to the quality of visuals actually on display... all you guys can't believe it
  17. You quoted my post where I commented about what Firepower said you fuckward And trust me I know the difference far better than you do Both trailers are in game real-time footage... The "gameplay" trailer... was gameplay fuckhead. The 1min trailer was replay.. LOL Gouki's trying so hard to find something to own me with, but making himself look like a complete fool in the process, classic
  18. You're such a fucking bullshit liar.. this is the only trailer I've ever spoken about being gameplay moron... and it is And the 1 minute trailer is the actual game... it's not pre-rendered
  19. Just in-case it's not there for him https://store.steampowered.com/sale/nextfest
  20. No, because you literally have companies like Capcom telling investors that PC will become their main platform in the future where the majority of their sales happen. That's the type of shit console kids tell themselves to cope with the fact that PC gets most all games from everywhere PC is a priority for MS, and it's fast becoming one for Sony too
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