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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That's good to hear. I can't wait to play this Probably wont be until next weekend though. Hopefully I don't get shit spoiled before then.
  2. Will definitely be getting this. @Ramza You can use me as a punching bag
  3. Yes! The Plucky Squire looks incredible. Wow!
  4. I already explained that you only have room in your heart for one fatass Jeff podcaster.
  5. I dunno breh How does Perfect Dark not have a gameplay slice to show by now? How does Forza not release this year? How does Fable not have anything to show yet? Apparently Jez from Windows Central is saying that Gears Collection probably isn't even a thing never mind not being at the show ... which is sad for me because I was honestly kind of hyped to have them all on PC in updated visuals I think the show itself will end up good. I want to see Starfield gameplay and we'll see Forza gameplay for sure. Avowed should be there and I'm interested
  6. LMAO what the FUCK? How is Forza not ready to go for this year? And Hot Wheels DLC again? I heard on Twitter that apparently even the rumored Gears Collection isn't going to be there...
  7. Ask Gouko.. he tweeted the bloomberg article as confirmation it was BS And yea, we know you're butthurt about Grubb... you only have room in your heart for one fatass Jeff podcaster to religiously follow Oh, and now he's going to act like him and all the other butthurt bitches don't constantly call me a lemming "Look look he outed himself!!"
  8. You must be retarded... because in that post I state that Jason Schreier said it was a BS rumor...
  9. No, I posted something factual that happened.. and even said in the OP "Not that nobody cares" LOL He's projecting his butthurt on to others, because he literally doesn't know what to do... and playing a game isn't an option
  10. Casey Jones Let's GO Gonna be perfect to play on the Deck
  11. Sure it will Gouki... and all you guys will be saying "we knew it would come"
  12. Yea. Imagine that. An announcement trailer, meant for a future date... was leaked and posted early. Given your track record with Playstation exclusives... you would be playing Deadly Premonition 2 in about a year or so...
  13. Bitch what did I say... it doesn't matter about what Jerry and I were talking about... you said something.. right? You said that there would be no day 1 first party exclusives that release on PS5 and PC simultaneously. I said there would be. That's where we're at. Shut the fuck up about Jerry
  14. Absolutely. And it will be the biggest day of ownage and vindication in System Wars history. So keep piling it on.. my thread will be EPIC
  15. It's going to work out well with their big title franchises. As will be proven by the end of this gen.
  16. Dude... I posted the quote of yours saying no day 1 exclusives will release on PS5/PC this gen.. I said they would. And I'm holding you to what you said.. There's no Jerry this or that idiot... it's your words against mine.
  17. Imagine posting this post now That takes a special kind of stupid *screenshot*
  18. I made a thread because the trailer leaked... and that it's releasing soon, not to remind you It's easier to just make a new thread than search for the old one and bump it. LMFAO I even said nobody cares. But yet you're MAD
  19. I'm holding you to what you said.. which was that there would be no Day 1 exclusives released on PS5 and PC simultaneously this generation... LOL You keep bringing up Jerky.. but that doesn't have anything to do with what you said vs what I said. So yes, you are going stand by what you said.. and so will I.
  20. Stating facts is hyping according to you... so yea, you were hyping Deadly Premonition 2. Deal with it I got you mad, again, over a year later, for the same thing, apparently... that's hilarious
  21. Uh... no shit sherlock... that's what I'm talking about. Why the fuck do you think I'm saying by the end of the gen? We've gone from Horizon PS4 port 3 years later, announced in a random paragraph in a web article, to 1.5y later Miles Morales announced in an segment of their State of Play, to now being announced in the same trailer as the PS5 announcement, coming shortly thereafter.... And you think by the end of the gen Sony wont release a new single player game and release day and date for PS5 and PC? LOL... I remember the fucking lemmings saying the EXACT
  22. Ah.. and I'm just stating the fact that Deadly Premonition 2 is coming to PC... I even say in the OP "not that anyone cares"... And the celebrating isn't for the game... it's because sheep lost another game they had in their lists TSHBR
  23. Did you not say right here in this quote, that "what wont happen is day 1 releases of those exclusive PS games on PC"? You always maintained old ports..... except you said the above.. that there wont be day 1 releases... and I maintained that there would be new games PS5 and PC day and date by the end of the gen. You're not backtracking bud.
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