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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's amazing how much of a hypocrite he is on every level He ripped people off... so he could have a 3090 that sits unused in his PC... and we know full well he only bought it so he could attempt to sound more credible when he says stupid shit like PC has no noteworthy games, and that PS5 is better What a retard
  2. WTF... lol.. I'm connecting to Chicago for some reason and getting these numbers
  3. Jerky had to scalp people just to be able to afford it And Jerky's talking about 4 year old ports... but he's playing GTA5... on PS5..... while Demon's Souls, Returnal, GT7, Elden Ring, and others.... stay..... unplayed
  4. Exactly. All their games are best on PC. I mean, the hilarity of Jerky of all people... with Ratchet and Clank being the only PS5 game he's played to completion... trying to talk about Playstation exclusives He got his PS5.. .and he's just now getting to PS4 exclusives... he doesn't game unless he's forced to
  5. LMFAO he edited the word "stuttering" in to try to get to me... he's THAT butthurt right now
  6. No notable games.... yet beats Playstation on Metacritic every year
  7. That's the PS5 difference! Run out and buy one now! Must play exclusives!!
  8. Exactly. Jerky still denies that the Nvidia Leak is real.... despite Nvidia confirming the list is real... and lots of the games already either releasing or announced. Real talk... Jehurey by himself is taking it worse than all of the Lemmings put together when MS starting bringing their games over.. like holy shit
  9. LOL you also posted my Tweets from Mar 24, 2021..... when DF's article is Mar 14, 2022.... and claim I made them around the same time as that article Holy fuck this clown can't keep his dates straight LOL... and all that because he's mad that PC has the best version of Horizon: Zero Dawn... and has for a long time now
  10. He copied my entire Twitter timeline thinking he could use it against me LOL and claims I have a PS5 because I compared one game being smooth on it compared to PC...
  11. Yes, it was. There were no stutters if you waited for the shader compilation process to finish... I already fucking told you that you moron
  12. It was forgotten about the week after it launched. Elden Ring completely nullified that games existence. But to Jerky neither game really existed because he hasn't played either of them
  13. It was fixed before Nixxes did anything.... it compiled the shaders in the title screen menu. The people that experienced stutters were the ones who didn't wait for the compilation process to finish... You're really fucking stupid. I'm starting to think you might not be asking stupid questions on purpose after all... but actually just questions which turn out to be stupid because you are and you can't help it..
  14. Yep, and neither would I LOL I told these fucks that once the dominos start falling it's going to feel like it happened all at once. Jerky the fake sheep non-gamer who doesn't play any games unless he's forced to is hilariously more owned than the cows themselves
  15. LMFAO... that's when Alex made the tweet... not when the patch released... dumbass There has been no stutter for a long time. There was a pre-compilation process which happened after first launch, Nixxes changed it so that it would do it on the title screen.. and since then, there's been no stutter. The patch when they changed it from that, to entirely background based compilation was in December 2021.... so no... PC has had the best version of Horizon Zero Dawn for a long time already Derpy LOL
  16. LOL you read that verbatim from an article... which you just checked LOL And nope... wrong again Jerky And I've definitely confirmed it.
  17. That WOULD probably scare you because you'd see your face in the reflection
  18. Oh no? You don't think we're getting Ultrawide, unlocked framerates, DLSS/FSR, and Dualsense support? And no.. the games aren't 4 years old... Spider-Man: Remastered RT edition is a new game.... you proudly stated that LOL and Miles Morales were released on PS5 in Nov 2020... they're not even 2 years old And Horizon Zero Dawn has been fixed for a long time, there's no stuttering at all anymore... You know who fixed it? Nixxes did bitch Jerky
  19. Look at the little hypocrite try to beak.. it's not working Jer... it never does... like your PS5
  20. LOL this guy was trying to make fun of Hermits getting late ports.... when he himself doesn't play them until YEARS later(if ever).. that's what we were making fun of Fucking hypocrite through and through.
  21. And that's where you'll play it because even shitty PC ports are better than Xbox versions
  22. Uncharted 4 Uncharted: Lost Legacy Spider-Man Remastered Spider-Man Miles Morales God of War Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Ratchet and Clank 2016 Horizon: Zero Dawn Horizon: Forbidden West Days Gone Returnal Sackboy Death Stranding Ghost of Tsushima GT7 Demon's Souls Bloodborne TLOU: Factions TLOU: Remastered TLOU2 We know for a fact every single one of those games either has come, or is coming... Jesus fucking christ... everything cows hold dear.... raped and pillaged
  23. No.. I said Miles Morales was a flop... at launch... because it was.. It continued steady sales... and we know that's because of bundles. Lmao you couldn't buy a PS5 without either Spider-Man:MM or another first party game. But it doesn't matter now... Spider-Man is best on PC. Remember when cows said we wouldn't get Sony's biggest games like God of War and Spider-Man? I do
  24. https://blog.playstation.com/2022/06/02/marvels-spider-man-series-is-coming-to-pc/
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