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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No they didn't say they wont release day and date in the future.. they said they strategically decide what to do on a game by game basis. And Herman Hulst "went on record" and said that Horizon Zero Dawn was just one game and that not everything would be coming..... and here we are We all know where this is going. You don't have to get mad about it
  2. Nobody said they were going to abandon the console.. simply that PC will get most content day and date in the future You know they have to cross that line at some point if they want to actually grow on PC. They'll try it with one game, and it will do extremely well, and then they will add more over time.
  3. Aren't those the same percentages that they were the last time he reported them? Pretty sure they're close if not the same. WTF Ghost of Tsushima @ #1, that's awesome @FIREPOWER Yes, it is the ownage we think it is
  4. lmao no. They are a fuck ton more than 10,000 and 13,200... I eat enough chiles and sauces to know. I've eaten ghost peppers and carolina reapers. The thing with these noodles and the sauce packets in them are that they can vary quite a bit between packages. I've had some 2x and 3x which were very clearly less hot than they typically are, and vice versa. For the average person, any of those packages will be hot as fuck. I'd say that 2x are probably unbearable for most people to eat and actually enjoy the taste of.. since they're very hot. When you get used to the
  5. If you aren't used to them, they're pretty spicy. I've had the 3x ones and they're hot. 2x aren't bad.. and the ones in the black packaging are pretty light.
  6. Watch ya mouf or you gon get Decked
  7. Deck literally has a FARRRRR better community for emulation than any other device in history. Literally download one thing, and it will auto download and setup every emulator you could possibly want...
  8. I think it's pretty cool from what I've played.
  9. I hope this is good and does well for them.
  10. I just beat Midra last night, going to finish up the Ymir questline then finish the game
  11. Not surprised it played a part. That and Zen coming when it did and it being a great architecture with solid scalability .. they were so close too. It was quite bad for a while there, but they really turned it around.. and yes, thankfully, because Intel would have fucked everyone and held the entire industry back for years and years.
  12. Shits no good for anybody if they keep closing down studios. The last couple years have been brutal. It's obvious to me now that they would shut down half of Sega studios if they were to ever acquire them. Microsoft has actually pissed me off with how they've handled the studios and IPs they've acquired. I thought for sure that Phil would see the sensible thing to do and bring back some the classic franchises once they had studios who are reputable for making those types of games (or even worked on those franchises in the past) but they just keep fumbling every fucking ball. F
  13. AI can be amazingly great... to help actual humans do their job better.. not replace them an generate generic shit. The ones that have already figured that out are already going to be way ahead when the shit hits the fan.
  14. Yea I dunno. More than likely just some people in their feelings because while it was a Drake vs Kendrick/Ross thing, there was a tinge of "Canadian vs American" to it as well lol.
  15. You see Japanese executives taking massive pay cuts when their studios fail to meet expectations, instead of firing people and shutting them down. These motherfuckers in the West making millions and just firing muhfuckas every month or shutting studios down. Nah, no more.. I've seen enough over the past 2 years. Leave Japan alone
  16. I used to want Microsoft to acquire Sega... now I want them to stay the fuck away from them forever. I hope no Japanese publisher/studio ever gets acquired by them ever again after what they did to Tango. You just know that if they got Sega, half of those studios would close down. Wonder which studios it's going to be this time with layoffs?
  17. But for real, the Switch is a godly handheld... cmon now. It has access to some of the best games of this past generation. Nintendo games are amazing to play portably... always have been.
  18. The AI revolution and subsequent flopping of it maybe? lol
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