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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No, but I've thought about becoming a psychiatrist to help butthurt cows deal with losing their games on an ever increasing basis. There's far more money in that
  2. It will be on EGS as well...just like the other ones.
  3. LMFAO JerkyHBR again Nvidia leak stay winnin Bubu what about all the games that haven't been announced yet
  4. I'm thinking about it. Got too many games in the backlog though.. I want to knock a few out before I add more to the pile.
  5. It looks like the emulator they're using might not be that great.. which is pretty unfortunate considering emulators like Duckstation do a lot better. It's dumb the emulator outputs 1440p, but because the PS5 doesn't support that resolution natively it has to downsample to 1080p.. This stuff should be outputting at 4K easily.. and with that should have the option to run either at full 4K resolution, 1080p, AND native PS1 resolution. They've obviously done SOME work here... but it needs to be better. Nintendo fixed a lot of their emulator BS after some blowback.
  6. Free DLC I'm excited to see the movie this weekend
  7. That would be the logical thing to do.. but it's SW.. it wouldn't be interesting if we just waited for shit to happen all the time lol
  8. It's honestly a matter of when not if.. haha. DLC is definitely coming. The game is just way too successful for them to not milk it.
  9. I've put over 120h into it, and I feel I'm good for a while. Hopefully some awesome DLC comes for it soon enough.
  10. My Deck will be here by or before Monday, can't wait The Ditch is going in the trash after
  11. lmfao you can't be this fucking stupid. He's gouko-rounding me.. You commented on me and what I imagined....... then cried when I doubled down on my point... telling me to "argue with NPD because Nintendo is successful" I don't need to argue with the industry you fucking clown... Nintendo no longer directly serves the market I imagine them being successful in.. with the product I imagine them making.... because they weren't successful... due to the DIRECT competition which WAS Nintendo is ONLY successful when they tap something where there is n
  12. I don't need to. By your own admission Nintendo serves multiple markets... which Sony and Xbox don't. I imagine Nintendo still serving the same market directly, the same as MS and Sony.. with powerful consoles. I imagine that... because they don't. You think NPD is going to argue with me that Nintendo doesn't serve multiple markets which the others don't? NPD tracks PC sales... and yet that's not the same market as consoles is it?... Imagine.... Nintendo competing directly... with PS and Xbox. No portable. No waggle gimmicks. Just a powerful dedicated conso
  13. I already explained how it correlates to what you're saying.. and your point. So I guess the only thing left to do IS argue with myself.. since you seem to agree with me
  14. But not one where Nintendo competes in a dedicated powerful console hardware market... which is what I imagine them doing.. Please though... keep reiterating how successful Nintendo can be when they're not directly competing with................anyone and serving multiple markets
  15. I'm making the point dumbass. It directly correlates to why the Switch exists in the first place, and why it's successful... which is what you keep lording over everyone else.... especially people comparing it and the Deck.
  16. They weren't trying to... because the other companies were successful in their core console business.... Nintendo wasn't
  17. I have no issue with it my dude. It's just simple facts. Nintendo could not compete in the console market alone, so they made a hybrid. You know it, and I know it. And.. you quoted me about what I said.... which was that I imagine a Nintendo that didn't have to do that.. and one who actually competed with Playstation and Xbox in the dedicated console market.. with powerful consoles. We're not living in that reality.
  18. No, in the real world, Nintendo is serving a different market which the other two aren't. That's where there success is coming from. I know, and you know... that Switch is a hybrid... because it couldn't compete directly. So uh.. thanks for agreeing with me. Because if Nintendo COULD have competed directly... there would still be a Handheld line and separate console line.
  19. I wasn't trying to disagree with the statement... the point is to clarify why it is. You called other portables "half assed attempts" ... but no other portable attempted to.. because that company was successful in it's core business unlike Nintendo.... So congrats... Switch succeeded at something no other portable attempted to do and only "achieved" it... because they folded on the aspect that Nintendo sucked at... which was competing directly in the console space alone.
  20. That's not what I mean by competitive. They're catering to a different market. I imagine one where Nintendo could compete directly. They couldn't. Thus the Switch. They're massively successful because there is no competition lol
  21. Get out of here with this shit man lmfao... Consoles and portables were separate in the past for valid reasons... Technology simply wasn't where it needed to be to ensure the types of experiences that you could push on console. PSP was INCREDIBLY well supported and had a lot of console quality titles on it despite that fact. Vita was less supported for various reasons.. and Sony hasn't bothered since then. Also the "indiefication" of gaming and the prevalence and success of it, allowed Nintendo to build out a library which easily blurred the lines. The Switch only exists because
  22. I imagine a Nintendo that actually stayed competitive with Playstation and built powerful consoles too.
  23. I always liked Ed Fries. That core Xbox team was awesome. Imagine what that original team could do now with MS fully backing their gaming initiatives? They're all long gone though.
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