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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's an incredibly important and necessary job though... which is probably why they want to unionize.... so they finally get paid what they are worth in contribution to creating a shippable product.
  2. Got my notification around just 1h ago
  3. I didn't read the article, but that's good to hear. Hopefully everything works out for them. As for Xbox, it's sounding like it's going to be Forza Motorsport, and an apparent Gears Remastered Collection (ala MCC) for this year. Yep... we've gotten Halo, Forza, and Gears again
  4. Yea I know. Their games are doing well regardless. Might as well use this thread to post this image I literally just saw on reddit about the evolution of game graphics. Pretty crazy isn't it? PS1 to PS5 right there. Well, that's actually the PC version or perhaps an emulator shot because the PS1 was not even that high res and it didn't have filtered textures... but the point still stands.. More polygons in her eye lashes alone than the entire Lara character model from TR1. If Kojima is working on a Death Stranding sequ
  5. Bundles. You have to kinda feel bad for Sony at this point. They could literally be smashing every gaming record right now if they had proper stock Covid + other world events have severely limited their ability to capitalize on the hype for the PS5. It's kind of a shame because it would have been incredible to see where they could have been at by now, compared to where they are.
  6. Will add it to the list of games to check out! Damn, so I just missed it then haha. Oh well, it will go back on sale eventually. And yea, I did.. and just from the demo I can tell there will be some difficulty there. I've died multiple times haha. Very charming game though. I'm still kind of debating if it's better to play with a mouse/keyboard, or a controller though.
  7. We're all right. Hot Sauce and I are right in the sense that MS would likely not have created anything outstanding for Marvel, but you're right in the sense that MS is stupid for not at least taking Marvel games out of Sony's hands. Insomniac created the right style of games for Marvel's IPs... and with them firing on all cylinders now, it's going to generate billions and billions for Sony and Marvel. That could have been prevented.. but there's not much that can be done about it now. That relationship is built and there's no going back haha. Not the first thing that MS has done
  8. Xbox needs to fix it. It's an issue, and deserves to be called out. You also have MS talking about preservation and backwards compatibility... which ultimately means nothing if it all goes away because a connection is lost. I say keep calling out Phil Spencer whenever he alludes to preservation in the industry.
  9. I don't think Marvel games mean much outside of Sony developed Marvel games. I think Hot Sauce is right. They would have just put out mediocre Marvel games. Sony is the cinematic, high production value games publisher. Their games do extremely well, because they naturally lend themselves to exciting cinematic driven story experiences. Sony and Marvel is literally a match made in heaven for those two companies. It all happened the way it should have, imo.
  10. Yea it's quite an old game (1993) inspired by Secret of Monkey Island and other point-and-click adventure games from back in the day. It was really quite a charming and captivating little game and looked really beautiful. I remember running it on my Tandy 386, and being amazed that it would run at all haha. It ran quite well actually, but since my computer didn't have a sound card I missed out on the voice acting. The game had built in captions though.. so it was completely playable. It was so cool because it came with a big manual which al
  11. Very cool style and type of game. I had no idea about this one. Did you get it on PC? I checked Steam and it was $23, so I'm assuming you got it on console? Anyway, I downloaded the Steam demo and tried it out. I quite like it! Will definitely purchase when it goes on sale again!
  12. I have no qualms with Epic. I support them with what they're trying to do. The problem is that the client just sucks. It's gotten worse the more content that is put on it. Things are woefully slow now. I'm not really a big fan of the layout of things. I don't like how the actual Unreal Engine launcher is part of the damn client. It's just clunky. I have no problem with playing and buying games on other clients... but if I have any option, it's always Steam... and it doesn't look like Epic is pushing very hard to change that. My Steam client has 1100+ g
  13. I don't give a shit what anyone says. They can either be honest or not. The fact is, in the beginning it was fine when you only had a small amount of games.. but as my library has grown, the performance of the client has gotten substantially worse and laggy. It takes forever to load the games switching from the store to the library tab after first opening the client. The design of the interface is pretty terrible too. Sorting games is pathetically limited... and if you search for a specific game in the search bar, it takes forever to find the game until. It's just
  14. I have over 200 free games from Epic. They're recreating a decent chunk of my Steam library at this point lol. Nice to have a second option.. but I don't usually touch the Epic Game Store outside of the odd exclusive that I don't think will come to Steam. I only own like 3 or 4 games from actually buying them there. Their launcher is just painfully slow and shitty to use though.
  15. Yea, it will take some time, but I think by the end of this gen we'll start to see it begin to happen. There's quite a few games now which have full Dualsense support on PC. I think they'll release a driver and API for it eventually, but for now developers will just implement it on their own if they decide it's worth it.
  16. You're right, but then you essentially lose MP access to every game, as well as other content. Thing is though, that Sony can push that update which reneges that ability whenever they want. They reserve the right to do that, assuredly. But I mean there's no real reason for Sony to do that. MS is worse off at the moment, but maybe this recent debacle will prompt them to change it? It's pretty hypocritical of Phil Spencer to be talking about "we need to do more for game preservation" while having these types of DRMs in place on Xbox.. so we'll see.
  17. Disc or not, you definitely just own a license to play the game... and a couple pieces of plastic. LOL at anyone who thinks otherwise... Which is exactly why I don't give a shit about Physical anymore. You used to get amazing packaging, and actually owned the game which they couldn't take from you. Now an out of date firmware can result in games not working, content not being downloadable. Basically Sony is doing a better job than MS at convincing you that you have ownership of your games... but you really don't. The ability to play them can be tak
  18. They definitely are moving in that direction. I disagree about the porting teams though. They'll obviously have porting teams, but the reason why they are purchasing PC porting studios is for the talent. That talent will integrate with their world wide studios to create the PC versions of the games alongside the console versions and not after the fact. Basically what I mean is that they'll be like the "ICE Team" was for guiding the technical proficiency of Sony's core studios.. except they'll handle the PC side of it. Nixxes is one of the top PC porting studios out there.. they
  19. Man, it's a great classic point-and-click series. Well, I can only really speak to the first 2 games though, as I've never played the 3D ones and I've heard they are mediocre.. but this new one looks like it could be great again.
  20. Getting in on some of that Nintendoil
  21. Someone has to pay for servers, upkeep, and store front/back ends. Sony would have done it eventually even in MS didn't kick it off by doing it first. They had to wait until it was popular enough and they had the right infrastructure in place. I don't think it needs to be as expensive as it is... but it's understandable why they charge for it on consoles. On PC it's all decentralized.
  22. Holy shit.. I can't believe it I LOVED Simon the Sorcerer games. Played them on my very first computer, the Tandy RSX1000 way back in the day. I can't believe they're making a new one. The trailer doesn't show too much, and the visuals are unfinished.. and it sucks that it wont be done in the classic pixel art style of the originals, but that same sentiment goes towards the Return to Monkey Island sequel that was recently announced too. How fucking crazy is it that we're getting a new Return to Monkey Island game AND a new Simon the Sorcerer game... omg
  23. Awesome game! Excellent news... But I'm not sure this was a slip up... maybe a controlled leak/confirmation? Kojima just started posting shit like this on Twitter again So it's pretty obvious that they're in production on something now.
  24. Seeing you attempt to cope is icing on the cake. You're welcome
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