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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Hell yeah. It's important to support devs like that too man. We may think $17 is asking too much for some games, but I mean imagine how many hours of work these small teams (sometimes only 1 person) put in.. $17 is a fucking subway sandwich and a drink... Every so often I check out the various Steam curators, which can be a good source to finding gems like these. I vaguely remember hearing about these games a while back, but can't place exactly where or how. Glad you brought them up because they do look very interesting.
  2. I'm gonna give it a buy after your recommendation. Not sure when I'll get around to it but for $3 it's whatever. And yea, just imagine how many of these gem type games are out there on Steam too. There's tons of pure trash.. but there's also a fair amount of these little gems too.
  3. They botched it so hard I did just recently reinstall it and at least the cutscene judder that affected all versions has been fixed. I have no interest in the MP anymore regardless of what they do.. Though I suppose I could have a change of heart somewhere down the line... but it's more of a 'too little too late" situation for me. Other shit to play.
  4. Yea, there's a reason why Jerky, Gouki, and other fuckwads like you on this site call me Lemij. It's because you're all massively butthurt that I call you out about stupid shit. You fucks literally have Xbox burned into your brain. You're fucking obsessed. You specifically bring MS or Xbox up in every single fucking thread. It's pathetically sad.. I mean, look at your usernames over the years ffs You need help
  5. Fucking lunatic with MS constantly on his brain.. jesus fucking christ get a life loser
  6. Yes, you are. You're such a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy clown it's fucking embarrassing I defend Xbox... precisely because you guys are such fucking lunatics. Some of the biggest hypocrites in gaming period.
  7. They "fixed" it... for as long as they want it to be "fixed"... GT7 already proves that publishers/developers can have this DRM in their games regardless of the CMOS issue.
  8. I'm talking about the reason why lemmings here might not have noticed it.. it didn't affect everyone to begin with.. and it was fixed well before this thread was even made for many people And you DO know that Sony does essentially the same thing, right? The games check via the CMOS battery in the console if the hardware had been connected and authenticated to a server within a certain timeframe, and thus you can play them "offline" but when that battery dies, it needs to connect to their servers and authenticate every time you play.. When Sony and MS shut their servers down and
  9. "Of course you're not an Xbox console player, there's nothing to play on it" and yet somehow I'm supposed to be raped because they're having server issues? See how fucking stupid your logic continues to be? I came in this thread and didn't even say anything about the issue, just made fun of CRIERPOWER and your first post was crying about me being a huge Xbox apologist and serving my "corporate masters".. you're a fucking lunatic
  10. Your PS5 goes out of service for months at a time... and you've never complained about it
  11. You'll have to forgive me for not giving a fuck about legitimate Xbox console players.. because I'm not one Look how fucking STUPID your "logic" is
  12. All you have to do is look at cows and sheeps PSN profiles for that.. as we've seen time and time again here... no twitter posts and PSN outages necessary
  13. Maybe because not everyone was affected Maybe because it's been fixed as of ~16 hours ago
  14. But the cows and sheep noticed right away.. that also tells you something
  15. Really? It's THAT short? And that's not encouraging to hear that it's dumbed down.. the originals weren't exactly super challenging either. Guess I'll wait for a deep deep sale then. I still want to play it though, because I do love that series, even with all it's faults.
  16. Yeah it's the perfect intro to VR imo. It IS a damn shame they haven't done anything else with it yet, because you can imagine all the cool shit they could do with a sequel. There's still SO much potential there.
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