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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Splatoon 3 will probably be pushed back Nintendo never gives without taking
  2. Because Splatoon 3 will likely be pushed back
  3. I didn't make this thread He's so fucking butthurt he doesn't even know which thread he's in anymore.. bubu just wait until Slowny gets their stawkz up
  4. STFU European charts are useless.. Retailers bundle EVERYTHING for Sony Get a hat, a shirt, 2 PS games and a controller with your PS5!!! Oh, hey guys look X and Y games jumped 300%!!!
  5. Latest (19.04.22): PS5 stock is still available at Currys in the form of a bundle for £749. It includes the PS5 disc console, Horizon Forbidden West, a blue PS5 controller, a Logitech gaming headset and a 1TB WD_Black SSD. https://www.currys.co.uk/products/sony-playstation-5-horizon-forbidden-west-and-accessories-bundle-10238175.html?awc=1599_1650373483_19cc698940bf48e4b413453cf91e92f6&srcid=369&xtor=AL-1&cmpid=aff~http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eurogamer.net%2F~Editorial Content~256133~Gamer+Network+Ltd Game.co.uk LMAO you can't buy these
  6. LMFAO PS exclusive games being propped up every time a stock shipment comes in due to bundles https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-04-19-more-ps5-stock-boosts-gran-turismo-7-and-horizon-forbidden-west-sales-uk-boxed-charts Sony/retailers are propping up game sales by bundling their recent games with the hardware... no wonder why they drop off then shoot back up.
  7. Congrats man! Welcome to the club
  8. Mexican tacos are so fucking good I've had authentic traditional dishes from many MANY Latin American countries... and it's always amazing. Pupusas from El Salvador are *chef's kiss* too
  9. Here's a teaser trailer from IGN: And here's a promotional art for the game which apparently went up on PSN's CND servers: I love the artwork. Looks great. Hopefully this collection is good and a quality product all around. SEGA are so fucking stupid for not working with the teams that did Sonic Mania for a new game
  10. You're the one claiming I said something I didn't. I literally say the one thing is fixed... but the other isn't... And yeah it's pretty fucking bad that FROM hasn't fixed it... but locked to 45fps you really don't see them that often. That's about where the consoles hang in Quality mode too.
  11. The fuck I said the shader compilation stutter was fixed... not the asset streaming stutters.
  12. LMFAO Gouki acting like I give a shit about Ditch LOL... the battle is between Xbox and PS. Xbox beat PS in the UK AND Europe I already told your ass I don't give a fuck about Xbox "winning".. I only care about PS losing DeadLastion 5 Dumbosan
  13. Gouki mad LOL He's advertising his butthurt by injecting it into this thread, MS could learn from him
  14. It's not the wrong information fuckhead.. how are you this fucking stupid? My post was made when the thread was called "UK March Sales".... where he claimed Switch was first in the UK... and it wasn't.. I corrected him with the source... then he changed the topic to "European March Sales" then I responded "ah European sales, makes sense" LOL you came into this thread wrong, and you're leaving it wrong and looking like even more of an idiot than when you came in
  15. LOL all your predictions in that post went to shit Looks quite 4/10 fun LMFAO that last thread you're literally damage controlling whatever reviews the game was going to get... because you "know how it plays" Jerky
  16. You hyped it like your life depended on it You've gotten more No More Heroes 3 content out of this thread than you have the Switch version you hyped so much
  17. This thread exists because YOU hyped it LMFAO.. think about THAT
  18. No, the desperation is from Sheep... like you.. who clang to this 4/10 trash like your life depended on it last year ROFL Us getting it, after you guys said it would be a decade of waiting, and a better version of it... and rubbing it in your face... is what this is... and you're predicably MAD about it
  19. Yea, Switch games are trash.. we get it You fucks CLUNG hard to that game too... and none of you bought or played it A sheepfuck who doesn't play Switch games masquerading as a cowfuck who doesn't play Playstation games
  20. Jerky "bubu that game I didn't play was out on Switch before! You're a port beggar for waiting to play a version that isn't complete trash "
  21. No, just your retarded butthurt ass LMAO how embarrassing to come into a thread and accuse me of being wrong when I corrected the thread LOL Dookisan
  22. Ghostz changed the title of the thread you fucking moron.. it said UK March sales before
  23. That's UK sales dipshit.. this thread is about Europe as a whole.. where was I wrong?
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