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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Oh, so your point was that we can't say anything because Will Smith is more successful than people like us who post on this forum? You're continuing to argue with me... because I said that they should have treated the joke like the lame ass joke it was.. and not even let it bother them...
  2. That's rich coming from you... who calls white guys cucks every chance you get...
  3. You said the joke was lame... and that people just "take them" and how this time Will didn't just "take it".... That's what this thread is about... Essentially you're saying that Will had to do something... instead of just treating it like the lame, harmless joke that it was.
  4. LMAO... you're the one making excuses for Will... Nobody cares you think the joke was lame... The joke was made, and instead of treating it like the lame joke that it was... there were some actual feelings hurt... and Will got caught up in his feels. I guarantee you whatever Will would have said or done in response... would not have affected Chris in the slightest... because comedians should be able to take jokes... especially the lame ones.
  5. Oh fucking no... People make fun of bald guys every day Will and Jada didn't take it like a lame joke... her fefe's got hurt.. and Will wasn't going to just sit there and take it... because he knows the entire world already knows he's a massive cuck
  6. You still missed a ton of shit. Go back and look again.. lol
  7. They're only lame ass jokes... if you treat them as such. Will's wife had her feelings hurt, and Will being the cuck that he is, thought he had to do something... which ended up making him look even more pathetic
  8. LMFAO the biggest cuck there is in show biz Chris just took it and laughed and kept making jokes
  9. Yea, you and Goukosan are SO intimidating when you're trying to force people into committing to things they didn't say
  10. Well, that completely depends on what's been said. They aren't "taking anything away"... by offering an alternate method of accessing those games. I don't ever remember saying anything was going to happen instantly... yet there are people on this forum that act like everything I do say must happen instantly or it's wrong. In my case.. being "right" about Sony eventually doing it... means that MS would have been right to do it sooner. It's undeniably where the industry is going... you can look at every other aspect of the entertainment industry and see this.
  11. Oh, so it's just a way for Sony to charge more for Demos They're taking the Nintendo approach to a subscription service
  12. Maybe, maybe not. I think they'll do better than the Xbox One generation.. and I don't think Sony will do better than the PS4 generation.
  13. I'm not omitting anything. Does anyone expect MS to lead by the end of this generation? The point is that if Xbox grows marketshare by 7%, while the others lose 4% and 3% respectively... then it was a good generation for MS. It would be close to a 3 way split between them... so I don't really give a fuck and that would show that they're all healthy. You're the one who's desperate to make any MS win seem like it's still a failure. You're really butthurt about them. Imagine having 27% of the marketshare... with no games LOL
  14. "I'm making fun of them... growing 7%... while the others lose market share" Jefuckingderpy
  15. Why would I? You've already shown it doesn't matter what they do... you'll cry with your excuses. "bubu nobody could buy PS5s cause stock is pathetic" And 27% of the market... would be pretty good... considering they have no games... right?
  16. No I didn't. I made the guess that it would be there, based on where I thought it was at.. which turned out to be a bit less. So, no.. I didn't say it was instantly. In fact... that brings up another point about YOU acting like things should instantly happen... every time you compare it to Netflix. "bubu why is it not 100M yet?"
  17. It doesn't matter if it does. We already know how cows and sheep will damage control it.
  18. Yep, it's pretty pathetic that they're milking the fuck out of console owners AGAIN... with this same shit. It's bad enough they're selling the game again... but actually adding a subscription service on top of it? lmfao fuck off you clowns and just focus on GTA6..
  19. No... because I never said that. My post is a response to the responses from sheep/cows in this thread.. that if it DID happen... MS would still be a "failure"... to which I disagree.
  20. Nah, I'm not playing it yet. You can emulate it easily enough and it's already playable at 4K 60 with a 60fps mod.. but it's got performance problems which need to be fixed. It looks amazing though, IMO. People have already uploaded shader caches, so those stutters you see in this video aren't there if you download them. I'll give them some time to smooth everything out before playing it. It looks much better at 60fps.
  21. I think it's a beautiful looking game, and the animations are great. It IS a shame that it only targets 30fps though for sure. It would look really slick at 60.
  22. You honestly can't even be sure a new Switch console will actually improve or even play original Switch titles... This is Nintendo we're dealing with here..
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