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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No.. it's actually talk that explains that what I said is what I said. There's nothing more to it than that.... as hard as you're trying to make it be. You take the L that Sony has this past month... and maybe you'll have better luck next month
  2. https://vandal.elespanol.com/noticia/1350752153/elden-ring-tuvo-un-excelente-debut-en-espana-con-60000-unidades-vendidas/ Spain Console Sales Figures Feb 21st - 27th: Switch - 6700 Series S - 750 Series X - 350 PS5 - 150 PS4 - 15 XO - 5 It's a good thing Jimbo's got enough Neon Gas stocked up for a couple months though!
  3. ^ my god the meltdown continues He's failed literally every attempt... so his recourse is to... repeat the same shit he's said before... What do we call that again? Oh, that's right... the Jerry-go-round Hates Mario 64, hates Zelda OOT, hates Metroid Prime.... and we know those are his HONEST opinions... because that was LITERALLY THE POINT OF HIS POST ADMITTING IT
  4. You brought up the subject of your age dipshit bubu I wuz 14 LOL he's MAD for outing himself as a massively fake sheep.... after I outed him as a fake hermit and cow too
  5. You're 39... LOL you're older than me. You think we all weren't young at one point? By 14 I had a job and was buying my own consoles ....and I liked Mario 64 and Zelda OOT. You didn't buy one... in all the years it was available? You rented it....eventually... and hated it's most popular games You're not a Nintendo fanboy... you're a fake ass hypocrite loser. And 10 years ago I still owned a beastly PC... and played tons of games on it LOL... I always have.
  6. Yea... I did... YOU POSTED Mr. Neva-owned-a-N64 Renthurey
  7. No I wasn't. I saw that post when I looked at your historic "real opinions" post LOL Rent-a-centhurey Shut your fucking mouth bitch ass hypocrite... you're not talking about Mario or Zelda, or Ghostz renting things EVER AGAIN.. because this is coming up EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU TRY
  8. I think it's pretty safe to say that he's about as much of a Sheep as he is a Cow or Hermit... LOL and we've seen THOSE profiles... which is to say... not at all He even admitted to not ever owning an N64... LOL he rented one eventually though Rent-a-centhurey Couldn't find a coupon I guess ... and this fucking hypocrite has the nerve to talk about Ghostz renting things
  9. LOL wow... 2 months or more? LOL Crisis averted!! You mean Playstation might have a chance at winning a NPD for two months yet??!! OMFG He's dumb as fuck
  10. Neon Gas from Ukraine is better than Butthurt Bitch from America, which is what you are
  11. No, you're definitely desperate... and trying to laugh it off. That's how you're dealing with your desperation... by making a meme about it
  12. Be clear... that you're talking about MS as a whole... and not specifically Xbox... Because it sounds like you're attributing fluctuations in the market specifically to Xbox alone...
  13. Holy shit he's melting down HARD now.. LOL exceeding Chernobyl levels actually He didn't know Ukraine puts out 50% of the worlds neon gas supply... used in chip lithography... and he's trying desperately to laugh his way out of looking retarded
  14. Uh... no shit you don't LOL And yes... I know they said what's next. And what's next is that MS is going to continue to look for developers/publishers to add to the team... Are you selling or what?
  15. ^look how worried he is... that GamePass... a service he's subscribed to.... isn't successful It's continually growing And the more NPD wins Xbox has over Playstation... the more people there are to potentially sub
  16. ^look at this fucking meltdown LOL he doesn't know neon gas is used in chip lithography and that 50% of it comes from Ukraine alone He's not going to be laughing for long
  17. Ah, so you're well aware of shareholders asking what they're purchasing next... right? You're so concerned.. are you?
  18. I'm laughing at him, failing... Just like I'm laughing at you, failing too LOL
  19. LOL no... I called Jimbo a failure... because he's failing to meet the demand for his product... That's not me worrying about them... You're the one wanting me to be worried about it so badly
  20. I don't have to worry about how MS' business model will succeed.. I'm not worried about them spending $70B on game developers.... If I was the competition... I'd be worried about my competitors spending $70B
  21. There's a reason why I said they're Jim Ryans problems... I'm not worried about Sony being in last place.... YOU are
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