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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea I don't think Windows functionality is anywhere close to being in an acceptable state for the Deck, judging from some of the videos I've watched now. There's still lots of stuff Valve hasn't bothered to implement yet. No audio drivers, there's controller issues, and also very obvious performance issues. It's very clear Valve is focusing first and foremost (as they should) on SteamOS.
  2. Not really. Losing the war means getting out of the business. Let's just say I'm not worried about the company that can spend $70B on pubs/devs like it's nothing.
  3. ^more excuses bubu LMFAO shut the fuck up dude.. you've been yapping (and losing) all day
  4. You ARE making excuses, because it helps you feel better... about Xbox selling more than PS in 3 out of the last 4 months. That's all there is to it. Xbox is selling more. They have actual consoles to sell. Sony doesn't... and that's their failure. Maybe you should give an actual PS gamer who will play games YOUR PS5... since you only use it when you're forced to
  5. It's hilarious seeing you make more excuses for Sony.... losing the past 3 out of 4 months In the middle of the night no less.... after already arguing for hours with Ghostz in 3 different threads
  6. Yea Jim DOES have a problem on his hands. He can't make enough consoles... and it's about to get worse for Jimbo with the disruption of Neon gas from Ukraine affecting chip production as well. Going to be even harder for them to meet all that demand. That SQUANDERED potential. All those Xboxes on shelves are going to come in handy for gamers looking for a new next gen console any time soon. Meanwhile Jimbo will be accelerating plans to bring the catalog over to PC... because PS5 sales will slow It's perfect
  7. He's mad because Xbox outsold PS.... again Maybe Sony can pull more units from Japan and try harder to beat MS in North America
  8. Yes, they are failing. Failing to meet demand. And you're failing too, to make a point that matters. When you can't keep up with demand, and your audience is buying the competition.. even to hold them over... That's a big failure. And I'm glad people are settling for Xbox. They're settling for the best Elden Ring experience for sure. People are settling right in and playing some games on GamePass too... while you remain butthurt after Jerry-go-rounding with multiple people for multiple days straight MS is continuing to settle their way into NPD v
  9. Holy shit Forza absolutely RAPES GT7 visually... they're honestly like a generation apart The ONLY time GT has better car models is in scapes and Photo mode, where it swaps out to the highest detail models. The overall picture and visual quality, Forza is best... EASILY. I honestly can't take one single person who actually disagrees with that seriously. Forza is just more impressive in every way. The chase cam in GT7 looks like one of those mobile games where it's locked on to your car and aligned in the center of the camera, and you turn the car b
  10. Yes it is. They are outselling them in NA. Period. We certainly know which gamers are left disappointed by Sony because they can't buy PS5s. Sony's failure.
  11. No, I'm celebrating Xbox outselling PS. I don't care what your excuses are. If Sony can't produce enough... then that's too damn bad for them. Xbox IS SELLING MORE. 3 out of the last 4 months Series S was a smart move by MS.
  12. I don't need them to beat anyone else. They just have to do well. And 3 of the last 4 months, they've done better than Playstation It's going to take time. Right now small wins is all there are to be made. The point is.... people are buying Xboxes.... despite you guys saying nobody was and that they're rotting on store shelves.
  13. I don't care about that. 3 out of the last 4 months more people bought Xbox (in NA)
  14. Yep, there's always new things to see not far from where you are. I LOVE the exploration in this game. More than any other.
  15. That's awesome man. I guess you kinda added your own "easy mode" and made the game work for you by waiting until you were at a level which would allow you to experience it all without having to deal with much of the tedious things like losing over nad over and over... and just getting to experience the world and crazy level design and bosses that FROM excel at. I respect the commitment. And yea, this is up there for me too. I'll wait to say what's what until after I finish it haha.
  16. I feel like if the game isn't a service type game which is evolving, or has some element which doesn't go live until launch day, such as a multiplayer aspect... review sites shouldn't be doing "In Progress" reviews... They should have just waited to post their review until they had beaten the game.... It's nice that it ended up improving from their initial score though. Sounds like the game takes its time to get the ball rolling, but once it does it's pretty satisfying.
  17. Yes... that's the point, idiot. It's selling better... because there's more of them to buy. Duh Sony selling out 100K units! No stock left. OMG Sony selling like crazy! AMAZING! MS selling 150K units with shelves still stocked. Xbawkz isn't selling.. look how many there are just sitting there! Fucking derpy And this scenario has happened 3 out of the last 4 months.....
  18. The last 3 out of 4 months it sold better... it doesn't need to be selling out Jederpy is trying to brag that Sony is having supply issues and can't meet their demand... LOL Durr... MS is SO owned for having systems on the shelves to sell while Sony doesn't!! And again, you guys said it wasn't selling.... but it was. More units than Playstation.
  19. No... we're not talking about PS5 not selling more because there's no stock... we're talking about Xbox selling... despite you dipshits claiming it wasn't, while posting pictures of all the stock on shelves as "proof".... Sweetie... you're not smart enough to try to change the subject here. You said Xbox wasn't selling.. you guys posted pictures of store shelves, and images of websites saying it was in stock. You said nobody was buying it. Turns out... more people were buying it than PS5 last month
  20. Jederpy is Jerry-go-rounding the same thing for the 3rd day.. LOL That has to be a new record.. Ghostz must have really got to him
  21. "Yeah, they weren't selling and are in plentiful stock." They WERE selling... more than Playstation You guys said nobody was buying them... which was why there was stock on shelves.... LOL wronghurey again
  22. That doesn't change the fact that they claimed the consoles weren't selling.....
  23. Oh, you mean the ones that yourself and other cows said weren't selling? Yea, we understand that part VERY CLEARLY.
  24. That's quite a difference if true. However I'm not sure it will make a massive difference with Steam Deck anyway since there's plenty of RAM in the system already. I believe the Deck can use up to 8GB of it's 16GB unified memory as graphics memory, right? Games running at 800p with mid graphics settings wont be using anything close to 8GB of memory for graphics. Most bigger games are probably using only ~2-3GB as VRAM. So I doubt there's much to worry about.. you're going to run into compute bottlenecks way before RAM capacity bottlenecks, I'd imagine. That's ONE aspect though
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