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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I haven't looked into it yet.. but what does SteamOS use at idle?
  2. LMFAO........ his proof that he played GT1-4..... is that he posted that they were "BORING AS SHIT" OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ghostz You see this shit That's not even proof he played them either... He's just complaining about games that other people liked THIS THREAD IS DONE
  3. No, you haven't. Sweetie... you haven't played them PERIOD. LOL... there's nothing to "get out of".... you're simply caught in your lie.... despite trying to threaten me, that you have proof. I'm calling you out... and you're cowering
  4. Post your proof of playing GT4 sweetie.... You threatened me with it... now go ahead and do it. You haven't played GT4 straight up. PERIOD.
  5. He's STILL not posting that proof he has of him playing GT4.... He wants to keep Jerry-go-rounding all night
  6. No... because you haven't played any GT game... in MORE than 2 generations.... I specifically told you the games you haven't played 100% confirmed... Now I'm waiting on you to prove that you HAVE played one.... which you're.... not
  7. It's true. You haven't EVER played a GT game. Not GT4 either. Not until now with GT7
  8. LOL it's been several generations since you've played GT... at the very least. Notice how you're not POSTING anything
  9. Sweetie.... what did I say.... I said you either haven't played any GT games period until now... or at the very least...it's been MULTIPLE GENERATIONS.......... LOL You haven't played GT in GENERATIONS.. That's undeniable. Now go ahead and prove that it's been GENERATIONS since you've played a GT game... I'm waiting
  10. No GT5, No GT6, No GTSport That's 2 generations. Since Trophies began... you have not ever once played a GT game... until now... in an ATTEMPT to have credibility. And you have NO PROOF... that you EVER played any of the earlier ones either. That's a FACT. And no... posting that PSN was busy that weekend doesn't prove you've played GTHD
  11. Yes, that is generations. LOL Now he's trying to change the argument........ since I smacked the shit out of him with his PATHETIC "proof" No, you didn't play ANY GT games. LOL And I'm the one laughing here. GT7 is your first GT game
  12. No it doesn't. LOL LOL talking about PSN download speeds in a Tekken thread... and that people should have seen the terrible download speeds after GT released early when everyone was attempting to DL it... I love when his pathetic attempts to post proof blow up in his face... LOL He's got NO posts talking about actually PLAYING GT And the BEST he could even do... if that was even the case..... is say he played GT.......... GENERATIONS AGO
  13. That post doesn't even support your claim... LOL you're saying that PSN downloads slowly................ and that people should have seen it after GT released.... That doesn't mean you played GT you fuckwad.... that means that you tried downloading from PSN while OTHER people were playing GT
  14. That's not proof..... since we know that the "what you're playing" thread didn't count when I was talking about playing God of War back in 2018 You have NO PROOF. You have a really terrible understanding of what PROOF is...
  15. No, I'm not wrong. You have NO PROOF of EVER playing Gran Turismo before. None.
  16. LOL No you haven't. And at the very least you just admitted you haven't played GT in several GENERATIONS
  17. This is the first GT game you've ever played........................................ And you ONLY bought it.... to have credibility when TALKING ABOUT IT here. Jerky... you think the entire forum doesn't see through your pathetic ass?
  18. Hey Ghostz... how much you want to bet Jerry's not touching his notifications button... so he can post a picture of how "how much we're losing our shit".... LOL That's his new thing lately.
  19. A Jehurey argument: "You're going to be playing Forza for the next 6 years" Meanwhile we know Jerky is going to drop GT7 VERY soon... because he only bought it to attempt to have credibility about it
  20. Look at him Dude is getting his ASS STRETCHED
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