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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nope. LOL you're the one trying to strawman here... Jerry 101 GT ain't reporting numbers no mo... only players. And Forza WHOOPIN DAT ASS BOI More players in 4 months played FH5, vs GTS in 4+ years
  2. LMAO one GT game IS an generation of GT games Sub 90 meta trash... GT5 Prologue sold more JFC
  3. No, because we were talking about GTS vs Forza Horizon 5. LOL More players in 4 months than 4+ years of GTS
  4. That GT7 sold less than Prologue... idiot.. that's the point And more people have played Forza Horizon 5 in 4 months, than played GTS in 4 years
  5. Yeah, and he got easily owned because they stopped posting sales numbers since 2019 Easily as owned as FAILPOWER here
  6. 5th best selling GT And he's bragging that the PS5 version was able to outsell PS4.... barely.. LOL
  7. ^look at this fucking FIRETARD lose his shit LOL, dumbass thought GT7 had an increase in sales of over 158% over GTSport "bubu I was wrong.... but we'll never know just HOW wrong I was" We know EXACTLY how wrong you were, fucking clown. Which is why you're desperately hung up on a simple mistake... which even when corrected, proves you bitch ass wrong "I may admit I got ahead of myself" bubu I assumed the split was 50/50... when I already knew it was 57% I corrected my mistake when I realized
  8. Game was awesome on PC for me. DLSS and RT maxed out. I think they've released some patches since then too. Can't say what it would be like on the 2060, but it's worth a shot I guess. The perk of GamePass haha.
  9. God... Jerky has like 3 different threads where he's like "No, you didn't" "Prove me wrong" "If you don't, you've lost" x3 JFC... and this clown keeps getting owned in every single one of them
  10. This fucking clown continues to own himself And I know that 100% increase of something is doubling it.... I mistook that it was reported as "increase over" and not "percent of"... dipshit So in the end, you were REALLY fucking wrong, and I proved to you that it "doesn't work like that"..... and then you threw a hissy fit and want to focus on a small oversight which didn't even change the ultimate outcome.... You being wrong. FIRERETARDANT
  11. We do know.... because if it was 158% higher.... that tweet would have screamed it out to the high heavens and it would have beat Elden Ring. Now fuck off clown
  12. Yea, they're literally talking non-stop throughout that game. Kind of impressive in a way when you think about it. But the writing and interactions between the characters is great. Far better than I ever expected it would be. It IS weird though spending so much time with the characters in the game, and then seeing the movie versions again. They're different. Good... but different.
  13. Fuck off, I made a simple mistake So it's not 158% higher overall sales.
  14. GotG is an awesome game. Probably the best portrayal of the characters there is! I love Drax in this game. The movies are good fun too! You should check them out Jon.
  15. ^ omfg We're done.... LMFAO what a god damn fucking loser
  16. He made a thread about Putin invading Ukraine and was apparently all for it, iirc... But, yea I haven't seen anything from him in the past couple of days.
  17. All the game companies are limiting or halting game sales and connections in Russia... ... Aza may be at risk of suicide But he was asking for this... so
  18. No, I made a mistake posting the right video. I was sure it was that one, but it turned out it wasn't. I watched a lot of them... as I proved to you. So your whole theory that I definitely own a PS5 because of that tweet... was debunked HARD. You brought that on yourself... by making such a stupid fucking claim to begin with. "No, YOU OWN A PS5, I KNOW IT!@!!" JFC
  19. ^ Yes, it is fine. I made a mistake posting the right video... you know there's tons of them out there.. And yea, I did watch that video.... but I also watched lots of other ones... comparing them. Why would I forget? Maybe because I didn't expect some fucking clown ass loser to insinuate that I DEFINITELY OWN A PS5, because I said a game performed smoothly on it in a tweet... Jesus fucking christ.... Jerry... seek HELP dude
  20. No, I thought it was that video, but it turns out it wasn't... which is fine... because I watched many videos that day about It Takes Two. That's called a mistake. And now you're Jerry 101'ing again
  21. This thread is about the State of Jerry's Anus: STRETCHED
  22. SHOW ME THAT SALES ARE UP 158% you fucking clown.... LOL The whole point was to show you that you can't make a claim like that if you don't know what the fucking numbers are in the first place Ok so GT7 had 57% digital sales. Tell me what is sold
  23. Nope. It turned out it wasn't that particular video.... as my history proved. That was a simple mistake, not a lie. You can see I watched many videos that day. That post sure fucked you up hard... especially when you were so confident that I didn't watch ANY videos that day LOLOL Then after that pathetic attempt you started looking for anything else you could muster up... which wasn't much. You'd taken too much of a beating already.
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