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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LMFAO the chase cam is so retarded Car looks like a toy... hinges and sways static with the car.. JFC
  2. There's a reason why people primarily post "scapes" screenshots and not screenshots of the actual game play
  3. It's not even close haha. And Forza is doing a hell of a lot more too. https://cdn-animation.artstation.com/p/video_sources/000/523/727/fh5-weather-1.mp4 The next gen Forza Motorsport is getting new updated car models. It's going to put GT7 to shame.
  4. Thanks for proving my point The more video's you post is just going to be more proof to what I say Static lighting? In FH5? Fucking Fireclown
  5. LMFAO there's no comparison. FH5 smokes GT7 when it comes to visuals. And it's hilarious how slow GT7 looks when using chase cam Such a dull and boring visuals. There's a reason why Jerky isn't ever going to play it
  6. And what that's saying is that even when you try to make both look bad.... FH5 still shits on GT7 Walked RIGHT INTO THAT ONE And he admits GT7's main game's graphics look a whole generation behind
  7. Look how many people there are... and how much better they look than GT7's... Not to mention in a fully open-world game, with far better environment detail and geometry. LOL GT7 looks positively last gen in that comparison. There's a reason why they ONLY want you to look at the cars in GT
  8. Now he's posting glitches to get where the crowds are And the crowds (with far more people) still look better than GT7 Great post Jerky
  9. He's going back to Forza Motorsport 5 to try to get a zinger in
  10. I just called you dumb as shit... I didn't defend anything. If I was going to do that I'd say that Mala has a racing setup that shits all over what you probably have. There's a reason why you keep mentioning "he's a lemming".. and making baseless claims about him which you don't even know. "Bubu you hate GT?? You must LOVE Forza!!!!" lmfao clown.. you got put in your place. Mala plays ACTUAL sims. GTFO of here
  11. Yep, that's always been a problem with GT imo. Especially if you play with chase cam... not that I'd understand why anyone would want to do that anyway in a racing sim lol
  12. Elden Ring just reached its new highest concurrent players record in it's second weekend on the market. Usually the first weekend is the peak for a game.. but this just shows you how it's continually growing. SteamSpy also now has the PC version over 10M copies sold. Absolutely insane. That's in just a bit over a week on the market too. I wonder what Playstation and Xbox sales are like? The game has probably sold over 20M copies... in the first week... WTF?! lol
  13. haha If you like cars, and "car culture" then it's great. Think about the amount of people out there who love games like "Football manager" and stuff like that. There's people who would buy the fuck out of a game designed solely around managing a virtual race car driver, handling the business side of it, and buying and upgrading cars, ect... and never actually racing them, just simulating the race results. Dead ass boring to most people, but some people LOOOOVE that shit.
  14. No, it's actually clever BECAUSE you said that Jesus, how do you insult someone who's too stupid enough to understand exactly how they're being insulted?
  15. I don't understand how you fuck it all up like that. Clearly MS has serious mismanagement issues. Release the game then take a month holiday... then announce delays of shit to fix stuff that should have never been an issue in the first place... and that's AFTER you've already delayed the game an entire year... I like Halo Infinite.. I really do... but they've botched the fuck out of it. It's undeniable at this point.
  16. That loading time on the PS5 is insane. Literally 1 second. It's such a huge QoL improvement.
  17. You said "seems like I'm on the same page as everyone else" I said same page, different book. God you're fucking dumb... hence the book you're reading
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