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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I mean, I'm watching some streamers, and literally most of them are playing the PC version, and they're having a blast despite the issues... but they all admit there's definitely issues here. Hopefully it gets fixed in a patch, but I'd take the PS5 version over the PC any day if I had one. I'd do that, and just enjoy the game. Maybe down the road if the PC version gets fixed... and you still care enough, you could trade in your PS5 copy and then buy the game on sale on PC or something... but until then, fuck it. BandaiNamco and FROMSOFT should really be ashamed pushin
  2. I just don't get why all the streamers I'm seeing are playing the PC version when I know they all have PS5s... lol makes no fucking sense to me.
  3. The patch on PC has actually made things worse according to ACG. Jesus Best game of the year and generation and they fuck up the PC port so badly... I don't even have the energy or inclination to argue with the people who will undoubtedly try to make fun of me over it.. I don't even care. All I can do is hope they fix it.. @Twinblade Just get the PS5 version and don't bother dude.
  4. 2h should be more than enough to get through the tutorial. I already know the tutorial section and it's not long at all. You'll have enough time on the open world to see if it's acceptable or not because literally as soon as you enter the open world, there's a enemy on horseback, and if you fight that enemy on your horse the FPS will likely tank and you'll see the issue. Just set a timer on your phone for 1h 30m and see how far you get and what it's like if you want to try it. Or you could just wait for me, as I'll be playing the PC version and I'll definitely let you know strai
  5. Yep, absolutely fucked up. The fact that it can have these issues and still hit a 97/95 meta just shows you how fucking bullshit reviewers are..
  6. @-GD-X can you clean up this shit thread? These dumb fucks don't know when to quit. Also... Elden Ring best on..... Xbox? lol
  7. Sheep are going to play BOTW again as they tell themselves that FROM just copy pasted Zelda..
  8. Apparently the day 1 patch is making a big difference, at least for the Series X version Hopefully the same can be said for PC lol
  9. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1173820/FINAL_FANTASY_VI/ I can't wait to get around to this one again. Slowly working my way through all the Pixel Remasters.
  10. Yea, pretty much what Madmal said. Make your mistakes, but learn from them. Have some patience. You're meant to die.. it's how you learn from it and adapt which is the key to success. Don't try and rush either. Allow yourself to get pulled into the world and take it all in. Once you're hooked... you'll begin to really appreciate all the detail and touches that they pack into their games.
  11. I still honestly can't believe a 97 meta... These days that's almost impossible... Only Nintendo and maybe Rockstar could manage that.
  12. Do you know what fuck off with that shit in this thread means?
  13. @jehurey @ghostz Please stop with that shit in this thread... Take it to the CP2077 thread if you want to still argue about that shit.
  14. Fuck that. Ding it hard... If they sent a shitty performing game out for review... then it deserves the shitty scores it gets because of it. And I agree... I see some PC focused sites reviewing the PC version which DON'T EVEN MENTION PERFORMANCE ONCE..... Now either they have strong reason to believe that performance will be fixed with the upcoming patch... and put some faith in FROMSOFT... or they're straight up fucking over the people who count on them to give an accurate assessment of the game. I've seen some reviewers which are like "oh just a f
  15. Incredible review scores.. lmao even on PC where there's obvious issues. PS5 version definitely seems like the way to go at the moment. Some reviewers have said PC issues are terrible... and others say not so much. Jason Schreier said the PC version was smoother than the PS5 lol But still I trust what I see more than his words. Hopefully the day 1 patch fixes it.
  16. Sweetie... you already understand that TLHBO and I are laughing at you because you "pointed it out" and then it was officially released not even a week later after you did... And you only pointed it out..................................... because TLHBO made a thread showing that a 3rd party site put one up... We're also laughing because you're PRETENDING it's a complaint that everyone has... when the reality is that it's just YOU.
  17. No.. they didn't. https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck/mygames Moron.
  18. Yes. I literally posted it... retard https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck/mygames https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck/mygames https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck/mygames Are you fucking stupid
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