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Everything posted by Remij

  1. You can now officially check your Steam Library for Steam Deck compatibility. https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck/mygames
  2. Yes. LOL Did you think you were listing something revolutionary? Moron.. lmfao. The entire thing LOOKS like a regular PSVR headset.... but refined. The controllers... are refined Oculus Quest/Touch controllers. Weight reduction? Refinement. OLED screen... a refinement over the original PSVR.. LMFAO this clown ass bitch going on about fog and ventilation systems Every single aspect of it's design is a refinement. LOL bubu the ventilation system!! Don't EVER fucking talk to me about VR bitch
  3. Almost makes you wonder if they should have a breakaway end to the cable like Xbox did for their 360 controllers lol When you're immersed it definitely can happen before you even realize it.
  4. Well yea, you can only do so much, considering the price point you want to hit. I mean, it would be cool to have a self contained unit like the Quest 2, and then have games which could work both wirelessly and wired, and of course the big AAA VR games which require the PS5 to be connected to it. I know for Sony it makes sense to do it how they are though.. but they could have the best of both worlds IMO. And yea, a single cable isn't bad.. especially considering what an ordeal it was previously haha.
  5. It should have been. Oculus proved that it not only works... but works extremely well. At the very least they could have provided the option. Looks really nice though. It's a refined Oculus Quest/PSVR hybrid. Pretty much what I expected. Definitely looks like it will be way more comfortable than other headsets out there, that's for sure.
  6. You try too hard to get under my skin.. it's not going to work It's a fact the Playstation versions were the worst and needed the most work. They were also the ones that were pulled from store shelves. So yes, CDPR put in more work to get Sony's shit versions working best... and the focus put towards that version probably took precedent for them. And looking at the video, the Series X version is higher res most of the time, that also has an effect on how costly the RT is, as well as other effects which are dependent on input resolution.... PS5 has more single ROPs w
  7. They obviously had to out more effort into Sonys version to make up for how completely embarrassing it was before. They want to be back on Sonys good side.
  8. Did you ever try the first one? From what I've seen/read if you weren't a fan of the first one, you're not likely going to care for the sequel.. but many people do. Prettier gfx aren't going to change the game fundamentally. It's definitely not worth buying a PS5 over, especially since you're like me and not interested in buying one. But I'm not about to let people just talk shit about this games visuals when it's very clearly a beautiful game. It has image quality issues which diminish the impact of all the visual detail they packed in the game.. which is unfortunate.. but in
  9. How far are you in Tales? I remember a couple times in that game thinking "ok, this is it.. we're almost at the end".... and then 10 hours later it's still going I 100%'d that bitch though. It's got its issues, but I ultimately loved it.
  10. You're trying so fucking hard dude... it's sad. The game has some graphical issues and bugginess (so did the original)... but just give fucking credit where it's due man.. god damn. It's one of the best looking games out there for sure... just stop
  11. Yea definitely. You never know with it. It affects everyone differently, and hell, just because you had a mild case the first time doesn't mean it can't put you on your ass down the line. But yea, for both of us it was basically just sore throats for the first few days and some light coughing. I did lose my taste and smell to varying degrees.. not completely, but more like dulled senses for a bit, but they came back to normal a few days later. By the second week we were both back to 100%. Our daughter somehow didn't get it at all, which was very surprising. Very thankful for
  12. Yeah, me and my wife both got covid over Christmas break and had to isolate for 2 weeks and all we did was play games. It was amazing And thankfully it was little more than a typical cold for us. 🙂
  13. I'm getting it on PC. If it turns out there's major issues, I'll possibly consider getting it for PS4.
  14. LOL people are mocking the hell out of the Logo... and for good reason. It really looks like a social media post notification Hopefully that branding isn't tied throughout the entire game, because they should really consider re-doing the logo
  15. Get the PC version on Steam, and try it out but make sure you stop before your 2 hours is up and then refund if it's bad.. then buy on PS5.
  16. Yep. Imagine just how many secrets there are scattered around the massive map... not even considering the main dungeons... or that there could be separate areas/things you're warped to which aren't even on the main map. It's gonna be incredible
  17. The game looks so fucking incredible though. Apparently reviewers are saying it's so massive there's no way they're going to be able to complete it in time for the embargo lol. One said he was over 40 hours in and had only defeated two of the major bosses. lol
  18. Yeah, that's true. They're oversharpening the image because they're trying to compensate for the drops in resolution. God of War on PC with DLSS at launch had a very strong sharpening filter applied to it. People complained and the developers immediately fixed it and added a slider for people to tune the sharpening to their liking, or completely off. That's how this stuff should always be done. Sony teams are good at listening and implementing feedback based on the community.. so I wouldn't be surprised if something happens here too where they add a slider.
  19. I think it's pretty hilarious/awesome that you're realizing what I said way back when RTGI was first coming out.... that once you get used to seeing games with proper lighting, you'll instantly notice how wrong traditional fake lighting methods were.
  20. Damn, Vincent not holding back at all... Here's the thing though. With that much tiny high-frequency detail, it's hard for TVs to handle. The shimmering exacerbates that issue because you have a bunch of pixels changing brightness values constantly. So without the proper kind of anti-aliasing... and in conjunction with the lower resolution, which is ALSO dynamically adjusting based on load.. you get these issues. The far bigger issue are the bugs the game has. Clipping, flashing, flickering, pop-in, textures not loading properly, ect... I'm confident GG
  21. So they posted this So yea it is true that FROM asked them not to show performance pre-launch. And the thing is... every reviewer out there... has the day 1 patch already...
  22. Yea, they still might not be able to talk about performance metrics until after launch though. The review embargos can state that they can't speak about X,Y, or Z until after launch. If that's the case... then there's definitely issues.
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