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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes... I am... because Nintendo has the rights to Bayonetta... meaning that if you remove Nintendo from people who can purchase them... you're also removing Bayo with them. You continue to be dumb as a fucking rock... and what's hilarious to me is that, you, and everyone else here knows, that if what I said wasn't painfully obvious.. Goukosan would have been on my ass about it... but no, he understood exactly what I said. LOL
  2. Ah... so thanks for admitting that you're purposefully continuing to argue with me now, simply because I asked you to not argue with me... because you misunderstood. LOL You keep proving the things I'm saying right.
  3. Yep... if you remove Nintendo from whoever purchases Platinum Games.... Bayonetta is ALSO REMOVED.... from Platinum Games. Fucking clown ass retard
  4. They need to just drop this shit. Not put another minute of resources into it after this... and just move on and go back to the Witcher... and try VERY HARD... to rebuild their image.
  5. Literally nothing.... ...because it's exactly as I said.. he misunderstood.. and is too stubborn to just admit he made a mistake. He saw a name... but forgot to read what was actually being said about that name. Typical, when he wants to argue with me.
  6. Will be interesting to see how they've improved it.
  7. LOL I love how you say "the first part of your sentence involves Nintendo, so I took the second part of your sentence as it relating to Nintendo".... when the first part of my sentence...says "if you remove Nintendo from the equation.." Your logic was... "you mentioned Nintendo.. but what you said about Nintendo isn't important.. the point was you still mentioned Nintendo" LOL Which is exactly what I said you did... misunderstand what was said, purposefully or otherwise. And also like I said.. you couldn't just admit you were wrong
  8. LOL see what I mean? Sweetie... my post was CLEARLY about Platinum Games losing Bayonetta, and not Nintendo losing Bayonetta... because I CLEARLY STATE "if anyone other than Nintendo takes them".... LOL... basic understanding hun.
  9. Read what I said again... and hopefully you'll just admit you made a mistake and misunderstood what I said.... I specifically say that if anyone OTHER THAN NINTENDO purchases Platinum Games... then Bayonetta is done for... precisely because Sega owns the IP... and Nintendo has a contract with them.. That means if Sony or MS bought Platinum Games... there's no more Bayonetta from PG. If Nintendo bought them... they could continue to make Bayonetta as normal under their contract through Sega.
  10. Yep. Especially when considering how fast you can travel through the environments, destroy most vegetation and other objects. I don't know what other game looks that good moving through it at that speed. Not to mention you can literally have tons of other players driving around causing destruction too...
  11. Depends on who you ask. Ratchet looks great and so does FH5. MS will have an amazing looking game this year too.
  12. PS5 has exactly two better looking games...and they're not massively better looking. They're way different in a technical way... Horizon already has problem as it is moving at the speeds it does... can you imagine 150MPH
  13. LMFAO you're full of shit.. saying the dumbest shit in this thread already... don't outdo yourself..
  14. Oh I thought you wanted me to take some. I'll see if I can find some high quality ones.
  15. FH5 > than almost everything on PS5... The Coalition consistently puts out games with amazing graphics... Gears 6 will look amazing. You're dumb if you think otherwise. Hellblade 2 looks better than pretty much anything else Sony has too... And yeah, you will see with FM8. I mean, you've been waiting 5 years for GT7... you think it's a punchline that FM8 needs time for development too?
  16. Playground Games is not outmatched by Polyphony Digital... lmfao come the fuck on And The Coalition are another studio which are at the top visually. Gears 6 will look incredible with UE5 lol.. Not to mention, MS now has Id Software in their stable. I'm willing to bet that Forza Motorsport 8 eats GT7 for breakfast visually as it's being built from the ground up on the latest iteration of their engine.
  17. It's a big downgrade in clarity to my eyes. If it's not for you, that's awesome.. by all means play in 60fps.
  18. The 60fps mode is actually half the pixels of 1800p, since it uses checkerboarding.. and it uses a similar AA solution as Forza Horizon 5, which can shimmer on hard edges and foliage when it doesn't have enough resolution. You can see in the videos that it doesn't look 1800p, it's pretty shimmery, as the checkerboarding and AA method they use don't really work well together. It's pretty blurry to my eyes.. there's so much detail in the game, it almost seems like a shame to lose a lot of it just through the resolution. But I mean, if you want 60fps.. there's really only one option
  19. Yep. Gonna be a treat for us Souls fans, that's for sure. But yea, I'm still checking out some reviews and videos of Horizon FW, and god damn, the water looks incredible. They've put so much work into just the one aspect. All the different types of water bodies, and flowing streams within different environments.. The waves look particularly impressive! What a massive jump over their previous game...wow!
  20. Oh yea, that's another thing that one of the previewers said! This time around there's no long treks back to bosses.. there's always a checkpoint right at the boss. Some people will really love that. I'm curious how Elden Ring will score.. because on one hand, they've seemingly made enough little tweaks that the game is more approachable for casual gamers, so I can see reviewers liking a lot of that stuff... but at the same time, I wonder if Souls-fatigue starts to set in and some reviewers say "well, it's more souls.. just wide open".. and potentially dock it for that.
  21. Well, it will be whatever they want to do... apparently lol. Here's the thing though.. if anyone other than Nintendo takes them, then Bayonetta is essentially done for. Maybe it's time they move on from that franchise anyway.. but that's the reality. And Platinum without Bayonetta isn't, or hasn't been, exciting at all really. There was Astral Chain which was good, but that's locked to Nintendo.. so anyone who buys PG.. is just getting some developers.. On one hand, it would be COOL, to see Microsoft get them, and revive Scalebound (since they've made it o
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