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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Martha is Censored PS version has undergone a name change to better reflect the new game on Playstation.. "Martha is Alive and Well"
  2. Crazy to think that 40% of the people (including Jehurey) have GamePass here. Considering only 2 of the 8 people subbed to GamePass are Lemmings... that's incredible for Microsoft.
  3. The Sony of today is very different than the Sony of yesterday. There's lots of instances of this stuff with Sony. It's bullshit.
  4. The most hilarious thing... is you saying this... after Voidler posted a link to Polyphony's site CONFIRMING they haven't posted sales figures since 2018
  5. LOL What the FUCK is that? What that ACTUALLY SHOWS... is that they stopped reporting numbers since 2018.... because the series is sitting at 80.4M copies as of 2018 They haven't updated it since 2018.... instead SWITCHING TO PLAYER FIGURES! Did you not think I'd check the current site https://www.polyphony.co.jp/products/ Their LAST reported sales figures was 80.4M..... as of May 2018... and then NOTHING.... Nice SALES figures you have for GTSport clown..
  6. I'm alright with this. Looks pretty decent IMO. It's nice they have some options to go to the original graphics as well. You just know PC modders are going to take the original background art and run it through better AI filters than what the developers did. I'm just glad they remastered the game, and put it on modern platforms.
  7. Shut the FUCK up... You.. are literally the LEAST QUALIFIED person to speak on either of these games. Oh wait... you were talking about GamePass... you're actually probably the most qualified person to speak on keeping a GamePass subscription going.. continue then..
  8. It's not even a contest. But GT has it's cool moments. They're for different people. This WILL be the best GT game in a long time, I'm sure.
  9. I think their devices are over priced. The Phones are alright, but Macs and their Laptops and shit... it's crazy expensive for what you get imo. But I mean, they charge what people will pay.. so it is what it is. It's crazy that a company that doesn't even realistically put any effort into gaming, is actually dominating it. It's impressive... but it also shows that there's plenty of room for the others to grow. This is why it's so important for companies like MS and Sony to expand beyond the console and into other markets around the world. But yea, I agree... I know
  10. Was that supposed to change anything? lol.. the game looks around 540p
  11. Yeah they probably should.. maybe then they could "win" finally Because as it goes in this thread... they losing in: Sales Player numbers and....Reviews
  12. It's impressive they can say that. That's what happens when you sell things overpriced, and charge a fee for literally every transaction that happens on ever device. Personally I don't give a single fuck though. They make no devices I want, nor games I want. But if they actually got serious, made a killer console with their own chip, and built big studios to make AAA games for it... then I'd perhaps be interested.
  13. Yes, I am. And nope... I'm posting players. People who have PLAYED the game... just like GT. Sweetie... there's a REASON why Sony isn't publishing GT sales figures anymore... And that's it. Forza wins both ways... because you guys don't have sales numbers... and I do. Run along and get some.. because I'm winning this race.
  14. For real. All the other competition for these games are F2P... so if you're going to charge $60/70 for a game... you better not fuck it up or people will move on quickly.. because there's LITERALLY free shit to play everywhere lol.
  15. Yep, I am. Because I am posting numbers. You want to post sales, I posted 4M+ sales... you posted sweet fuck all and whined about official player numbers instead... So you want to post players... I post players... And Forza wins AGAIN. You're literally SPENT. You have nothing.... ...well nothing except your GamePass subscription (Betatesthury )
  16. They dropped the ball man. I tried telling you. All of the big FPS franchises did this year. It is what it is.
  17. No.. I'm the one dictating shit.. because I'm the one posting accurate numbers. You have official PLAYER numbers.. So in that case... Forza wins... AGAIN. Congratulations
  18. Holy shit you're retarded. Anyway.. post some official numbers greater than 4M or shut the fuck up clown. That's where we're at. Post numbers... or shut the FUCK UPPPPPP
  19. LOL... you missed the point of the post you dumbass... I was making fun of you guys... having NOTHING.
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