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Everything posted by Remij

  1. He's just admitted he made an insinuation with his post And yet nowhere did I ever admit I made any insinuations with my thread. And he's basing his entire premise off the fact that I edited the title of the thread at one point
  2. You own the post you made dipshit.... along with your theory that you walked us through step by step while making it LOL It's funny... Just like Sony can make games but can't make you play them... I can make a post but can't make you understand them
  3. Yours rely on lying and hoping I can't prove you wrong LOL Durrr you haz teh PS5 an I pruved it cuz u sed on teh twittarz that a PS5 game runned smoover then da PCz!!!@@~~ Clown
  4. So he's now fully backing out LOL. He's acting like he didn't make this post... detailing the steps which formulate his theory This one:
  5. I hope GD can post the thread title history... just to prove to everyone else that little fucker is a complete loser who makes up narratives to fuel his pathetic Jerry-go-rounds.... although let's be honest... absolutely everyone on this forum already knows that
  6. Right there... where you posted the time, and when I "changed the thread title". Thanks for going into paint and drawing boxes around the things you're theorizing about He's already committed more time to me than he has his PS5 this past week
  7. Nope, just asking them to prove your little theory wrong. LOL Your pathetic clown ass theory that you took the time to make a big post about
  8. Dude, you've embarrassingly proven yourself to be a complete idiot... fullstop. You came back and the first thing you did was make a complete fool of yourself The irony of him claiming this thread was weak bait... and he he's the only fucking clown that came in here and jumped on it completely
  9. Hey @-GD-X are you able to see what the thread was titled before I edited it? If you can, would you please post the thread title... because Derpy here thinks I altered it in some meaningful ways, when I just fixed a grammatical error
  10. I bet you played a lot of games since you've been away, right?
  11. LMAO Jerry doesn't know what to do or say.... just keeps spinning. Slow down and let Lynn hop back..
  12. PLAY HAS NO LIMITS.™ Including limiting you to their console It isn't a Playstation game according to my definition idiot... Jesus christ... I never said it was This is EXACTLY what I said LOL. Jerry just created an argument out of NOTHING because he hates me so much and things that I say trigger him so deeply, that he looks for any contraction he can find to argue with me... but he's also completely blinded by the fact that I already trapped him in his own stupid logic. So all that he can do is Jerry-go-round and claim that I said something I
  13. look at him LOL he's mad that using HIS and Sugarhigh's definition... The Hundred Line is MADE BY A SONY PUBLISHING ARM and is a mulit-plat game developed by Sony that's not on Playstation That's YOURRRRRRRRRRRR fucked up insinuation clown... But thanks for proving me right... because you wont claim that Sony made that game would you? That's right, you wont... because they simply published it... I love catching you idiots in your own stupid logic using your hatred for me to catch you in easy logic traps.
  14. LOOLLOLL you're SO fucking stupid. You think you found a contradiction, but you're just proving you don't understand a simple distinction Let me spell it out for you: If they own the developers who made the game, and publish = they made it If they don't own the developers who made the game, and publish = they published it If they own the developers who made the game, but didn't publish it = they made it Nowhere in that thread I made, did I state that Sony made that game. A subsidiary of theirs published it... on two platforms that aren't Playstation.
  15. LOL.. nope. Sorry sweetie, there's no contradiction. I'm not the one saying that if a publisher simply publishes a game that they "made it"... I said if they own the studio that made the game..and publish it... they made it. This thread isn't about Sony making this game...it's about a subsidiary of theirs publishing a game that isn't releasing on their owners platform at all
  16. Lmao nope. My god you're fucking stupid. By the definition put forth in that thread by Sugarhigh... and clearly yourself... this WOULD be a game made by Sony You didn't realize that I'm making fun of you idiots with your own logic huh?
  17. Nope.. I clearly state they are a subsidiary of Sony in that thread. That thread has nothing to do with the differentiation of making a game or publishing it
  18. No, they published it. If the publisher owns the studio that developed the game... they made it....
  19. I don't think it's quite fair to say that. This game will absolutely sell extremely well, I'm sure. It will also be a fun game and well designed game, I have no doubts. But they're definitely playing up this game more than they would have otherwise, because it's all they have to look forward to at this point for the rest of the year.
  20. It looks fun.. sure. But it's also playing on people nostalgia for Playstation IPs. Lots of games have great controls and solid gameplay.. and yet people are out here acting like they're generation defining games. There's definitely an overabundance of hype for the game.. and it's so obviously manufactured and targeted. If Sony had a full slate of games to release this year with a couple other bangers... we wouldn't be talking about AstroBot like it's going to be the greatest thing ever.. you know it. I didn't overhype Starfield at all. I barely talked about Starfie
  21. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/06/sony-subsidiary-aniplex-is-publishing-the-new-game-from-danganronpas-devs-but-its-skipping-ps5 The new game from the creators of the Danganronpa series will be published by Sony subsidiary Aniplex, although it won’t be available on PS5 at first. While there’s a good possibility The Hundred Line: Last Defense Academy will be ported to Sony’s system later, as will be the case with Master Detective Archives: Rain Code in October, the team’s latest title will prioritise Nintendo Switch and PC first. 3rdparny Playstation Studios
  22. Astro Bot will be a fun game for sure... but it's amazing to see how coordinated the media and PS shills are at pushing it as the greatest thing ever rivaling Mario And that's entirely because it's all Sony has for this year. Astro Bot?, more like Astro Turf
  23. Steam Deck is the best companion you can have as a PC gamer.. and I'll say that by the time the Steam Deck 2 releases, that will be the best handheld device in existence fullstop.
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