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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Polyphony Digital needs to suck it up and outsource more shit. They need a complete engine overhaul at this point too. Bolting RT onto it is fine... but it doesn't fix the fundamental issues the engine has. There's tons of pop-in I can see literally as the camera zooms in.. and I don't think the environment geometry is very complex to begin with. The PS5 is capable of a lot more than this. So it's nothing like that... I just think between the engine itself, and Polyphony Digital not wanting to outsource too much stuff, and putting such an emphasis on the vehicles themselves hav
  2. Yea. The point is that you can do what you want with it. Yes, GP Yes, Steam Yes, EGS ect ect.
  3. I just did. The obvious reasons. Like releasing 3 AAA games all right at the end of the year It wasn't obvious to YOU... because you're fucking dumb as shit LOL
  4. Yep, they're pretty pathetic most of the time. Cars look great... but the environments completely let them down. Forza Horizon is generations ahead. LMFAO those trees and that grass
  5. Yes there is. And I explain why. And it was obvious... just like it's obvious you're butthurt from getting owned last night because you're subscribed to Game Pass
  6. Not through SteamOS, but if you put Windows on it.. yea of course. It's literally just a computer.
  7. The other hilarious thing about this thread is.... NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THE COWS IN THIS THREAD PLAY GRAN TURISMO SPORT That tells you all you need to know. Meanwhile everyone here played the fuck out of Forza Horzon
  8. That's an accurate summation of what trying to have a conversation with you is like Just give a straight answer you stupid goofy fuck
  9. Seemed obvious after the recent Direct... They weren't going to have Xenoblade 3, Bayo 3, and BOTW2, all in the last half of this year... lol TSHBR of course, if true.
  10. It's not pathetic at all. Every Forza I listed was "free" on GamePass day one... and Forza STILL managed to outsell Gran Turdismo in actual sales over the same time period. I mean, a new Forza releases.. and sales essentially stop for the past one... What's the problem? Mad because Polyphony Digidull can only put out one game per generation while Forza can release multiple in the same time frame? People presumably keep buying GTS on Playstation..... because that's the only car game it has worth a damn... and it's the only one released in the entire generation... so L
  11. I don't care if it's going to work or not... You're either going to post the proof.. or you lose LOL.. you're not in control here Jerky
  12. Nope, you said I don't have another PSN Profile And thanks for confirming you're playing these games on your Phone You have NOTHING and I KNOW it. And the fact that you wont post it is proof
  13. No, you don't... because if you could prove that... you would have posted it by now. But you can't. And I KNOW you can't. So you posting it or not makes no difference. You've been checked.. and all that's left is for you to lose the game. You're stubborn, so as usual you want to draw it out as long as you can.. hoping that it just goes away. We can see you're playing Xbox games. You've admitted to playing xCloud. And you need an Game Pass subscription to access and play these games on xCloud. It's over.. and you can't prove it wrong.
  14. Yep.. so you had no idea that you could no longer access it. And then you PANICKED HARD You're so easy to beat... and you can't post proof that proves you aren't subbed to GamePass... because you are. It's that simple. You've been checked hard from every angle... and tt's dawning on you that there's nothing you can do... and you're upset about it... so you're just trying to run down the clock. Which ultimately results in you losing.. regardless. Because it is what it is.
  15. LMAO, I can only imaging that you though being in the xCloud beta meant that you could still access it for free... and then you realized that's no longer the case after getting called out... and you've stalled hard because you don't know what else to do, at this point. The fact that you even said "for like 2 years" gives it away...
  16. @ghostz Jehurey's put in 20h of time on GamePass since Jan 21st....... and ZERO hours into Playstation games since November of last year
  17. "He's now asking for proof... man.. what am I going to do " "Uh... let's call him angry again!"
  18. Trying to change the subject... to another subject he's losing in another thread He's done!
  19. Nope, you CLEARLY can't.. because you would have already. You're stalling... We can CLEARLY see, that you're subscribed to GamePass... and you even admitted to doing it to play xCLOUD versions of these games, no less
  20. ^ Derpy mad. Big mad... that I posted actual proof of what I claimed... and him and Firepower are posting... butthurt.
  21. Nope you can't. And it's hilarious that you didn't realize that... because you were subscribed to GP It's also why you're not posting proof about how you're apparently doing it. Because you're not. You're subscribed to GP.. and nobody forced you
  22. Nope. You can't And thanks for confirming you're on xCloud
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