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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Shredder's Revenge looks so awesome. Yea, should both be at the next Nindies Direct.
  2. That's the thing... I know their play... these will be padded content also used for MK9. They're going to get people to pay for this content twice. Still scummy
  3. As if Nintendo hasn't made enough money off Mario Kart
  4. No... they aren't. They ARE releasing the Activision product on the console... without GamePass.. If Sony release their own GamePass.. they could do business with MS to allow CoD to be on their subscription service... but MS is under no obligation to allow that. So mark my words... CoD will be EXCLUSIVE to GamePass as far as subscription services go.
  5. MS isn't restricting Sony from releasing "GamePass" on Playstation consoles... that's on Sony.. MS is open to their content being on every platform... including the subscription service. It's Sony's own decision which will be limiting what MS can put on their platform. There's nothing monopolistic about that..
  6. Well then we agree that IF GamePass comes to PS.. it will be games already on PS natively, and possibly a few games ported natively to the console. A far cry from MS' full catalog.
  7. Of course it's not going to happen. MS isn't going to port all their past games to Playstation for GamePass. The only way GP includes all of Xbox's content, is if it's cloud based.. And you agree it wont... so we both agree GamePass isn't going to be on Playstation.. and it wont.. until Sony bends the knee and decides that making SOME money from the IP MS has taken from them, is better than making no money. Until then, MS continues supporting the devices it does, and growing their first party and IPs.
  8. The latest trailer for Kirby looks fucking great! I'm sold on that game for sure. And there are rumors of a new FE, I believe. I'm sure I saw something just recently about that but I just skimmed over it. I just want to see SilkSong and get a release date finally. It would be amazing if there was a huge Mario announcement out of nowhere. Like the next mainline Mario game. I want a new mainline Mario.
  9. The only way that would happen is if they use a cloud based method to GamePass for Sony's console. There's no way MS is going to port all of Xbox's games to PS consoles natively... GamePass on PS, would include games which already have released on PS consoles.. games like Crash Trilogy + 4, Spyro Trilogy, Diablo, Call of Duty games, and Minecraft. Any games that MS owns the rights to, could be put into the service, but they can't possibly port everything from the Xbox console natively. The bigger titles like Halo and Forza could possibly see a port... but other than t
  10. I mean, CoD SP games still sell good lol... But whether they will continue to sell is up in the air. Shit like that works well for MS though. They could have Warzone, as well as a traditional CoD MP in circulation, augmented by SP releases on GamePass. That would ensure that people who love CoD are constantly subscribed and allow them to release the games at a slower cadence with larger development cycles.
  11. Price isn't the issue to player retention. Time is the issue. If players don't feel like their time is being rewarded enough, they move on... regardless of if something is free or not.
  12. Eh, it could have. 343i fucked it up though. Released game Game has issues and not much content Went on holiday immediately after for weeks Made some tiny changes to progression ... and here we are... They could have handled this entire thing way better. I don't think this is a "Halo" issue. People love the franchise, but 343 dropped the ball. If they are lucky, an upcoming Season update will spark a resurgence in the playerbase and perhaps keep people.. but until that happens.. it's their own fault.
  13. I don't even consider MS to be ramping it up quickly. These deals took them a long time to make. What I'm saying is that I clearly see Sony following them, because that's simply where the industry is expanding to. Everything that Sony's been saying lately and doing lately, is pushing towards that. We'll have to see what Project Spartacus entails when they announce it. We'll have a better idea of what their plans are for the future.
  14. Eh, I see the same thing as MS in the beginning. They'll massage the market until it's ready to accept a world where their games appear everywhere. These new games is exactly how they'll do it. Sony has the ability to do it slowly, because they're successful with their games.. whereas MS had to stem the blood flow from Xbox at the time. But it ends up at the same point, eventually.
  15. Sony could support PSVR2 on PC at any point really. It would be best for them to launch it, see how it goes, and then in the future they could announce some PSVR2 games for PC, and then add support of the headset to PC.
  16. You already see Sony going multiplatform.. Jim Ryan actually says that word. They're buying studios to port their games to PC. They're buying publishers and keeping games multiplat. This isn't the same Sony as it was at the start of the PS4 gen. This new Sony sees themselves as the maker of popular hit franchises that people want to play and experience. They now see limiting these franchises to only consoles, and only a portion of that console space, as limiting their potential. Jim Ryan even said he's frustrated that their games can't reach more players. They're
  17. ~60% of Destiny's playerbase is on Xbox and PC... It's dumb to make a new IP which would serve that audience and then reduce it to just Playstation. If it's dumb for MS to do it with CoD... it's dumb for Sony to do it with Bungie. It will be multiplat. And there will be more multiplat shit in the future from others as well. Sony fanboys will eventually come around and realize their lives aren't ending because games also appear on Xbox. They'll get worn down just like Lemmings did.. and then eventually there will be no argument against it.
  18. What I pointed out had nothing to do with Windows. I specifically quoted the part about consoles. They're adopting the same principles between the Windows store, and the console store... You asked how this applies to stores outside of Windows.. and I showed you what they said. If you think it means nothing.. fine.
  19. I don't need to see them go full on... not any time soon. It's just painfully clear that Sony, is absolutely following in MS' footsteps with this stuff. I don't care if that's not what people want to hear.. but it's the truth. Nintendo is in their own world, and it will be a long time before they follow anything... but I still think they get there eventually.
  20. No shit this only applies to MS' platforms... they're the only platforms they have control over.. But you're wrong. This definitely helps them with regulators. This isn't being announced now... just for the hell of it. They're showing regulators that they are committed to these principles.... in an effort to appease regulators worries, and them continuing to buy more publishers/developers... This is also showing legislators who create the laws as to why other stores on other platforms should do the same... They realize the console falls into this category... and if
  21. It's definitely clear that MS are going all 3rd party. Basically anything that sells anywhere will continue to sell there. However if you want to play those games through a subscription service, it's only GamePass. I don't think Sony or Nintendo would ever allow GP on their consoles. The only way would be if it was modified to be Xbox first party games only, and of course Sony/Nintendo would get a percentage of every subscription. That kind of a future, is cool... but also kind of messy for MS marketing. Having all these different versions of GamePass with di
  22. Did you not read what they said? The MS/Windows store will remain open, actually be more open than ever before.. but also that they are transitioning the console store to be open as well, 1-7 now, and then the following policies coming over time. It's quite clear they are doing this as a way of reassuring regulators that they don't plan on cutting out gamers on competing platforms, as well as allowing other companies to do better business on their own platforms.. And they're doing this because they plan on purchasing more and more developers/publis
  23. No keep reading.. Basically, in the future they envision the console store to be open as well.
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