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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's absolutely hilarious to me that you still post shit like this confidently Bloodborne is DONE on PC. It has been done for a while, and Sony is holding it until after Elden Ring at some point. Demon's Souls IS coming to PC.. in development currently. Please PLEEEEEASE double down and mock me for this
  2. I laughed at Jerry's post... I responded to you about why I laughed.. since you asked. Don't try to force me to respond about things you said when asking me why I'm responding to someone else the way I did.. haha
  3. GoW wasn't full price I also saw you melting down about it being best on PC. "bubu best on MY PC not yours " LOL I guess not.. since you don't own it And Hermits seem to be playing PS4 games around the same time you are.
  4. Haha, no I popped in and just watched you melt down. There was no need for me to post at all And now this Bungie acquisition, and remaining multiplatform, was worth coming here and laughing at you about. You saw what I wanted you to see... and admitted what I wanted you to admit And no.. LOL I don't own a PS5
  5. I was responding to Jehurey, not you though. And you're going to come to find that as I said, by the end of this generation.. Sony will have started launching their IPs on PC day 1.
  6. You think something like MS buying Activision isn't going to prompt me to check in on this dump? Especially when I knew you'd be melting down the way you did for an entire week straight? LOL Seeing that you admitted to checking my twitter account was just icing on top.. lmfao you thought you had some secret eyes on me and that I didn't anticipate that.. LMFAO I did that purposefully because I knew you would!!
  7. Sony IPs already ARE touched dumbass.. LOL God of War is literally the biggest Sony IP.. and it's multiplay.. Uncharted coming later this year. Horizon FW is already in development. GT7 is coming to PC as well.. I've already had it confirmed to me. LMFAO. They're more touched than your PS5 has been since you bought it And there's nothing funnier than you thinking that I didn't know you were reading my throwaway twitter account and admitting it on this forum to everyone that you were always checking it
  8. I'm laughing that Jerry thinks Jim Ryan is brilliant... when according to him there was no way Sony was going to do this.. just 1 year or so ago You think I've forgotten about "Horizon's coming to PSNow.... Ahahah Hermit's... there's your 'PC version'.. " while gloating like a dipshit? They're priming their community with "separate multiplat titles" to become more accepting when they start bringing their powerhouse IPs to everything else under the sun through their subscription program... It's great to see you guys so accepting of Sony "expanding into wide
  9. No, but at this point MS would be dumb to remove COD from Playstation, even after their contract is up. Just keep releasing those huge games everywhere, make that money! Obviously in the future the COD marketing and perhaps exclusive DLCs and stuff hit Xbox/PC first, then PS shortly after.. but there's no reason to pull stuff off the other console anymore. If there's big fanbases there, why fuck with them? The smaller titles sure.. use them to boost up the subscription services with constant streams of new titles... but nah, I think we're beginning to see the first signs of th
  10. Jim Ryan putting it about a bluntly as you can: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-01-31-playstation-bungie-will-considerably-accelerate-our-journey-with-multiplatform-live-service-games
  11. Yea, they have for a while now. It's a bit of a weird position for Sony concerning Japanese developers. Obviously, the big Japanese publishers/developers are already essentially guaranteed to be releasing games on Playstation since Nintendo doesn't really fit the bill for companies like SquareEnix and Capcom who are essentially the main Japanese publishers pushing high quality visuals these days... So basically those games are sure to come to PS and they aren't really missing out on anything. Considering how difficult it is for a US based company like MS to purchase Japanese publ
  12. It makes perfect sense really. Sony is sorely lacking in first party MP games. Now that Xbox has COD, Sony desperately needs to have an answer if it ever goes away. Or at least a developer capable of filling that void. They're also working with Deviation Games who are Ex-Treyarch COD developers on a PS exclusive franchise, so between securing Bungie and their partnership with Deviation, they've got it covered.
  13. It's either SEGA in its entirety or nothing.. regarding Atlus.
  14. Yall slow as fuck I guess Beyond the console Agent Ryan and Compadre Hulst accomplishing their mission
  15. Is it because they will remain an independent subsidiary and continue to be multiplat? Sony 3rd Party Studios Presents
  16. You should watch this one... because then you would see that they confirmed the board game mini-game that I told your ass about back in August of last year Oh and as a side note.. it's been fucking HILARIOUS watching you melt down over the past week or so! When you step away for a few months and just look at this place.. holy shit.. how god damn embarrassing! So, I'll let you get back to it.
  17. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    Not a SINGLE FUCKING ONE And even worse are the ones who still have ancient 16:10 1200p displays
  18. You are. Because despite all the evidence in front of you... you cling to that profile... JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH GHOSTZ... but the hilarious thing is that you don't realize how pathetic it makes you look... and honestly... I put that on the mods around here.. Because every time there's very CLEAR evidence that you're wrong with the shit you're claiming.... you get away with it. Fucking up multiple threads with it. They should ban your ass every time you bring up something as being "proven" when they're just your own baseless claims... but they don't... be
  19. No I didn't. Just like you claim you played multiple systems... I played multiple systems. I rep'd the cows on system wars.. doesn't mean I wasn't a hermit. All those years I had beast PCs... You've already lost... but can't accept it. That is where you're at right now.
  20. No I don't. And yea, you could... but you never have. Because we know you use your current one... You also know the reason why I'm not giving you my new one. You also know that it makes sense that I created and used a different account... because I've showed you I own the console, I've talked about playing PS4 games in the threads on their launch days... I've posted pictures of the games.... and GD even fucking TOLT your ass... and you're still a dipshit about it. You're HIDING behind an old profile of mine... because that's all you can do... despite ever
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