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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I don't need to get around it. Other people know... and I've posted in the What you're playing thread about playing games like God of War in 2018... LOL completely destroying your bullshit claim. So all that's left is you clinging on to an old profile... desperately. Looking MIGHTY pathetic... and I'm fine with that
  2. No.. I wouldn't do that... because I'm a fucking man and I wont be told what to do by a couple of forum bitches.... unlike you who was told to play a game.. and complied like a bitch
  3. No you didn't. I have played PS games since 2014. I have the console, AND I have the games... you've already seen them. And since you can look at my OLD profile and conclude that I'm was a PS gamer... you can easily conclude that I PLAY the games I buy... unlike you... unless you're forced to And no... lmfao... it's not logical that GD could tell you... I can show you the games... and the system... and you'd conclude that I haven't played them.... after just accusing me of being a MASSIVE PS fanboy Not logical at all
  4. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    No.. it IS your primary monitor. Nobody... and I REPEAT NOBODY who is serious about PC gaming..... has a Living Room TV... as their primary monitor. Jerky.... we ALL have 4K TVs you dipshit.... The sooner you realize that you having an OLED is nothing special.. the sooner you'll stop looking like a fucking lunatic loser. 3090 connected primarily to a 1200p 16:10 60hz monitor 60hz ffs .... and it's scratched up to hell too
  5. I wouldn't denounce Phil Spencer You listen to yourself? You're pushing 40 and you're asking me to denounce a video game company executive God you guys are on some real clown shit GOOD LORD
  6. I changed PS profiles ~ 2013 the time TLOU came out. Me and CM both created new profiles for the PS4. I've done most all my PS4 gaming on that profile. The one I share with my wife... and the one you're mad about me not sharing with you So yea, with the PS4 gen I started caring less and less about consoles... as I realized by the end of the PS3 gen that PC was simply better these days. That's very public information. The only issue is despite me posting images of the games, and the console... you continue to claim that I've never played any PS4 games since 2014
  7. Look at these fucking clowns How old are you retards again?
  8. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    No, You said your part and I responded. You chose to continue on speaking about that... and that's because that's what YOU wanted to speak about. So I started talking about YOUR monitor.. LOL Don't get mad because you came into my thread to troll me and I responded back to you in kind... and you jerry-go-rounded it by never shutting up about it. Then when you finally did shut up... Gouki comes in and presses the start button again and you're all too happy to start it up again.. then you hypocrites claim we're the ones not wanting to talk about what the t
  9. My location "Nvidia Headquarters" Look at my profile details... Interests "4K, Titans... PCs with Titan GPUs" LMFAO Jerky doesn't know what the hell I am. He's been trying to say I'm a hardcore COW... but that I haven't played one since 2014... but then he just said I own a PS5.......and hated on PC because I said a game was stuttering on PC and smooth on PS5 I have this dude twisted like a fucking pretzel
  10. So either that account belongs to me... or it doesn't.... You JUST SAID you don't know if it's mine or not LOL. So you were trying to use it against me... claiming it WAS me... ...but now you're not sure.... because I ALSO have posts from over 10 years ago where... I'm praising PC Idiot And yes.... that post is clearly speaking in the context of SYSTEM WARS....
  11. Shut the fuck up I'm a HermG these days 110%. FUUUUUCK all consoles. Every last one of them. Won't be buying them shits anymore neva.
  12. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    No, I'm not butthurt about Battlefield. I made this thread because Halo is better. See here's the thing Jerry. I made this thread... Twinblade made a Battlefield thread... and you know what happened? We both talked shit about the others game in each other's thread... but... we did so coming from the fact that we talked about the ACTUAL GAMES.... not being butthurt about the actual person who made the thread.. in an attempt to derail the thread. I'm all for battling it out in Halo VS Battlefield threads in which we talk shit about the games and post our ex
  13. You seemed to know, and were 100% sure... when it suited your narrative. And now it doesn't... and you're acting like a dumb bitch who doesn't know anything Sweetie... I never denied I was a PS stan back then.... on SW.com... in which we pick a faction and rep it... But I was always a Hermit.. Always had kickass gaming PCs... always have and always will And nobody has to prove anything to you... of all people.
  14. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    Your butthurt caused you to make that post. If you weren't... you wouldn't have... according to yourself anyway. LOL And now you're mad.. and Gouki's trying to bat for you... because we're laughing at your shitty 1200p 16:9 60hz monitor... and your crippoLED You're MAD about that. I get it. You came in wanting to talk about monitors.... so that's what we started talking about. LOL
  15. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    You said I made a ton of posts in 15minutes... hardly seems like my life huh. I'd argue I'm Jehurey's life though... since he obviously doesn't game at all Gouki just keeps poking threads every time they die off to start them up again then blames everyone else.. lmfao textbook bitch Goukosan... I'ma make it EZ for you dude. Just leave the thread and don't come back. Simple. You don't have to see my post count... and you don't want to risk yours getting high... do you lmfao Tallysan keeping track of Nintendo's financials
  16. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    LOL he's "actually celebrating" It's more pathetic than I thought And.... you HAD to come in this Halo thread and post it... instead of... going into the other thread and posting about it there? LMAO I love catching this dumb bitch in his own retarded logic..
  17. Holy shit look at how pathetically desperate you are... LOL oh yea, some other System Wars member just changed their account to my name.. just to make it look like it was mine.. right? So if I were to post from that account... that would prove it's mine... right? The funniest thing about this... is that you USED THAT VERY ACCOUNT to claim I said some shit about PC in the past................ so I guess that wasn't me then huh
  18. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    Notice how your posts are only about how other people post? Failing to see how pathetic his own posts are... in which he adds nothing to any conversation on either side and just... stokes flames Get a fucking life loser bubu look a my post count!! It's LESS!!!
  19. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    No... actually you just posted how your OWN butthurt... caused you to make that post in a Halo thread in the first place LOL you actually thought you were going to try to make that point and I wasn't going to completely shut you down? LOL
  20. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    I proved it already. You haven't played anything in months... and wouldn't have played what you did... unless you were FORCED to... LOL it doesn't get much more evident than that.
  21. Obviously you're retarded then... how is the Remij_ account not mine exactly? Do I need to post with that account to prove it to you or something You know.... you already KNOW that I have two accounts because you whined about it when I posted with the other one while I was "banned"
  22. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    Then tell Gouki to stop whining that we're system warring and not talking about Halo ffs... it's not us who are the ones whining about the thread not being on track... Gouki pops his head in every day to kick it off again... and you're always there to oblige
  23. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    Yes. The evidence is your gaming profiles... since you've bought that OLED. You haven't played shit You've played some old PS4 games... and a PS5 game we FORCED you to play. That's my proof. Your PC hasn't played SHIT 3Dmark a couple times and Saint's Row Don't even bother dude... the jig is up... You don't need to explain yourself. We know you're not about that PC gaming shit. You bought your shit so you could TALK shit... to me specifically. A 3090 connected to a fucking 1200p 16:10 60hz monitor
  24. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    Not a thread about an Xbox game... lmfao don't even try dude
  25. Remij

    Godlo Infinite

    No. Jerry... it's very easy for us to SEE what you bought it for.... Nobody is interested in what you SAY... your ACTIONS speak differently. You don't play your PS5 at all... it had been 4 months since you had... and you only did because you were FORCED to. And your PC profile shows you don't game either. You bought an OLED TV... to be included in the "OLED groupies" conversation... Same reason why you bought your PC. You literally bought your PC... to have a good PC to be able to speak the shit you try so hard to speak.
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