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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nobody is stealing the game... nor did anyone beg for it And what about the 41 second mark?
  2. 4K 120fps on PC is EZ ^video is only encoded at 60fps, but you can see the fps on the bottom. LOL Day 1 too
  3. I gotta eat some crow with this game. It's really awesome.
  4. No I mean Ratchet the 2016 PS4 game. He started that game a long time ago and never finished it. He started playing the PS4 game to get "caught up" before he was going to play the new PS5 game. Months went by with the 2016 PS4 game partially played and unfinished... and then Ghostz came along.. and goaded him into playing Ratchet on PS5.... but Jerky wouldn't allow himself to play the PS5 game before finishing the old PS4 one.... so he had to finish that game too We call that a "twofer" Jehurey was playing Ratchet... but Ghostz was playing Jehurey
  5. Yea, it's pretty hilarious. Even more hilarious that GD reduced Ghostz ban to 7 days... and Jerky still didn't get his Gamertag after all that. Add Jerky to the list of people who tried extremely hard to get Ghostz gamertag and failed And yea, his Ratchet and Clank achievements will remain with him forever too... always known as the game Ghostz FORCED Jehurey to play... not because he wanted to... but because he was made to. Oh, and he actually forced Jehurey to complete TWO games... Ratchet and Clank PS4 as well... because Jehurey couldn't start R&C PS5 without first be
  6. Yall need to play the REAL version of Metroid Dread 4K 60 smooth as buttah
  7. Judgement is ending because of no PC version
  8. Oh shit.. stupid phone and me for not checking EllenHBR
  9. https://mp1st.com/news/elden-ring-rated-18-m-by-korean-gaming-ratings-board Oh wait that's just for the PC, Xbox, and PS. TSHBFR
  10. Yea agreed. One person said it over there and I agreed with them.. basically they said the dude lived till he was 90 years old... he had as full of a life as you could ever expect to have... so why should put aside the terrible things this person said/did just because he died. It's true. It's one thing to have your life cut tragically short, or die of unnatural causes... but he died of old age. He lived out his entire life. But yea, some of those people there get a little too much enjoyment out of certain things.
  11. Even then... I'm not the kind of person who would be enjoying something... stop playing it to play something else... and then go back to it after and be like "oh man this is just boring and I'm completely unengaged"... If I'm enjoying something, I'm going to enjoy it when I go back to it as well. For me I don't give a shit how good the next game is... if I enjoyed a past game... I'll always be able to enjoy it. Which is why it's weird for me sometimes to hear people say they can't go back and play some old games anymore.. I love going back and playing older games and I don't fee
  12. I'm not... just pointing out how you let shit slide for one and not the other... kinda like you do when it comes to FPSs you prefer And dude... lmfao... the main shit in Yakuza is ridiculous as fuck to begin with... the side shit takes that a step further... lmao the fuck But hol up... I'm not about to let you act like I'm saying Tales' story is anything incredible...
  13. I never said they didn't dipshit. I said there's tons of STUPID AS FUCK DIALOG AND CUTSCENES in those games too....
  14. Oh. The cutscenes themselves are fine... though the dialog is admittedly pretty bad sometimes in them It's not meant to be super deep story-wise... despite having some commentary on "deep" subjects. They're Japanese games... there's always a lot of ridiculous over exaggeration in pretty much all of them.... I mean.. you guys like the Yakuza games and there's tons of cringe shit in those games, despite also having some pretty awesome moments as well.
  15. You beat me to it, but I was actually going to get pretty deep into it in my review. I'll post mine when I finally beat the game, but I agree with pretty much everything you said.
  16. I love how GD actually made Jehurey think he won... when the reality is that GD just lowered Ghostz's ban from 30 days to 7 Jehurey got more played than his Playstation 5 this past week
  17. No.. Jehurey has to make a sig for ghost to use... lmfao when has any sig bet ever been anything but the winner making a sig that the other has to use LMFAO Jerky trying to sly shit his way to Ghostz profile
  18. Holy shit... So Jehurey was forced to rush out and complete a game by a certain time by Ghostz.... and he did it, for the SOLE PURPOSE OF GETTING GHOSTZ BANNED (not actually playing the game) and what Jerry didn't even know is that the mod had no intention of ever banning Ghostz LMFAO I wish we could say that was actually planned out... but GD coming through with the ACTUAL surprise for all of us! Damn... Jehurey must feel pathetic that he rushed to play a game that he had no intention of playing any time soon... all for nothing
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