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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, because he didn't use PTO.. or so he says... so that probably means his nephew played it for him...
  2. I played it... and I liked it a lot more than I like this BF beta. I'm honestly not trying to fuck with you either. It's a simple fact of COD being a well tuned and well performing game... and BF being a janky bugfest.
  3. @-GD-X You need to look at this... and just ban this twat already. Because in all honesty... Ghostz could deny his ban... because Jerry didn't actually post proof that HE played Ratchet and Clank... Anyone can access his profile and play the game on his behalf.
  4. You have a fair point. Although I think the tracks in DQ11 are awesome... there's no doubt he did everything in his power to limit that game's OST. There was a criminal lack of tracks for that game.
  5. Yes he did you fucking clown. You didn't start playing SHIT until Oct 3rd.... when you frantically started playing Ratchet and Clank PS4.. so that you could continue on and play Ratchet PS5... Ghostz literally MADE YOU DO THAT. The more you try to deny that... the more pathetic you look to everyone... and Jer... sweetie... trust me.. you look pathetic as fuck already
  6. Yea very possibly. BF looks like it's coming in REAL hot though. They need to bite the bullet and just delay until next year IMO. No shame in that. Halo did and it will be a much better game for it (which it's already proving)
  7. You can't even play this shit on PC... literally stuttering all the time.. large CPU spikes due to single threaded shader compilation..lmfao This engine was not built for what they're trying to push through it and its starting to show its age. COD games on PC build a PSO and Shader cache upon the first initial load of the game... and COD Vanguard is smooth as fuck on PC. Halo had issues during the first two tech previews on PC with low performance and stutters, but they updated the game and now that runs butter smooth too. Battlefield needs to fix their shi
  8. Jerry... Ghostz LITERALLY made you play through.. and rush... to beat this game by today. The fact that you didn't actually complete the game until mere hours beforehand... shows that you were rushing to do it You're NOT getting out of this. We're literally laughing our asses off at this... while you try to act like "someone clicking on a website" to see your profile is a "gotcha"
  9. It's alright. It's a lot different than RE3R though, so obviously don't go in expecting that. Did you play RE7? RE7 was more scary and slower paced... this one isn't very scary and is more action based. If you liked RE7 you'll like this one.
  10. Yea, it's fucked up. Sugiyama was definitely a shitty person... but the guy was 90 years old. He had terrible views and did a lot of bullshit.... but he's dead now. No sense beating a dead horse. His music will always have a place in my heart though. I can divorce the two. Hopefully whoever replaces him can carry on the legacy of incredible DQ music. And yea, ERA when they get on their mob shit can be disgusting. 😕
  11. LOL nope... I knew before that. It was the fact that you actually thought you had some kind of "win" by acting like we didn't know how the site worked which made me post. Because you know... you're always wrong about shit (DV 4K/120hz, and my monitor for example)
  12. LOL you were wrong... and I didn't rush.. I casually checked it... a couple clicks... meanwhile up until literally today at noon you were WORKIN like you were TOLT TO You were forced to actually play a game
  13. LMFAO no you didn't... I looked at it online you stupid fuck https://psntrophyleaders.com/user/view/Jehurey#games God you're dumb as shit.... LMAO
  14. That's all PS4 shit Every PS5 game you played... LOL 1 trophy... Ghostz made you actually play a game.. and to completion. Your PS5 thanks him
  15. There's no more "getting to" someone that ACTUALLY GETTING THEM TO do something... which... you did. So not only did you get got... but you did it yourself
  16. Twinky.. out of respect (I think) I'm going to refrain from posting all the tweets from professional players and people who've played all 3 betas (myself included) that almost unanimously say Halo is going to be the best MP shooter this year judging from the betas.. I'm sorry you had to find out like this... getting your hands dirty. I know it's hard.. but the sooner we can accept that it's trash, the better off it will be in the long run.
  17. huh? Jerky beat his first PS5 game... because Ghostz FORCED him to... that's never going to go away. Ghostz was responsible for you getting your PS5 cherry popped
  18. He's beat the game. He's got 80% trophies. He did it today Ghostz actually FORCED Jehurey to play and beat a game
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