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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The funds were provided before the game was made Play a game for crying out loud My LORD I can't get over that This little bitch talking about everyone else and the games they are and aren't playing... and here's his profiles 12 Minutes... most played game of 2021
  2. Maybe you should give your PS5 to your brother so it will actually get some use outside of blu-rays No Jueghurey
  3. A friend of mine is playing it and told me it's good. Nothing ground breaking, but a solid game with beautiful visuals/presentation. The Artful Escape is another one I started playing.. and it's freaking gorgeous. Very simplistic game though..
  4. It's amazing how Ratchet and Clank became a premier Sony game... despite not having changed a single fucking thing about it And it's not even good or desirable enough to play for Jehurey to even put in his PS5 once... These are the AAA bangers they're trying to tell us about
  5. It's not even a full exclusive. It's coming to Xbox in 2022 lmfao... But yea, lems are indeed owned that one of the AAA(+) games they put out this year isn't even on their platforms Luckily for them they have Forza Horizon 5 and Halo still to look forward to... while cows have...
  6. 89 on PC The best version of the game gets the best score ofc. And that makes Psychonauts 2.... better than Ratchet
  7. That's right.. so stop talking about a service which is about playing games... when you don't ever play games. A service meant for playing games... isn't meant for YOU. Thanks.
  8. You don't get to talk about a game playing service.... until you actually start playing some games
  9. No, the majority of gamers actually play the games they buy.. This guy concern trolling about a gaming service... when he doesn't even play games You game so little not even MS would count you as an active user
  10. You said "The German DF guy"... in an attempt to insinuate that he's not credible.. being German and all. That's dumb of you. And you're Mexican... so I called you a dumb Mexican. How much longer are you going to be dumb for? Mexican isn't a race. If I say he's a "dumb American"... is that a racist remark? See how fucking stupid you are? Save your crocodile tears for someone else
  11. You're living game-free... because you don't play them
  12. No, I'm not powering through anything. You want to talk about Alex like as if being German somehow makes him less credible... I'm going to call you a dumb Mexican. Mexican isn't a race. You're trying REALLY HARD to play that card... but it's not going to work with me. Stop being dumb... for one. Then I wont call you that.
  13. Imagine getting mad that a library cycles out books for you to loan.... when you have the ability to buy them from the bookstore
  14. Certainly not Jehurey. Though if he does, we can be sure he wont play it.
  15. Where did I bring up race? LMAO... this dumb bitch trying to call out Alex for being German and now he's getting pissy because I called him a dumb Mexican bub das racizt
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