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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nah though... fuck that. Just make new original IP. If Sony starts shitting out Marvel games every year people will get annoyed soon enough. Nothing MS could get ahold of would even compete with Spider-man and Wolverine anyway. Make new IP. Sony Cinematic Universe games are getting old as fuck.
  2. Beat the first Lord in Tales of Arise. This game is awesome! It reminds me a lot of DQ11 in SOME ways. But the combat is just badass once you start pulling off sick combos and using moves appropriately. The boss battle was pretty Epic. The cutscenes and visuals in this game are so good...especially in motion. The particle effects and spells and animations are all incredible.
  3. I'm very interested in that game, but that character wont hold a candle to Bayo lol Hopefully the game is shown soon an looks badass with Hellena voicing her ❤️
  4. Nintendo has to show this soon. If they can get it out for 2022 then they'll have a nice 2022 lineup alongside Zelda and some others. Fans are getting impatient though.. almost 4 years and all we've seen is that initial reveal trailer..
  5. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    Yea, when GT3 A-spec dropped so did my jaw. GT decline as a franchise is reflected properly in it's Metacritic review scores.
  6. He better hope that he comes to the conclusion that the new PS5 is unanimously better than the old one on all fronts... or the pitchforks will come out
  7. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    Exactly. It's hilarious how these guys can't have a normal conversation sometimes or admit when "the other side" has something cool or does something right. TLHBO is 100% just about Xbox and MS all the time... Also look at the ****Attention Everyone**** thread from the start... you can immediately see who can take a funny joke... and who can't.
  8. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    You're seriously acting like PS is getting hammered, and as if Xbox hasn't been all last gen I don't give a shit if you hate Xbox or Windows or Epic LMFAO... it's the fact that you simply can't ever say anything positive about them... You're 1 dimensional as fuck.
  9. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    Yea yea... you've said that before. Imagine not growing up to the point where you can drop your act for a post or two.... after 17 years of "war"
  10. Hmmm... that doesn't sound.... good. Not sure if that applies to the current game, or any future games after that? I was thinking maybe Bayonetta 3 has some other character that you play as and maybe the story sets up something happening to Bayonetta? Or maybe it's the last Bayonetta game? But even then, the guy says "I can't imagine Bayonetta without your voice" so her response implies that Bayonetta as a character would continue but that she wouldn't be a part of it. Either way... that's terrible news..as IMO there is no more Bayonetta without Helena Taylor. It ju
  11. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    Again, you can't ever seem to drop the act... like some other idiots around here too
  12. Yea that's true. At the very final rank 102.. you get the ability to use powers with no-cooldowns... which would have been amazingly awesome at some point during the game. At that point you're done with everything and there's nothing else to do, and thus it essentially goes to waste. If there was a new game+ in which you continued with all your powers and badges from the start... that would make it useful for future playthroughs... but alas there isn't lol
  13. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    Oh yea... I only have 51h in FH4 Unlike you I actually play the games I talk about.. bitch ass hypocrite
  14. Yea... playing games.. It was great. Not that you'd know anything about that
  15. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    Those are replays you god damn clown And LMFAO you trying to damage control this... the PS5 with it's AMAZING SSD... needing to load "low LOD environments" for quick previews You LITERALLY LINKED ME TO A PICTURE WHICH COMPLETELY DESTROYS YOU That's the EXACT track... just at a different angle... and you can see it's the same shit.. thanks for the assist The game looks like SHIT
  16. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    That's bullshit.. that menu is there during replay shots... It's an information bar that you can display which shows the car, stats, and other shit like progression info.... That TRASH is just what the game looks like... when you're not eye level with the cardboard cutout billboard trackside detail
  17. I actually want to play this. Debating on picking it up right now. Looks good.
  18. Remij

    GT7 vs FH5

    Nope.. that's a replay camera shot Maybe I should have used a different picture? Oh wait.. Not much of a difference
  19. It's not a comparison video of the new vs old PS5.. because he's waiting for a new PS5 to test, which is on the way to him thanks to Digital Foundry's video. Funny how he also blasts Austin Evans' haters... like many on this site immediately did.
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