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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LOL you bought a game!!! That's what Jerry considers ownage right now Makes sense for a coupon clipper who doesn't game though
  2. Not online there isn't. LMAO give me his friend code ( ) and I'll gladly do it
  3. The game is HOME... on PC... where both versions are Thanks Sony.. for publishing this PC game
  4. Play a game Jerry... you PS5 is BEGGING you to use it this month... just ONCE!* *and for a game... not just turning it on to watch a blu-ray
  5. Gouki come to stir the pot Jerry's lucky there's no Switch profile out there people have access to... it would prove he ALSO doesn't play his Switch at all. LMAO... Let's see here. Jerry.. post proof that you've played No More Heroes 3. Not happening I bet
  6. GD already told your bitch ass and you cried and called him a liar... And besides all that... I posted literal proof of me talking about playing God of War in the What are you playing thread... You got owned sideways like a bitch... and just kept Jerry-go-rounding... because you have nothing else to do. You're way past being humble... you've committed to being a dipshit for so long it's too embarrassing for you to just admit I owned your bitch ass. More Jerry-go-rounddddd Bitch you need to shut up and play a fucking game for once this month
  7. He's played Spider-man... Spider-man: Miles Morales... and Call of Duty All last gen shit. Demon's Souls? 1 Trophy Returnal? 1 Trophy Ratchet PS5? Hasn't even put the disc in He's a clown and honestly should be banned for being a lying cocksucker. @Twinblade @-GD-X
  8. No... he hasn't. He's played Spider-man 2016.... a game we all played...... back in 2018 Dude has not played a single fucking THING on his PS5 that is exclusive to it.
  9. BITCH I JUST PROVED YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THOSE FUCKING GAMES... and lmfao he's mentioning Spider-man again... a fucking 2016 game That's the extent of his "PS5 expertise"
  10. Yea you are And yes I have. GD already told your bitch ass and you ran from it... you stuck your fingers in your ears and pretended to not hear what you were told You only want to jerry-go-round because you don't play games... and I'm showing the entire forum that. Your profile is right there for everyone to see... and not even just PSN... literally everything. Steam, Xbox too LOL Why play Demon's Souls Returnal Ratchet and Clank: RA when you've logged into... Saint's Row the 3rd.. Deus Ex 2016
  11. Shut up. You haven't played SHIT this year You no longer get to talk to people about gaming habits and which games they play. The entire forum knows that you don't play sweet fuck all
  12. LMAO still Jerry-go-rounding with Substatic I see... Just goes to show it doesn't matter who it is... Jerry gon Jerry
  13. Now he's trying to copy me. I'm playing a game now though... so it's safe to say he's not going to be copying me doing that
  14. Go play a game.. you PS5 is begging you So is your 3090 233 games Saint's Row 3 2016's Mankind Divided last played Apr 26th Those are some graphically intensive games there
  15. Probably EA.... so that means likely the open beta will start at the same time as Halo's
  16. Play a fucking game you clown Bubbu PS5 is sso amazing!@! I have Ratchet... and Returnal... and Demon's Souls.. and... oh wait... 12 Minutes? For real? Hol up I have xCloud... lemme drop 14h in that bitch instead
  17. Damn... the cows are back in this thread since they're getting their asses handed to them in the PS Showcase related threads bubu back to Austin Evans... Dyna wuz sayin!!
  18. There really is NO reason to really own a PS5 yet. GoW and Horizon 2 are like they best things Sony has in the pipe right now that we know of... and both will be perfectly fine on PS4 Pro. Nothing to buy a PS5 for
  19. Well if it starts on the 22nd, I could try it out before Halo hits. A day or two is enough for me to tell if I'm going to give a shit about it or not. But once Halo's starts I'll be jumping over to it for sure.
  20. God of War looks amazing though. GT7 was a dud though.. people have seen the next gen of racing games, and that's Forza Horizon 5
  21. When's the beta? Halo's next tech test is Sept 24th, so I'm going to be primarily playing that around that time.
  22. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/ A game called Sheltered is free too. Go and grab em
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