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Everything posted by Remij

  1. A fairly impartial one from someone not affiliated with any sites or magazines
  2. That shit is unreal. People can OD from that shit simply by getting too close to it and inhaling tiny dust particles of it... That's fucked up. I've always kinda half-wondered how these drugs actually get made without killing the people who are making them. Why THE FUCK do you need drugs that potent and damaging for? Jesus.. it's just sad, scary shit.
  3. I took this from GAF.. Apparently: Alan Wake Remastered will use the Northlight Engine by Remedy Entertainment, previously used in Control. The game supports ray-tracing for reflections on PS5, Xbox Series, and PC, but not on last-generation consoles. There is no Nintendo Switch version. While we haven’t heard from our source about it, maybe a Cloud version can happen like Control. Last-generation consoles will benefit from higher resolution and QoL changes but no ray-tracing. The remaster will support 60 FPS. Nothing really surprising there..
  4. It has everything to do with everything. The audience that skews towards specific twitter accounts skews those results because they are more likely to see them... I really shouldn't have to explain this to you. If a writer for a website which skews towards Xbox makes a poll.. it's going to go more the other way... And nah.. Benji's post has about as many votes... I just took that screen...
  5. Unfortunate. Still so young. I hate drugs so much.
  6. LMAO He's a Dualshockers writer. Of course Sony skewed twitter affiliated sites are going to gravitate to the games they can... you know... actually play And LMFAO half of the people are laughing at his ass and chose one of the other two... because he said "You can only BUY one" ... and they're pointing out that Halo MP is free to play so they're choosing one of the other ones... Twinfail
  7. You're too pussy to make a prediction Too busy beaking here to play a game too
  8. I'm right. You guys don't have the balls to even throw out any guesses... you specifically are too pussy to do it because you actually WOULD feel embarrassed. "oh no... if I say anything they're going to think I'm begging" Pussy Or maybe you just don't make any guesses because you don't play games
  9. Yep.. the mixture of Tim Burton-esque design and other types of artwork is awesome. The paper art combination there is very cool.
  10. Fine af for her age. She always has been
  11. Yes! I watched a video of the beginning of the game and they essentially blow the entire load early! And I agree as well that none of them seem particularly memorable... but I haven't played the game so I can't possibly know that yet. Oh well... it's time they give this series a good rest anyway. They're pretty much just phoning it in with this release. We need some new Suda IP goodness, and something that they actually will own so he can be excited about it and the team can do the best work possible.
  12. I just actually tried this for the first time today, and yea, it feels pretty good. Complete rip-off as you said.. but the portals adds a new element to it, much like the hook-shot adds some flavor to Halo Infinite. I really didn't have to fuck around with everything. First time I played everything felt right, so that's pretty good right there haha.
  13. Nah I sincerely have my doubts, because even after you guys were told you continued to sarcastically make comments about Austin. If Jon would have posted a link in the OP... the only difference is those same comments would have started sooner... possibly without the "who?" pretext... I say possibly, because you guys probably still would have sarcastically said "who?" You're not kids.... If you legitimately don't know and are asking... you don't respond like you guys did. Jon doesn't post links a lot of the time.... It takes 2 seconds to search him and find out... ev
  14. lmfao at you thinking I'm referring to you saying he's not a house hold name as the sarcastic responses... I'm talking about this shit... ^which you quoted btw.. The thread is literally about Austin Evans Not sure why that sarcastic remark was even necessary... just simply made to detract from the point I raised. Yep.. nobody knew of this guy... sure. You need to get real my dude. The ONLY people in this thread who are bothered and offended... are you and Remy... and
  15. No.. people in here have CLEARLY shown through their posts that nobody should care about Austin Evans... And again... I'm not offended at all. The fact that you didn't know who he was is fine.. Like I said... you were told who he was.. and still you guys continued to make sarcastic remarks about him and his popularity to me. You keep forgetting that. You asked... received an answer... then continued peddling the same sarcastic shit you would have regardless of whether Jon included that information in the thread or not. You're the one being dishonest here... because
  16. The relevant context is already there.... Someone was doxxed by playstation fans. What more context do you need? You already know it's wrong. After asking... you were told who he was... then the responses weren't about who he was... but whether he was popular enough that they should know or care... cmon man...
  17. No... I already addressed that point. Not commenting on something doesn't mean you don't care or are dismissive about it... You guys are LITERALLY trying to make that point in this thread for yourselves..... I don't remember ever making a comment on Saucer doxxing someone either... Are you guys saying that I'm pretending to care here? Like come the fuck on... Again, I'm not bothered about the fact that you didn't know who he was... Just don't come in a thread, ask "who?" while acting like they are a nobody, and sarcastically replying to comments attempt
  18. Stop acting like you came in this thread all innocent to learn who this guy was and why he was being doxxed... You came in to shit on a Jonb thread Fuck.. even Bodycount actually took the time to read up on the guy and what happened.. and yet you guys.. on the moral high ground.. couldn't be bothered? I gave you the context in the very first page and it didn't matter... you guys all continued on sarcastically responding to me... and here we are. A link in the OP would have changed absolutely nothing and you know it. It's all good though. I've said my p
  19. It's not hard to look the guy up before commenting. And like I said.. there's NO problem not knowing and asking who he is... but after getting a response, and then sarcastically continuing to harp on the fact that because you didn't know him means that he's not well known.. shows me you're not really interested in who he is... but rather detracting from the thread. Like TLHBO and Jehurey... posting sarcastic shit about Austin and trying to shame someone for knowing who he was and making the thread.
  20. No it's not irrelevant.. If I make a thread about something or someone I KNOW.... and you come in and shit it up because you "don't know him" ... sorry, but it's not my opinion that is irrelevant.. it's your comment that is... And lmao... there is NO context you're trying to make.. other than to detract from the topic. If you're genuinely asking who he is... then don't respond to a post which tells you who he is in a dismissive way. That exactly what you guys did. The first response from you nor Remy was ANYTHING to do with Jonb making a thread about caring about som
  21. I'm not bothered at all that you don't know him... I pointed out that he's well known in his sphere despite you not knowing him, and that context is key... and instead of admitting it you guys double down.. with an added splash of sarcasm on top of it. Like as if the fact that YOU don't know him specifically means that he's not well known... or like as if it matters in the first place. I like the fact that because I made a simple point about it that you believe I'm majorly offended by it... The only person here offended seems to be Remy by Saucer, Mala, Jon, and Dynam
  22. Short answer - Yes, it does. Keep in mind it's an Nvidia sponsored video, but Rich does well to explain that the majority of the tests are games which can utilize the RT and Tensor cores of the Nvidia hardware. They also test rasterization performance which he boils down to being better on the Laptop as well.. but there are cases where the next gen consoles could pull ahead depending on the quality of the PC version of the game.
  23. Speaking for myself here, I commented on the topic, and I commented on the responses about him not being popular... and that's that. Why should I give a fuck if Jon wouldn't have made this thread if it was Xbox fanboys doxxing someone? Would Sony fanboys here have made this thread if Jon didn't?... doubtful. Just because Jon might not make the thread if it was Xbox fanboys doesn't mean he thinks doxxing is ok... I know that. Just like cows not making this thread doesn't mean that they think it's ok either. I'd have said the same thing if it was lemming fanboys doxxing a PS yo
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