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Everything posted by Remij

  1. And now he's trying to change the argument... because he lost with the fact that I didn't post those words. Right there in plain view... This is how he starts Jerry-go-rounds all the time too @Goukosan See?
  2. OMFG TSHBFR This was one of the TWO AAA games they had coming in the last half of this year
  3. No you proceeded to claim that this was a celebration thread that I made... when I didn't celebrate anything. "And another one." aren't my words. I posted a simple trailer. And my QUESTION to you was... how was it my celebration thread... when I didn't mention anything about Sheep being owned that this game is coming to PC You're on some serious butthurt shit right now dude.
  4. No... because it was a thread merge by a moderator
  5. It's happening LMFAO you'd think these idiot sheep would know better than to argue with Hermits about stuff coming to our platform by now
  6. I asked how you thought I was celebrating since I never said anything about Sheep being owned... lmfao you're petty as fuck right now... purposefully trying to make some retarded argument here. It's quite evident because you're not answering my question
  7. LOL now we know why Goobs is mad in my thread
  8. Ok.. let me dumb the fucking question down for you since you're retarded as fuck. How is this my celebration thread? What did I celebrate? I said it was coming to Steam and posted the trailer
  9. Jesus you're fucking dumb... how is this MY CELEBRATION THREAD.... when I didn't even mention the fucking sheep? I didn't celebrate anything in this thread... I simply posted the fucking trailer... Jesus
  10. LMFAO! He's watching a movie on his DVR connected to his OLED
  11. Ah.. so there were others before me... and they left.... And he moved on to a new target... And it's my fault Gouko... think about what you're saying. The OTHER people that he would argue endlessly with... left... so now I'm the one he does it with... Think slowly now..........
  12. Nah.. I'm talking with you here... don't run away now.. leaving only Jerry to argue now that you've started some shit
  13. Dude, you JUST admitted he's the common denominator.... I literally posted 2 others... who he hates... with who he's even argued far more than 20 pages with. I told you that... and you just shrugged it off and blamed me again... lmfao
  14. Actually... I simply posted the trailer. Where did I say anything about sheep?
  15. Ah... so you're saying he moved on Thanks again for admitting he's the problem.. and if I left... he'd be doing it with Twinblade. And like I said before... there's a reason why many posters... hardly post here anymore.. or simply don't... and THAT is the reason... You're getting EVER SO CLOSER to saying it... 😘
  16. There's literally a No Jerry club on this forum And the Jerry-go-round isn't about arguing something for tens of pages... it's about changing the argument topic, continually lying about the new argument... and never being willing to stop. That's all Jehurey.
  17. Yeah It shows just how truly fucked Jerry is... and Gouko just simply can't admit it.
  18. Sure.... Ghostz, Saucer... the people he doesn't like. He'll wreck the threads they make... because he's so butthurt about them. That was easy...
  19. I said he's done it with several people. You're really harping on that 20 pages... which is really rare, even for me. 5+ pages is common with him, and he attempts to do with with many. Dynamite Jonb Twinblade Lynux Essentially the people he doesn't like. I do remember that time I trolled his ass though with only posting in response every single time... and he went on for 20 pages typing out full responses and arguing with himself about it. That was a test from me to see how truly fucked he was... and how unwillin
  20. Switch is getting SMOKED by PC this year
  21. That could easily be 30-40 pages... except I'm the one to stop it... always. He says the stupidest shit... changes the argument... constantly tries to twist people's words to get them in the Jerry-go-round... and that's the thing.. YOU KNOW he does it with multiple people. It's ALWAYS others who eventually have to stop. And thus.. you know he's the problem.. you've already admitted it. And I actually post threads, and talk about shit normally like a normal person on this forum, I can drop my act... Yet with him people literally call him out for never being able to, or
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