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Everything posted by Remij

  1. He's still trying to alert the press And the only thing you've confirmed is how serious you take SW... bubu where's your consistency OMFG
  2. 14 hours in 12 Mintues And Spider-Man and MM aren't PS5 exclusive games fuckwad... And I'm not downplaying RT... I'm laughing at you thinking it makes Spider-man a PS5 exclusive... and you're literally throwing EVERYTHING YOU CAN at that pathetic attempt THAT is desperation. If you had ACTUALLY played some PS5 games... you wouldn't be talking about Ray Tracing right now... but here you are
  3. He caught me playing Systemwars 10 years ago!! Alert the press
  4. ^ He's trying to win at anything he can at this point.. LOOL "I've played more Ray Tracing content" OMFG...
  5. ^ I'm not even going to respond to this pathetic shit
  6. Yes, I played more Playstation back then alone than you EVER have up to this point... ^ OMFG thanks for the assist
  7. Dude admitted to Xbox gaming on his phone He's an active Xbox Game Pass subscriber
  8. No I didn't. Spider-man and MM are PS4 games... and LMAO Spider-man is a 2018 game FFS.. And no you haven't played just as much Returnal... you've sat on the title screen in Returnal... for less time. And no you can't laugh at anyone. You haven't been playing anything... except 12 Minutes And you're on an even MORE pathetic level... because you're wrong.. and trying to change the subject to me LOL not working. What game are you idling in right now???
  9. Just got to the Motherlobe.. This game is going to be amazing. Peeps I talk to say it just keeps getting better and better too.
  10. I used to stan Playstation so hard That was before console literally became PCs and everything on consoles came to PC and was best on PC after that point.. I mean Jerry... if your point was to prove that I was a console gamer... I mean yeah... You would think the fact that my old PSN account from 2014 still has a much higher trophy score than yours and that I've played more PS games in one single generation than you have in 3 generations so far would prove that to you..
  11. STOP HOLD EVERYTHING!! What to play? ...hmmmmmmmmmmm Demon's Souls Remake? Nah. Returnal? No. Ratchet and Clank: RA? Nope. Xbox exclusive indie game 12 Minutes? OH FUCK YEAH!!
  12. LMAO dude... I posted LITERAL PROOF... You haven't played SWEET FUCK ALL for PS5. You're not even getting around to ancient PS4 games that you tried laughing at me about not playing... You're literally the biggest hypocrite on this forum, and everyone knows it. You're PATHETIC attempts at deflecting the truth just make you look even more pathetic. @JonbX the guy literally has played more Xbox games on Game Pass than PS5 exclusives
  13. April O'Neil is now a playable character too. The game looks perfect.. I love the style.. and the animation is just awesome. Can't wait for this. PC and Switch only.. at least at first.
  14. No, you clearly have played more of 12 minutes than any PS5 game. The achievements prove it. You DID put 14h in 12 minutes... it's RIGHT THERE.. and nobody is interested in your bullshit excuses dude. Your 6 hours in Returnal were on the title screen as well And you ACTUALLY just bragged about "not even playing the game" to get an achievement for it... OMFG you can't make this up Yea, this is where you're at. Playing more of a MS exclusive game than ANY PS5 exclusive game this year. You have: Returnal Ratchet and Clank Demon'
  15. @-GD-X you know... Jerry really does deserve to be banned even for just pathetically attempting to damage control this obvious rape Like bitch just take your fucking L and move on
  16. He literally has. He says Returnal 6 hours.... Yet only has 1 trophy? LOL He must suck real bad. Probably left the game on the title screen while he was arguing with me on Systemwars one time And yea... the guy LITERALLY has played more Game Pass and Xbox games than PS5 games this year.... absolutely fucking DISGRACEFUL
  17. Did I say anything about having them? You're not PLAYING them. Yes, it is true. I said PS5 exclusives... you haven't played a single fucking one. I didn't crop anything... you literally haven't played a PS5 exclusive game to completion... or really at all. LMAO 1 trophy LOL... Sony sanks you for booting up their game once! And I know... I havn't successfully goaded you into playing your PS5... you must really hate the thing. And sweetie... you're not EVER going to talk about people "actually playing games" ever again
  18. At this point I'm actually trying to just bait this motherfucker into playing his PS5... That shit could have went to an actual PS gamer
  19. Of course it's true. He's played 12 Minutes on his Phone... and yet hasn't touched a single PS5 exclusive game this year LMFAO he's put 14 hours into 12 Minutes He's got almost all achievements too! Meanwhile in PS5 land... He... booted Returnal once... I guess This is the fuck talking shit about Xbox while praising Playstation...
  20. You're the one talking about games... PS5 being so good over Xbox... and yet... you're not playing a single PS5 game right now... and you actually haven't played a single PS5 game period. That's fucking hilarious You've literally played more Xbox games on your Smartphone this year than you have PS5 games
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