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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm selling it... because it's worth more than I paid for it 2 years ago lol... now is the time. I don't need the money... it's just the simple fact that I don't need the GPU and it makes sense to get the most I can for it
  2. LMAO you couldn't figure out how people might be more interested in Halo than ANOTHER yearly COD and BF bubu teh sales Yea, no shit.. the other two are on three platforms compared to Halo's two... Toddler
  3. So have Halo's though. The impressions were really good 😉
  4. You're so fucking stupid What I'm claiming is that people are more excited for Halo than COD and BF.... despite the fact that they might buy all three DownUndler
  5. Halo Infinite's MP could be popular as fuck... it's free to play now. Battlefield and COD
  6. I said nothing about sales clownfuck.. this thread is about a poll of what people are more interested in/excited for
  7. Who gives a shit about sales fuckwad? LMAO Sheepler
  8. I'm sure this thread will go well
  9. That's what I was saying lmfao... my 2080ti sells now for more than it cost at launch I'm probably going to sell it very soon and make all that money back
  10. I heard people talking that it's basically just upres and framerate boost. No enhancements to the visuals, such as more trees/foliage or improved draw distances. Kind of a bummer for those hoping for better.
  11. I just checked.. my GF account is old enough to drink... god damn where did the time go
  12. Hell yeah! Nice scores from GS and IGN. Seems like the potential issues we pointed out were true for some reviewers but not others. So I think we were pretty close. Should be good.. especially if you know what you're getting into.
  13. No. What I posted was factual... and yes.. I'm celebrating it. You guys thought this game was a failure and year after tear it keeps proving your bitch ass wrong. You didn't burst any bubble bub I didn't leave out any information... you're simply looking for an excuse to come to terms with the game succeeding. Loser
  14. You're lame as fuck, nobody is asking anything from you except for you to shut up once in a while Game gets continuous updates, has constantly evolved and improved over the past 3 years... and this dumb fuck is like "bubu it's only because they released a new update and added content to the game" What a loser
  15. Holy shit... people in this thread actually downplaying a game that's been out for over 3 years having 5M active players in one month... Are you guys ok? I know you're never going to admit this game was a MASSIVE success... but this is some lame ass shit
  16. Yea, they mention the publisher.. because the publisher is in control of distribution. IE... the publisher isn't being upfront with them... which is what the article is about... because they have literally no information.. only estimates
  17. Wow.. Game Pass sure is influential huh? lmao at suggesting that SquareEnix played their cards JUUUUUUUUUUUST right... to purposefully make their game sell less and fail... just to make a small chunk of GP money on the side so they didn't have to pay royalties to their developers by a certain date..... Yep, that's what happened
  18. https://www.dsogaming.com/news/sea-of-thieves-had-4-8-million-active-players-in-june-2021-august-update-released/ Fucking godly. Rem was Right 8/10 Gamespot
  19. lmao... So what you're saying is that... the article is about the Publisher not being upfront with them The developer SUGGESTS... because they don't know.... because..... SquareEnix isn't being upfront with them..
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