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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I saw you get butthurt and you even had to fake laugh at your own post "hahahah"
  2. Jerry boasting about other people calling others his name as an insult Jerry REALIZES he's the problem
  3. Another thread Jerry messed up... surprise surprise Obnoxhurey
  4. Now you're talking about me Thanks for caring so much, while lying and saying you don't care. I mean... you wanted to know the exact time... that's how much you care about it
  5. Nope. I care.. because I posted it. And you got butthurt because you care too. Deck Demolishes the Switch. If you don't care, simply stop posting.
  6. Did anyone say it was mindblowing? It's a simple video showing that Deck DEMOLISHES Switch... that's all. And you're really butthurt about it... as someone who doesn't play Switch...nor intends to buy a Deck. Keep going on about how it doesn't matter to you.... because WE KNOW... you don't play games
  7. The Deck loads Hades. The Switch loads Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaades
  8. You don't need to waste time showing how much... when you're explaining that you can load into multiple games in the time it takes the Switch to load into Hades. The point is already proven. And I don't care the exact second count on Switch. I care that Deck DEMOLISHES it.
  9. No.. people care about loading times.... idiot. If they didn't then you're just admitting that Sony's entire focus on their SSD over MS is worthless Who cares about the exact time... all you need to know is that Deck DEMOLISHED the Switch, and loaded MULTIPLE games before Switch finished Hades. Of course you're taking the stance you are... you're not playing your Switch... nor are you playing Hades... nor are you getting a Steam Deck. And the more you argue about this... the more you prove that you only care... because you want to Jerry-go-round
  10. No. "Who cares?" is in reference to the time exactly.. as you want to know it. All that matters... is that Deck demolishes the Ditch in loading Hades... and we're laughing about it. Dumbass
  11. Who cares? Steam Deck demolished it and was able to then load into Control before Switch finished loading Hades. You're not even going to play it... so stop asking bitch it's irrelevant to you
  12. Did you like how they said they loaded into control and the Switch was still loading into Hades If you want to know how long Hades takes to load on Switch, just fire yours up an pl-- oh that's right, you don't play games
  13. No you wont. If you somehow do.. It'll be because you were forced to... by me.. because you'll want to say I was wrong.. and that's the ONLY reason. I love that I'm putting you to work playing games.. you're my little bitch. Do your chores
  14. Now he's talking about it just being a walking simulator So... he's just asking what he should play it on.... ...but he's not going to play it... because it's a walking simulator OMFG... this guy has been battered and abused so badly today.. People have caught wind to the fact that he doesn't play anything
  15. Imagine... spending $2500 on a PC with a top of the line GPU... and then asking if you should play the PS5 version instead... That's literally where you're at right now! Just goes to show how much you got fucking RAPED.... and it's not like you're playing it in Ultrawide on PC, for a better experience like me...
  16. On PC Gamepass? Yea, it's fucked. They have a patch that's awaiting cert from MS apparently... but the GP version still doesn't even REALLY switch between renderers, nor does it have DLSS. It's broke as fuck.
  17. You have other better games to play on PS5? So then why are you asking if you should play A Plague's Tale? OMFG This is how you know how he REALLY feels about his PS5.... He has Ratchet and Clank, right there.. waiting to be played... and he's asking about playing an old game being given away for free
  18. 5 was much better yea. They still need to change it up a bit, moment to moment gameplay-wise IMO. And yes, Tactics is great. I think they executed really well with that game. There's some issues, but there's also a great foundation to build upon.
  19. You should probably just play your PS5... it's literally begging you to
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