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Everything posted by Remij

  1. bbbu It's not not a peninsula LMAO he expected a 1:1 representation of mexico.. instead of a jumble of different regions and climates.
  2. People are clowning you in every thread you're in Like I said... you're not a high end gamer... you are.. and always will be a budget ass value gamer. Everyone knows it... despite you trying so hard to claim otherwise
  3. Yes.. you expected 1:1 representation geographically... I expected a region based on the climate. Keep waiting... while the rest of us play
  4. The designers have spent more time there than you have And you know shit
  5. It's in reference to Baja California... WHICH APPEARS ON THEIR MAP.
  6. In every other thread I've seen on this map reveal... NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON... has made the interpretation that Jehurey has. Think about that Nobody has asked about "Peninsula DLC" And yet he can't admit how fucking stupid his question was
  7. I heard "Baja Circuit" that must mean Peninsula DLC!
  8. Jesus you REALLY are dumb. I never said their use of Baja was referring to the entire map.. LMFAO what is wrong with you? Yea, I'm sure Playground games... who went to Mexico.. travelled all over it... consulted with REAL Mexicans.... and I are really wrong about their use of the word Baja.. You expected a 1:1 map... heard Baja... and asked a stupid question which was ALREADY answered and represented on their map Baja =/= peninsula sweetie... Baja California is a state. They're representing that state's climate on their map. It's right
  9. Yes it is. They've labeled it right on the map Ok.. Jer... if "Baja California" is labeled on that map where it is... WHY would you think in that video when they said "Baja Circuit" would be that peninsula? They already have an area representing the climate of Baja California... why would there be a "peninsula" DLC? When that specific state is already on their map??? And I mean the funniest thing is that it's called Baja Circuit.... Circuit means TRACK... and the race TRACK was right there.... under them... not on some land way in the backgroun
  10. And that's represented in the map in the VERY FIRST post of this thread. Next time use your eyes... and uses your ears... then use your brain... and you might just avoid looking like a retard for once. Maybe
  11. No they didn't get anything wrong. Baja doesn't mean map. Baja California is a state.. and they have that climate represented on their map. Cry harder... and next time stop asking stupid questions about obvious things... like when someone says Circuit in a racing context.. they mean track... and a peninsula isn't a track. Dipshit
  12. LMAO you're so fucking stupid. Baja doesn't mean peninsula... it's the name of a state... There's nothing wrong with how they used Baja... They used "Baja" because it's represents the circuit of the "Baja California" area of their map. It's not, and was never meant to be a 1:1 creation idiot... they take interesting regions of countries and mash them together to make a fun map.. LMAO this clown BIG upset because he asked a stupid question and got put in his place for being ignorant and dumb as fuck.
  13. Oh my fucking GOD "Biomes" aren't referencing locations... BIOMES are climates.... Ok this is too much for me!! I'm done
  14. He's quoting himself in an attempt to console himself from me making him look stupid LMAO he expected a 1:1 representation. Baja doesn't mean peninsula... Baja California is the name of a state.. and that state is represented in FH5 on the map I so kindly provided in the first post. LOL and he completely ignored the word CIRCUIT which means ROUTE, or TRACK. OBVIOUSLY they were referring to the TRACK that was on screen... and not some peninsula DLC shit
  15. The area which says Baja California, which I already circled earlier in this thread. Again, not my problem you can't parse simple information and asked an idiot question because of it.
  16. Simple yes or no... is Baja California on that map? Yes... it is. You keep going on about the fucking peninsula.. because like I said... you can't parse simple basic information presented to you Oh yea Jehurey... they're REALLY hinting at their DLC map add-on in their FH5 map reveal months before launch Fucking stupid ass. The circuit WAS RIGHT THERE below the hill they were on..
  17. I already CIRCLED Baja California on that map before in this thread... You're LITERALLY IGNORING THE CLEAR INFORMATION POSTED... AND WHAT WAS SAID BY THE DEVS..... bubu iz a peninsula.. they said baja JFC
  18. Jerky can never admit when he's wrong, or said something stupid. He's embarrassing... like his 60hz PC monitor
  19. And they know it too. Not ONE SINGLE PERSON here owns a Switch and PRIMARILY games on it... that's just not possible. Switch is most of the same indie stuff on PC... plus some WiiU re-releases and a couple meaningful new games. All which are easily emulated on PC, and best on PC. It's a worthless system... and the only worth it had... was as a portable. And now Steam Deck made that even irrelevant to enthusiasts.
  20. HOLY FUCK Yes there is logic.... because it refers to the circuit in "Baja California" area of the game... which is on their map like I told you in the beginning... Jesus.. we've come full circle into you being a retard. You're whole retardation comes down to their map... not being geographically 1:1 with the real world Mexico... and you not being able to parse simple information provided to you... hence the retarded question
  21. Well you should be able to buy now with the tiniest bit of effort. I've literally had multiple "in stock" 3090's and 3080ti's in my cart... and was even able to add them and checkout again 30min later just last week. 3070's and Ti's aren't that hard to find either I imagine.
  22. Nah, I'm playing tons of games. And Bloodborne isn't even the most interesting Souls-like game coming to PC... Elden Ring best on PC and Ultrawide edition takes that crown
  23. Yeah, and the guy who's video you posted has a shit CPU... so it's clear why it's not running well for him.
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